440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: August 17, 2010 08:43 PM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Gerard Fernandez called on terms lease 1158 St Matthew Pl in Concord.


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Real Estate Property Living Quarters Continue Lease 1158 St Matthew

0503 -
0503 -    ..
0504 - Summary/Objective
0505 -
050501 - Follow up ref SDS 8 0000. ref SDS 7 0000.
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050507 -  ..
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0508 - Progress
0509 -
050901 - Gerry returned call from yesterday on 100816 1328. ref SDS 8 X65H
050902 - responding to the message about continuing Millie's lease, per letter
050903 - the day before on 100815 1557. ref SDS 7 X65H
050905 -  ..
050906 - Gerry offered condolences on Millie's passing.  He appreciated very
050907 - much memorial services held at Ron and Kim's home in Clayton, reported
050908 - on 100807 1300. ref SDS 3 RJ5H  He was in New York attending a funeral
050909 - for a family member, who also died of cancer, and so he could not
050910 - attend services for Millie.  Gerry also received Millie's memoriam on
050911 - 100731 2221. ref SDS 2 RJ5H  He said Millie was a wonderful tennant,
050912 - being proactive making improvements and sharing costs.  He joked about
050913 - getting calls from other tennatns to replace windows, carpets, even
050914 - light bulbs, but Millie was never a problem of any kind.  Gerry
050915 - admired Millie for her courage and unusual stamina having a life worth
050916 - living even with cancer for so many years.  He mentioned having
050917 - numerous friends and acquaintences who got cancer and died in the 9
050918 - years of Millie's care.
050920 -  ..
050921 - Thanked Gerry for generous condolences, and will let her family know.
050923 -  ..
050924 - Gerry was aware from talking to Pam that Millie arranged for rent
050925 - payments through October.  He would like to continue the current lease
050926 - for another year or 2.  Gerry said that ending the lease now would be
050927 - a big hardship for him.
050928 -
050929 -            [On 100818 1528 letter notifies Pam, Ron, and Steve about
050930 -            call from Jerry with condolences on Millie's death, and
050931 -            that Gerry wants to continue current lease agreement a few
050932 -            more years. ref SDS 9 3N9Q
050934 -  ..
050935 - Explained that continuing in the apartment is only 1 option being
050936 - considered.  After a few weeks away beginning in September, will have
050937 - a better sense of the future.
050939 -  ..
050940 - Gerry proposed meeting the first week in October to sign a new lease
050941 - agreement with the same terms.
050942 -
050943 -            [On 100819 0649 letter to Gerry confirms plans to meet the
050944 -            first part of October to discuss signing a new lease.
050945 -            ref SDS 10 649V
050947 -  ..
050948 - Thanked Gerry for his consideration on extending the lease.
050949 -
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