440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: September 27, 2010 04:38 PM Monday; Rod Welch

Gerry confirms will meet on weekend on continuing lease St Matthew Pl.


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Real Estate Property Living Quarters Continue Lease 1158 St Matthew

0503 -
0503 -    ..
0504 - Summary/Objective
0505 -
050501 - Follow up ref SDS 16 0000. ref SDS 14 0000.
050502 -
050503 -
050504 -
050505 -
050507 -  ..
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0507 -
0508 - Background
0509 -
050901 - On 100817 Gerry called and offered to continue the current lease
050902 - agreement.  Planned to visit firstr week in October to make
050903 - arrangements on siging a new lease. ref SDS 11 X65H
050905 -  ..
050906 - On 100818 1528 letter notifies Pam, Ron, and Steve about call from
050907 - Jerry with condolences on Millie's death, and that Gerry wants to
050908 - continue current lease agreement a few more years. ref SDS 12 3N9Q
050910 -  ..
050911 - On 100819 0649 letter to Gerry confirms plans to meet the first part
050912 - of October to discuss signing a new lease. ref SDS 13 649V
050914 -  ..
050915 - On 100924, Gerry called and left a message to call him to schedule
050916 - signing a new lease. ref SDS 14 PP8X   Received a letter from Gerry
050917 - asking about meeting to enter a new lease agreement. ref SDS 14 N34I
050918 - Sent a reply to call tomorrow morning. ref SDS 14 O05O
050920 -  ..
050921 - On 100925 called Gerry and discussed meeting next weekend to sign a
050922 - new lease.  Considered ways to meet budget objectives while continuing
050923 - the current lease. ref SDS 16 T69H   Letter to Gerry confirms planning
050924 - to meet next weekend. ref SDS 16 T76Y
050926 -  ..
050927 - On 100927 1638 letter from Gerry confirming plans to meet this weekend
050928 - to discuss continuing the lease at 1158 St Matthew Pl. ref SDS 0 T69H
050929 -
050930 -
050932 -  ..
0510 -
0511 -
0512 - Progress
0513 -
051301 - Letter from Gerry says...
051302 -
051303 -    1.  Subject: Re: Continue Lease Mil's Townhouse
051304 -        Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2010 14:50:02 -0700
051311 -         ..
051312 -    2.  Yes, I will meet up with you this weekend.   I will let you
051313 -        know specifics once I get my kids sports sched this weekend.
051314 -        ...[responding to the letter sent to Gerry with link to the
051315 -        record on discussing continuing the lease at 1158 St Matthew
051316 -        Pl, reported on 100925 0927. ref SDS 16 T76Y...]
051317 -
051318 -            [On 100927 1717 notified Pam that meeting Gerry this
051319 -            weekend on terms for continuing lease. ref SDS 18 M36Q
051320 -
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