440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: June 11, 2010 03:21 PM Friday; Rod Welch

Called Jennifer to review Kaiser's determination on Millie's claim.


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0403 -
0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 51 0000. ref SDS 48 0000.
040502 -
040503 -
040504 -
040506 -  ..
0406 -
0407 -
0408 - Background
0409 -
040901 - On 010427 0830 meeting at Kaiser - Doctor Johnson notes Millie looks
040902 - so good nobody can believe she has such severe cancer, ref SDS 17
040903 - OJ6I; the doctor explained again Millie's cancer has mutated through
040904 - 11 relapses to resist chemotherapy.  The doctor advised that Kaiser
040905 - has a new strategy prescribing therapy that is effective for treating
040906 - cancer as a chronic disease by "targeting" the genetic profile of
040907 - cancer that has mutated in patients, like Millie, to resist
040908 - chemotherapy. ref SDS 17 SJ6N
040910 -  ..
040911 - On 100501 1037 Millie letter to medical team confirms understanding of
040912 - new strategy to treat Millie's cancer with targeted therapy.
040913 - ref SDS 18 F25O
040915 -  ..
040916 - On 100501 2017 Doctor Rugo reports plans to collaborate with Doctor
040917 - Johnson at Kaiser on work plan for Millie to recover from 11th relapse
040918 - of cancer caused by UCSF medical mistakes. ref SDS 19 HH4I
040920 -  ..
040921 - On 100502 2143 Kaiser confirms that some patients respond well to new
040922 - "targeted" therapies. ref SDS 20 YX8L  Kaiser contends that all of the
040923 - strategies for "targeted" therapies have been executed for Millie,
040924 - which seems conflicting with the record in this case. ref SDS 20 MZ4N
040926 -  ..
040927 - On 100503 1522 Millie notifies medical team that time of the essence
040928 - to get the next treatment going. ref SDS 21 TD5W
040930 -  ..
040931 - On 100503 1945 Kaiser notifies Millie to get remaining 2 treatments
040932 - with Abraxane chemotherapy that seems to be failing, and then after 3
040933 - more weeks without treatment, following a trip abroad, the doctor will
040934 - discuss "next steps." ref SDS 22 YL5N
040936 -  ..
040937 - On 100503 2338 Millie reports to medical team that she will implement
040938 - Kaiser's guidance to delay changing treatments, and takes Kaiser's
040939 - letter on 010503, as assurance that recovery will be equal to changing
040940 - treatment immediately on 100505. ref SDS 23 6X7S
040942 -  ..
040943 - On 100504 1609 Sara, Practice Manager for the UCSF Oncology Breast
040944 - Care Clinic, called and notified Millie that Doctor Rugo will soon
040945 - communicate with Doctor Johnson, or had already done so, to coordinate
040946 - with Kaiser on planning Millie's next treatment to recover from the
040947 - 11th relapse of cancer. ref SDS 24 NT5N
040949 -  ..
040950 - On 010505 0730 Millie received the 2nd treatment at Kaiser for the 3rd
040951 - cycle of Abraxane chemotherapy, as ordered by Doctor Johnson.
040952 - ref SDS 25 KE4K
040954 -  ..
040955 - On 100511 0900 cancer marker CA 15-3 520 increased another 100 points,
040956 - seemingly on an accelerating rise, which threatens to cascade out of
040957 - control, because Abraxane chemotherapy is not effective. ref SDS 26
040958 - L54I
040960 -  ..
040961 - On 100512 0730 Millie received 3rd treatment for 3rd cycle of
040962 - Abraxane. ref SDS 27 KE4K
040964 -  ..
040965 - On 100515 1415 Millie departed 2-week trip to Europe. ref SDS 28 PK9O
040967 -  ..
040968 - On 100527 0217 Millie files claim with Kaiser Claims Resolution
040969 - Department for standard of care to recover from 11th relapse of cancer
040970 - caused by medical mistakes getting radiation treatments at UCSF on
040971 - referral from Kaiser. ref SDS 29 IZ7N
040973 -  ..
040974 - On 100528 0322 Millie requests support from Medicare to separate
040975 - recovery for medical mistakes getting radiation from UCSF, from health
040976 - care benefits limited by Medicare insurance coverage. ref SDS 30 QQ6N
040978 -  ..
040979 - On 100528 1031 called Medicare they have formed a team to review
040980 - Millie's case, and contacted Kaiser's Claims Resolution Department for
040981 - response to Millie's claim. ref SDS 31 4W5F
040983 -  ..
040984 - 100601 0830 Doctor Johnson reported that Kaiser has not had time to
040985 - collaborate with UCSF on treatment for Millie to recover from UCSF
040986 - medical mistakes.  He discussed treating Millie with MPA, but this was
040987 - not prescribed because Millie was treated with MPA in 2009, and UCSF
040988 - ended the treatment due to fears about blood clot side effects, which
040989 - were believed to cause breathing problems Millie had, though later
040990 - breathing problems were discovered to be caused by defective radiation
040991 - treatment.  Since Doctor Johnson said Kaiser has no more treatments
040992 - for Millie, the only way Millie can get relief from pain caused by
040993 - cancer that is progressing without treatment is get treatment in
040994 - Hospice.  Since Hospice is the only choice of care offered today,
040995 - Millie accepted this.
040997 -  ..
040998 - On 100601 1531 Sharon called to schedule starting Hospice medical
040999 - services beginning tomorrow between 0900 - 1000. ref SDS 18 036C
041001 -  ..
041002 - On 100602 0913 Liz provides orientation on Hospice care; she confirms
041003 - Sharon's report yesterday, that if Kaiser performs on the insurance
041004 - agreement to provide standard of care for Millie's patient profile,
041005 - than Millie can elect to recover from 11th relapse of cancer, rather
041006 - than continue with Hospice support for dying peacefully. ref SDS 19
041007 - 036C
041009 -  ..
041010 - On 100602 1046 Diane received notice from Medicare to file claim for
041011 - Millie to get treatment for recovering from UCSF medical mistakes; she
041012 - is preparing a statement of claim. ref SDS 36 036C  Advised Diane to
041013 - use Millie's statement of claim submitted to Kaiser on 100527.
041014 - ref SDS 36 MZ5H  Eileen called later and reported that Kaiser denied
041015 - Millie's claim on the grounds that Medicare does not authorize payment
041016 - for treatment to recover from cancer, after a patient starts Hospice.
041017 - ref SDS 36 UN4M  Requested that Eileen read he claim and then make a
041018 - good faith determiantion. ref SDS 36 I33H  Eileen called back after
041019 - reading the claim and advised the denial of claim has been withdrawn,
041020 - and the matter is referred to Claims Resolution Department.
041021 - ref SDS 36 UN5P
041023 -  ..
041024 - On 100603 0449 Millie notified medical team that Kaiser called today
041025 - about moving forward to resolve medical mistakes getting radiation
041026 - treatment at UCSF on referral from Kaiser. ref SDS 37 IX9Q
041028 -  ..
041029 - On 100606 1604 Doctor Johnson notifies Millie that her cancer marker
041030 - has remained fairly stable the past 3 weeks since ending treatment
041031 - with Abraxane on 100512; actually went up less without Abraxane, than
041032 - with it, because Millie's cancer resists chemotherapy. ref SDS 38 036C
041034 -  ..
041035 - On 100606 1638 Millie thanks Doctor Johnson for submitting good news
041036 - cancer marker CA 15-3 606 much smaller rise than exptected after
041037 - ending treatment for 3 weeks. ref SDS 39 036C; asks if Doctor Rugo ever
041038 - returned Doctor Johnson's call from Kaiser, as planned in Doctor
041039 - Rugo's letter on 100501?
041041 -  ..
041042 - On 100606 2317 Millie receives letter from Doctor Johnson reporting
041043 - that Doctor Rugo has never returned his call asking UCSF for Millie's
041044 - treatment plan, which demonstrates failure to perform on Doctor Rugo's
041045 - commitment in UCSF letter sent to the medical team on 100501.
041046 - ref SDS 40 036C
041048 -  ..
041049 - On 100607 0932 called Cherry at Medicare about progress on contacting
041050 - Kaiser to process Millie's claim filed on 100527, and planned in the
041051 - call with Medicare (Cherry and Beth) as action item #8, planned the
041052 - next day on 100528 1031, ref SDS 31 PE6P; today, Cherry did not have
041053 - time to return the call. ref SDS 41 036C
041055 -  ..
041056 - On 100607 1021 called Paula at Kaiser - she said someone else is
041057 - handling Millie's claim, because the claim has not been denied, and
041058 - Paula only handles denied claims. ref SDS 42 036C; Paula further
041059 - reported that Kaiser no longer objects to demaning UCSF correct
041060 - medical mistakes, so Millie's claim should be easy to resolve.
041061 - ref SDS 42 QN9F
041063 -  ..
041064 - On 100607 1117 letter to Paula confirming Kaiser's work plan to
041065 - process Millie's claim for care promptly in order to save her life.
041066 - ref SDS 43 036C
041068 -  ..
041069 - On 100608 1521 called and talked to Cherry and Beth about expediting
041070 - Millie's claim at Kaiser. ref SDS 44 036C  Developed work plan to have
041071 - a conference call with Kaiser tomorrow. ref SDS 44 C354  Submitted
041072 - letter to Kasier and CMS Medicare confirming work plan for tomorrow.
041073 - ref SDS 44 G84Q
041075 -  ..
041076 - On 100609 1114 called CMS to expedite conference call on expediting
041077 - Millie's care. ref SDS 45 036C  Cherry called and schedule telecon with
041078 - Kaiesr and CMS today 1300. ref SDS 45 8O4H  Received letter from Cherry
041079 - at CMS confirming work plan for conference call at 1300. ref SDS 45
041080 - PRXY
041082 -  ..
041083 - On 100609 1232 letter to CMS and Kaiser submitts agenda for conference
041084 - call to review progress on Kaiser resolving Millie's claim for
041085 - recovery from UCSF medical mistakes. ref SDS 46 036C
041087 -  ..
041088 - On 100609 1300 CMS and Kaiser conference call to report progress on
041089 - reviewing Millie's claim for treatment to recover from UCSF medical
041090 - mistakes in time to be effective. ref SDS 47 036C
041092 -  ..
041093 - On 100609 1522 Jennifer called for assistance processing Millie's
041094 - claim to recover from medical mistakes getting radiation treatment at
041095 - UCSF on referral from Kaiser. ref SDS 48 036C
041097 -  ..
041098 - On 100611 1451 Jennifer advised Kaiser extended the date for
041099 - responding to Millie's claim from 100610 to 100624, based on Millie
041100 - filing updated statement of authorized representative. ref SDS 0 036C
041101 - Jennifer reported she reviewed 6-issues discussed on 100609, and will
041102 - address these issues responding to Millie's claim. ref SDS 0 FQ4G
041103 - Jennifer asked how Kaiser can treat Millie to recover from UCSF
041104 - medical mistakes, if Millie refuses chemotherapy and has entered
041105 - Hospice. ref SDS 0 FQ4M
041106 -
041107 -
041108 -
041110 -  ..
0412 -
0413 -
0414 - Progress
0415 -
041501 - Asked Jennifer about Kaiser's determination yesterday on Millie's
041502 - claim, required by Medicare regulations, as represented by Irene at
041503 - Kaiser in the call on 100609 1300? ref SDS 47 6F64
041505 -  ..
041506 - Jennifer said she received Millie's letter yesterday on 100610 0352,
041507 - ref SDS 49 036C, and which submitted the record of the telecon with
041508 - Kaiser and CMS on 100609 1300, ref SDS 47 036C, and later with
041509 - Jennifer also on 100609 1522. ref SDS 48 036C
041511 -  ..
041512 - Jennifer feels the SDS record received by Kaiser accurately presents
041513 - these communications on 100609, and explains actions Kaiser is taking
041514 - in response to Millie's claim filed on 100527.  This follows up
041515 - Jennifer's report on 100609, that the record of Millie's patient
041516 - history is well organized, and this makes case resolution faster and
041517 - easier than for other cases Kaiser processes. ref SDS 48 XL76
041518 -
041519 -            [On 100624 1616 Jennifer reported that she has enjoyed
041520 -            working on Millie's claim, because finding critical details
041521 -            is fast and easy. ref SDS 57 EG95
041523 -  ..
041524 - Jennifer received from Kaiser's Park Shadelands Member Services office
041525 - a copy of Millie's updated Statement of Authorized Representative,
041526 - sent via fax yesterday on 100610 0930. ref SDS 50 S07R, and responding
041527 - to Jennifer's letter requesting this action, reported on 100609 1522.
041528 - ref SDS 48 TV6V
041530 -  ..
041531 - Jennifer advised during the call this afternoon that somehow, Kaiser's
041532 - required date for responding on 100610, to Millie's claim filed on
041533 - 100527, as related by Irene, at Kaiser on 100609 1300. ref SDS 47
041534 - 6F64, and also by Julie at CMS, ref SDS 47 6G32, has been extended
041535 - another 14 days from 100610, based on Millie filing an updated
041536 - statement of Authorized Representative on 100610 0930. ref SDS 50 6I7M
041537 - As a result, Kaiser did not determine Millie's claim on 100610.
041539 -             ..
041540 -            [On 100611 2326 Millie receives Jennifer's letter
041541 -            confirming that she got the response date extended from
041542 -            100610 to 100624. ref SDS 52 CV4O
041544 -  ..
041545 - Jennifer advised that Doctor Johnson has not had time to return calls
041546 - from the Case Resolution Department to discuss Millie's request for
041547 - life-saving treatment made in her claim filed on 100527 0217.
041548 - ref SDS 29 IZ7N  On 100609, Jennifer planned to call the doctor again
041549 - to discuss how to provide treatment in time to be effective for
041550 - Millie. ref SDS 48 XM42
041551 -
041552 -            [On 100702 1612 Lois, Kaiser Ombudsman reported telecon
041553 -            with Doctor Johnson advising he checked the Internet and
041554 -            could not find provider with protocol that fit Millie's
041555 -            patiient profile. ref SDS 59 346L
041557 -             ..
041558 -            [On 100722 1328 Paula reported that Doctor Johnson has not
041559 -            had time to return calls from Case Resolution Department on
041560 -            resolving Millie's request for care in time to be effective
041561 -            recovering from UCSF medical mistakes. ref SDS 60 036C
041563 -  ..
041564 - Jennifer advised that the record of telecon on 100609, ref SDS 48
041565 - XK50, provides a comprehensive list of 6-issues for Kaiser to
041566 - determine responding to Millie's claim on 100527 0217. ref SDS 29 IZ7N
041567 -
041568 -            [On 100611 2326 Millie received Jennifer's letter
041569 -            confirming that Kaiser will respond, ref SDS 52 036C, to
041570 -            6-issues listed in the record of telecon on 100609,
041571 -            ref SDS 48 XK50, and transmitted to the Kaiser and CMS
041572 -            claim teams, and to Doctor Johnson and Doctor Rugo in
041573 -            Millie's letter on 100610. ref SDS 49 DZ4X
041575 -  ..
041576 - Jennifer asked if Millie is willing to end Hospice and resume
041577 - chemotherapy in order to recover from UCSF medical mistakes.  She
041578 - talked to Millie on 100609, to get the cell phone number for calling
041579 - Rod at Lafayette Reservoir. ref SDS 48 036C  In that call with
041580 - Jennifer, Millie said she would not end Hospice to get more
041581 - chemotherapy.
041583 -  ..
041584 - Jennifer asked today, how Kaiser can help Millie recover from UCSF
041585 - medical mistakes that caused her cancer to spread, if Millie has
041586 - already chosen hospice?
041587 -
041588 -        [On 100622 1511 Jennifer reports Millie's medical refuses to
041589 -        provide standard of care for Millie to recover from UCSF
041590 -        medical mistakes, because Millie was forced to enter Hospice on
041591 -        100601, to obtain relief from pain and suffering caused by UCSF
041592 -        medical mistakes. ref SDS 56 575R
041594 -         ..
041595 -        [On 100624 1616 Jennifer called to request another few days
041596 -        delay issuing Kaiser's response to Millie's claim
041597 -        originally due on 100610, and in order from internal
041598 -        review; she will submit a draft, and call on Friday discuss
041599 -        the proposed response with the customer in order for Kaiser
041600 -        to provide a comprehensive solution. ref SDS 57 LE4G
041602 -  ..
041603 - On 100601, Millie was given a Hobson's choice of Hospice or nothing to
041604 - relieve pain and suffering from chemotherapy side effects, and
041605 - advancing cancer caused by UCSF medical mistakes, and a year of
041606 - chemotherapy which was known to be ineffective for Millie's cancer
041607 - that has mutated through 11 relapses to resist chemotherapy.  Millie
041608 - requests standard of care comparing evidence of trade-offs on results
041609 - and costs in terms of suffering, time, and money for 21 treatments
041610 - necessary and reasonably "targeted" for Millie to recover from medical
041611 - mistakes.  Only when presented with real choices can Millie be justly
041612 - credited with making an actual choice.
041614 -  ..
041615 - Due process for medical standard of care conveys the "right to choose"
041616 - life or death, based on evidence showing viability of alternatives,
041617 - and as discussed for Millie, with Jennifer on 100609. ref SDS 48 XL3W
041618 - Patients may choose to ignore evidence, but providers may not withhold
041619 - it.  Otherwise, entering Hospice becomes a "death panel" of one, based
041620 - on theatrical skills that leads to mischief cutting corners to save
041621 - money.
041622 -
041623 -        [On 100614 0257 Millie's letter to claim team confirmed
041624 -        discussion today on Millie's right to choose Hospice based on
041625 -        evidence of alternatives. ref SDS 53 SR8Y
041627 -         ..
041628 -        [On 100614 0257 letter to Kaiser notes Millie has requested for
041629 -        a year "targeted" treatment in time to be effective,
041630 -        ref SDS 53 SR7Q, Kaiser and UCSF provided chemotherapy that is
041631 -        ineffective for Millie's mutated cancer, and tortures the
041632 -        patient to choose death in order to avoid pain and suffering
041633 -        caused by chemotherapy, and for the purpose of UCSF and Kaiser
041634 -        avoiding the cost of necessary and reasonable care for Millie
041635 -        to recover from UCSF medical mistakes, indicating either sloth,
041636 -        neglect, and indiffernece, or criminal conspiracy. ref SDS 53
041637 -        IN8J
041639 -         ..
041640 -        [On 100616 0832 Jennifer did not have time to call on
041641 -        Tuesday, 100615; telecon the next day on 100616, indicated
041642 -        Jennifer made progress on Millie's compensation issue to be
041643 -        held harmless from UCSF medical mistakes, but she has been
041644 -        unable to schedule treatment for Millie; she scheduled to
041645 -        call on Friday, 100618, to report progress on Kaiser
041646 -        prescribing treatment for Millie. ref SDS 54 PSSV
041648 -         ..
041649 -        [On 100618 0843 Jennifer did not call on Friday, and did
041650 -        not return call asking about progress getting Millie a
041651 -        prescription. ref SDS 55 036C
041653 -         ..
041654 -        [On 100702 1612 Lois, Kaiser Ombudsman reported telecon with
041655 -        Doctor Johnson advising he checked the Internet and could not
041656 -        find providers for PARP with protocol that fits Millie's
041657 -        complex patiient profile, nor did Kaiser offer financial
041658 -        incentives for providers to adjust PARP protocols to fit
041659 -        Millie's patient profile; and, since Doctor Johnson could not
041660 -        communicate with UCSF by telephone nor by email for a month to
041661 -        implement UCSF's substantial financial incentive to fit
041662 -        treatment protocol to Millie's patient profile, therefore, on
041663 -        100601, Kaiser offered Millie only  a Hobson's choice of pain
041664 -        and suffering and death, or Hospice medication to avoid pain
041665 -        and suffering until death; Millie was not offered a choice to
041666 -        exercise her right of due process for determining life and
041667 -        death questions. ref SDS 59 346L
041669 -  ..
041670 - Millie's claim expressly rejects treatment with chemotherapy, reported
041671 - on 100527 0217. ref SDS 29 X592, and further saying death (i.e.,
041672 - choosing Hospice) brings relief from chemotherapy, ref SDS 29 X65W,
041673 - because Doctor Johnson diagnosed Millie's cancer has mutated to resist
041674 - chemotherapy, see case study on 090213 1140. ref SDS 4 PT3N  Kaiser's
041675 - pharmacist, Brad, reported that chemotherapy presents extreme risks of
041676 - fatal infection and so conflicts with standard of care for Millie's
041677 - patient profile, reported on 090601 0818. ref SDS 6 FR8L  Later, on
041678 - 100104, Millie contracted severe infection from shingles, as earlier
041679 - warned by Brad.  At that time on 100104, Doctor Zhang in Adult Care at
041680 - Kaiser Walnut Creek, asked why Millie was given chemotherapy for her
041681 - patient profile? ref SDS 14 PS49
041683 -  ..
041684 - Similarly, Zan, the manager of the Kaiser Oncology Pharmacy in Walnut
041685 - Creek, called and warned that Millie getting more chemotherapy with
041686 - Abraxane would not be effective to recover from UCSF medical mistakes
041687 - that spread her cancer, and would present risks of fatal infection,
041688 - reported on 100219. ref SDS 16 ER95  As with Gemzar, a few months
041689 - after starting Abraxane, Doctor Johnson diagnosed phlebitis, a fatal
041690 - infection that causes blood clots, especially harmful to Millie being
041691 - treated for pulmonary embolism, reported on 100601. ref SDS 33 OP4G
041693 -  ..
041694 - Since chemotherapy is not effective and causes fatal infection, pain
041695 - and suffering more severe for Millie in her 11th relapse, Millie
041696 - refuses chemotherapy as conflicting with standard of care for her
041697 - patient profile.
041699 -  ..
041700 - On 100427, Doctor Johnson repeated prior advice that standard of care
041701 - for Millie's patient profile that resists chemotherapy, and is highly
041702 - susceptible to fatal infection, requires a strategy of treatment
041703 - "targeted" to the genetic profile of cancer cells, and so does not
041704 - cause pain and suffering, nor lower blood counts, thus avoiding risk
041705 - of infection, commonly caused by chemotherapy. ref SDS 17 SJ6N
041707 -  ..
041708 - On 100501, Doctor Rugo at UCSF reported to the medical team that she
041709 - would speak to Doctor Johnson about treatment for Millie, ref SDS 19
041710 - 456L, which UCSF and Kaiser planned on 090616, would be PARP.
041711 - ref SDS 8 KD6L
041713 -  ..
041714 - On 100601, Millie sent a letter to the medical team, including Doctor
041715 - Johnson at Kaiser, and Doctor Rugo, transmitting the agenda for
041716 - meeting with Doctor Johnson at Kaiser, and requesting standard of care
041717 - for her patient profile that requires treatment targeted to cancer
041718 - cells, and noted UCSF and Kaiser had agreed PARP would be the next
041719 - treatment for Millie to recover from UCSF medical mistakes.
041720 - ref SDS 32 1P6U
041722 -  ..
041723 - Doctor Johnson advised on 100601, that he could not prescribe standard
041724 - of care for Millie's patient profile, with treatment "targeted" to
041725 - cancer cells, and which do not cause harmful side effects of
041726 - chemotherapy, because he could not communicate with Doctor Rugo with
041727 - email nor by telephone for an entire month. ref SDS 33 P59L
041728 -
041729 -        [On 100614 0257 Millie's letter to claim team confirmed
041730 -        discussion today on Millie's right to choose Hospice based on
041731 -        evidence of alternatives. ref SDS 53 SR8Y
041733 -  ..
041734 - On 100601, Doctor Johnson further advised that he could provide relief
041735 - for pain and suffering accumulating from a year of chemotherapy that
041736 - had been torturing Millie with side effects, and from rising cancer
041737 - caused by UCSF medical mistakes and for which chemotherapy is resisted
041738 - by Millie's cancer, only by Millie entering Hospice. ref SDS 33 4G6G
041740 -  ..
041741 - On 100601, presented with a Hobson's choice of only one option.
041742 - Millie was forced to enter Hospice for pain relief from expanding
041743 - cancer caused by UCSF medical mistakes. ref SDS 33 4H3K
041745 -  ..
041746 - Like Hospice on 100601, UCSF and Kaiser have consistently violated the
041747 - core of evidence-based medical practice that places a fiduciary duty
041748 - on the doctor to present trade-offs comparing treatments on benefits
041749 - and costs in terms of pain and suffering, time, and money, reported in
041750 - the record submitted to the medical team on 090725 2017. ref SDS 10
041751 - T58U  Case study at that time on 090725, shows Millie has requested
041752 - standard of care 24 times in the past year. ref SDS 10 X66O
041753 -
041754 -        [On 100614 0257 Millie's letter to claim team confirmed
041755 -        discussion today on Millie's right to choose Hospice based on
041756 -        evidence of alternatives. ref SDS 53 SR8Y
041758 -  ..
041759 - Initially, UCSF reported Kaiser and UCSF agreed in a letter to provide
041760 - standard of care with 21 targeted treatments listed in Millie's claim
041761 - on 100527, ref SDS 29 X766, beginning first with MPA and then next
041762 - with PARP, reported on 090616 1245. ref SDS 8 KD6L
041764 -  ..
041765 - Thereafter, and beginning on 090716, UCSF and Kaiser failed to provide
041766 - standard of care, at no time presenting trade-offs comparing targeted
041767 - treatments for results and costs that offer Millie a substantive
041768 - choice between treatment and death.  In every case, Millie has been
041769 - presented with a "choice" of chemotherapy with pain and suffering, and
041770 - no theraputic benefits, or die.
041772 -  ..
041773 - Kaiser and UCSF have known at all times that chemotherapy for Millie's
041774 - patient profile provides only agonizing pain and suffering, and so
041775 - necessarily drives the patient to seek relief through death.
041777 -  ..
041778 - The only evident benefit for failure to provide standard of care is
041779 - money -- UCSF avoids necessary and reasonable cost for Millie to
041780 - recover from medical mistakes by limiting care to Medicare benefits
041781 - that pay for chemotherapy, which tortures Millie to death.
041783 -  ..
041784 - Thus, like Gemzar, Navelbine, and Abraxane, Millie did not "choose"
041785 - Hospice.  It was all that was offered.
041787 -  ..
041788 - Millie therefore requests the right to due process with actual
041789 - choices, set out in her claim on 100527 0217. ref SDS 29 X560  It
041790 - seems axiomatic that the "right to choose" for an unborn child, should
041791 - lie equally for a patient to choose life or death, based on competent
041792 - evidence required by due process, as set out in the claim. ref SDS 29
041793 - X655
041795 -  ..
041796 - Allowing life and death decisions to rest on only the avoidance of
041797 - pain without a showing of evidnece on treatment options places
041798 - standard of care on a slippery slope to sloth, neglect, and
041799 - indifference.
041801 -  ..
041802 - Jennifer will send a letter confirming Kaiser's work plan to extend
041803 - review another 14 days, and that issues for determining Millie's claim
041804 - are as listed in the record of telecon on 100609. ref SDS 48 XK50
041805 -
041806 -            [On 100611 2326 Millie receives Jennifer's letter
041807 -            confirming that she got the response date extended from
041808 -            100610 to 100624. ref SDS 52 CV4O
041810 -             ..
041811 -            [On 100614 0257 Millie's letter to claim team confirmed
041812 -            discussion today on Millie's right to choose Hospice based
041813 -            on evidence of alternatives. ref SDS 53 SR8Y
041815 -             ..
041816 -            [On 100616 0832 Jennifer did not have time to call on
041817 -            Tuesday, 100615; telecon the next day on 100616, indicated
041818 -            Jennifer made progress on Millie's compensation issue to be
041819 -            held harmless from UCSF medical mistakes, but she has been
041820 -            unable to schedule treatment for Millie; she scheduled to
041821 -            call on Friday, 100618, to report progress on Kaiser
041822 -            prescribing treatment for Millie. ref SDS 54 PSSV
041824 -             ..
041825 -            [On 100618 0843 Jennifer did not call on Friday, and did
041826 -            not return call asking about progress getting Millie a
041827 -            prescription. ref SDS 55 036C
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