440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: September 27, 2010 05:17 PM Monday;
Rod Welch
Pam and the kids are thanked for granting Mil's furnishings.
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Real Estate Property Living Quarters Continue Lease 1158 St Matthew
0503 -
0503 - ..
0504 - Summary/Objective
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050501 - Follow up ref SDS 21 0000.
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050506 - ..
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0508 - Background
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050901 - On 100817 Gerry called and offered to continue the current lease
050902 - agreement. Planned to visit firstr week in October to make
050903 - arrangements on siging a new lease. ref SDS 11 X65H
050905 - ..
050906 - On 100818 1528 letter notifies Pam, Ron, and Steve about call from
050907 - Jerry with condolences on Millie's death, and that Gerry wants to
050908 - continue current lease agreement a few more years. ref SDS 12 3N9Q
050910 - ..
050911 - On 100819 0649 letter to Gerry confirms plans to meet the first part
050912 - of October to discuss signing a new lease. ref SDS 13 649V
050914 - ..
050915 - On 100924, Gerry called and left a message to call him to schedule
050916 - signing a new lease. ref SDS 15 PP8X Received a letter from Gerry
050917 - asking about meeting to enter a new lease agreement. ref SDS 15 N34I
050918 - Sent a reply to call tomorrow morning. ref SDS 15 O05O
050920 - ..
050921 - On 100925 called Gerry and discussed meeting next weekend to sign a
050922 - new lease. Considered ways to meet budget objectives while continuing
050923 - the current lease. ref SDS 17 T69H Letter to Gerry confirms planning
050924 - to meet next weekend. ref SDS 17 T76Y
050926 - ..
050927 - On 100925 1054 letter notifies Pam about discussions and planning with
050928 - Gerry to continue current lease. ref SDS 18 T69H
050930 - ..
050931 - On 100927 0953 letter from Pam reports that rent on Millie's townhouse
050932 - was in the amount of $1,175 per month the past year or so. ref SDS 19
050933 - T69H
050935 - ..
050936 - On 100927 1040 letter to Pam asks if the kids will remove all of the
050937 - furniture at 1158 St Matthew Pl in the event of staying, or will this
050938 - remain so there is a viable household, if reasonable rental agreement
050939 - can be reached with the landlord, Gerry. ref SDS 20 T69H
050941 - ..
050942 - On 100927 1651 letter from Pam asks about meeting at the Vet to
050943 - examine Sasha. ref SDS 21 T69H
050945 - ..
050946 - On 100927 1717 letter to Pam reports Sasha had a good examination, and
050947 - will wait for results of blood test. ref SDS 0 T69H Copy to the kids,
050948 - thanks Millie's family for giving furnishings in Millie's townhouse at
050949 - 1158 St Matthew Pl to maintain a viable household if lease is
050950 - continued. ref SDS 0 M35X
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050955 - ..
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0512 - Progress
0513 -
051301 - Letter to Pam says...
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051303 - 1. Subject: Re: Continue Lease Mil's Townhouse
051304 - Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2010 17:32:38 -0700
051316 - ..
051317 - 2. Sasha had a good examination today. Her weight has stabilized,
051318 - and she is very frisky. The only issue is throwing up. The
051319 - doctor suggested experimenting with her food, which aligns with
051320 - your comments earlier. Your right about her being expensive -
051321 - $180 today. Hoping the doctor can submit results, and won't
051322 - want another meeting for another $200, but we'll see.
051324 - ..
051325 - 3. Thanks for explaining disposition of furniture and stuff. Your
051326 - letter today facilitates planning. As I said, at any time, any
051327 - of you kids are welcome to anything. It is nice to know that
051328 - going forward the household can be generally held in tact and
051329 - operational, if the numbers can be worked out on monthly costs.
051331 - ..
051332 - 4. Got a letter from Gerry confirming he will come by this weekend
051333 - with a new lease form. Didn't say what he proposes.
051335 - ..
051336 - 5. Think I mentioned that Lilly suggested weeks ago I consider
051337 - renting a room to someone here to make ends meet. This was not
051338 - emotionally satisfying. At your suggestion, last week I
051339 - investigated renting a room from other folks. Whether I go
051340 - somewhere else, or someone comes here may not be a material
051341 - difference. Even if Gerry comes down to $800 per month, which
051342 - I doubt, there is still a delta to make up. So, if someone
051343 - comes in and pays $500 or so, that makes cash flow closer to
051344 - reality.
051346 - ..
051347 - 6. My feeling is that renting a room to someone living in close
051348 - proximity has a lot of problems. If I rent and the situation
051349 - turns odd, I can leave. If someone rents here, it can be messy
051350 - getting them to leave; so I'm reluctant to do it, but may have
051351 - no choice.
051353 - ..
051354 - 7. So, you'll know, I have a backup rental available, if Gerry and
051355 - I cannot agree. Hoping we don't need it, so we don't have a
051356 - huge job of relocating. Then there is Sasha - right now there
051357 - are not a lot of options for her if I have to move. Finally,
051358 - Comcast has worked out well. So, there are pluses and minuses
051359 - on both sides of the equation.
051361 - ..
051362 - 8. In any case, I am grateful to all of you for kindness,
051363 - consideration and assistance helping me get re-oriented without
051364 - your mom.
051366 - ..
051367 - 9. Arlette wrote today, saying Doctor Johnson is still going
051368 - around like a "chicken with his head cut-off." He misses all
051369 - the email on Mil's care. She asked if I am suffering
051370 - withdrawals not writing them - all in good fun. Told her that
051371 - you have kept me hopping, so I'm doing okay. Don't know if I
051372 - mentioned, had a discussion on health care quality and
051373 - productivity, dear to your mom's heart, with a VA doctor on the
051374 - flight home from JFK a few weeks ago. ref SDS 14 W39G
051376 - ..
051377 - 10. I'm sure Steve and Lilly are focusing on these issues with
051378 - Mat's continued medical ills.
051380 - ..
051381 - 11. Hope you had a good day in Wine country!!
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