440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: February 4, 2010 05:23 PM Thursday; Rod Welch

Millie responds to grandaughter Stephanie's birthday letter.


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Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

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0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
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040501 - Follow up ref SDS 15 0000. ref SDS 12 0000.
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0408 - Progress
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040901 - On 090630 1237 Millie sent a letter thanking Kim for sharing with
040902 - family and friends an inspirational movie clip, ref SDS 7 IY5H; and,
040903 - Millie explained difficulties the past 6-months getting medical
040904 - services to treat "Stage V" cancer as a "chronic disease." ref SDS 7
040905 - 349Q  Millie suggested that Kim share with family and friends this
040906 - extraordinary record for inspiration and guidance on leadership
040907 - overcoming resistance to using good management for accomplishing
040908 - complex, difficult tasks. ref SDS 7 356S
040910 -  ..
040911 - On 090701 0720 Kim's letter dated 090630 cites Millie's strength and
040912 - courage enduring the ravages of cancer, that inspires using good
040913 - management to cope with complex problems obtaining medical services in
040914 - time to be effective, ref SDS 8 IY5H, rather than give up and accept
040915 - the doctor's proposal on 090213 for Millie, who is ECOG performance
040916 - score 0 patient, to enter Hospice and die, ref SDS 8 4Q7M  Kim
040917 - appreciates Millie's thanks for sending an inspirational movie clip on
040918 - the Internet, and for encouraging Millie to continue helping the
040919 - medical team provide effective case management. ref SDS 8 WV8P
040921 -  ..
040922 - On 090706 1447 Millie received a letter from Ross encouraging Millie's
040923 - competitive drive that has been a "winner" helping Kaiser and UCSF
040924 - overcome resistance to performing case management to treat Millie's
040925 - "stage V" cancer as a chronic disease, ref SDS 9 IY5H; Ross invites
040926 - Millie to visit on a trip she is planning with Marilyn in September;
040927 - he also provides an update on Hutch and Stu making their way in the
040928 - world.
040930 -  ..
040931 - On 100121 2010 Millie sent a letter to family members thanking Kim and
040932 - Ron for hosting Christmas dinner, ref SDS 14 BR7W, and providing a
040933 - link to pictures from the Chirstmas day gathering. ref SDS 14 BR4M
040935 -  ..
040936 - On 100123 1600 Kim hosted a dinner party for Millie's 74th birthday,
040937 - ref SDS 15 WV5H  Stephanie attended, coming up from San Diego, and
040938 - gave Millie a handwritten letter for her birthday. ref SDS 15 L057
040940 -  ..
040941 - On 100204 1723 Millie sent a letter responding to Stephanie's letter,
040942 - and saying...
040943 -
040944 -    1.  Subject: Birthday Letter Thanks Very Much
040945 -        Date: Thu, 04 Feb 2010 18:18:22 -0800
040952 -         ..
040953 -    2.  A letter dated January 31, thanks the family for my 74th
040954 -        birthday party, held at Pam's on January 23rd.  There is a link
040955 -        to pictures from the party. ref SDS 16 WV5H
040957 -         ..
040958 -    3.  I loved your birthday letter [reported on 100123 1600.
040959 -        ref SDS 15 L057].  Your comments about bravery and inspiration
040960 -        touched my heart, ref SDS 15 RR57, [and reflected the letter
040961 -        Millie received from Kim, Stephanie's mom, on 090701 0720.
040962 -        ref SDS 8 IY5H], because I hope very much for my children and
040963 -        grandchildren to engage life with persistence, ingenuity,
040964 -        courage and dignity.
040966 -         ..
040967 -    4.  I sent a letter last June thanking your mom, and really
040968 -        everyone in the family, for encouragement helping me through a
040969 -        bad patch.  Kaiser and UCSF just had a lot of problems
040970 -        providing treatment in time to be effective [reported on 090630
040971 -        1237. ref SDS 7 IY6M  [Stephanie's mom, Kim, described Millie's
040972 -        strength and courage in a letter received the next day on
040973 -        090701 0720. ref SDS 8 IY5H]
040975 -         ..
040976 -    5.  Helping the medical team "see the light" was difficult, because
040977 -        I was rapidly declining with rising pain.  On the plus side, my
040978 -        patient history presented a clear, concise, complete story
040979 -        [reported on 090213 1140. ref SDS 4 AC6G] that eventually
040980 -        compelled Kaiser and UCSF to change course, and so I am still
040981 -        here.  Love and support of my family and friends saw me
040982 -        through.
040984 -         ..
040985 -    6.  As I read your wonderful letter, it occurred to me that your
040986 -        writing skills might help you in the same way that having a
040987 -        daily diary has helped the medical team extend my life
040988 -        [reported by Doctor Johnson at Kaiser on 090213 1140.
040989 -        ref SDS 4 FZ4H
040991 -         ..
040992 -    7.  Your sister Amy mentioned in a visit last year before going off
040993 -        to Spain, that she is taking an academic path, similar to
040994 -        yours.  At this early stage she is thinking along the lines of
040995 -        becoming a veterinarian.  Amy seemed to say that students these
040996 -        days shy away from medical school, because government
040997 -        regulations and expanding case loads make health care complex,
040998 -        causing stress and conflict.  Amy makes a lot of common sense.
040999 -        We rarely hear about veterinarians being overwhelmed with
041000 -        emotional stress.
041002 -         ..
041003 -    8.  I see doctors and nurses struggling everyday to understand new
041004 -        drugs, new technology and methods.  It's a Knowledge Management
041005 -        Dilemma!!!
041007 -         ..
041008 -    9.  Proposals in Washington DC to expand health care, adding 40 -
041009 -        50 million to governement paid services, invite the question of
041010 -        who is going to provide this care, if our top students shy away
041011 -        from becoming doctors?  Might another path be to tackle
041012 -        difficulties with persistence and innovation so that doctors do
041013 -        not feel overwhelmed?
041015 -         ..
041016 -   10.  So, I just thought your letter was worth sharing perspective
041017 -        from experience the past 10 years.  No doubt your youth and
041018 -        energy will find a path forward in any field you choose.  I am
041019 -        very proud of my children making strong careers, and raising
041020 -        families of bright young stars.  Hoping now to see my
041021 -        grandchildren take their rightful place in the world.
041023 -         ..
041024 -   11.  On this note, I am amazed and proud of your academic
041025 -        accomplishments.  Please update me on your plans for the
041026 -        future, keeping in mind that most people wind up in careers far
041027 -        apart from their formal schooling.  With your talent, you can
041028 -        do anything.
041030 -         ..
041031 -   12.  Thanks again for brightening my birthday.
041032 -
041039 -         ..
041040 -   15.  PS.  Email works better for me because it is easier to read,
041041 -        and I can save "gems" like your letter where I can find it for
041042 -        future reference.
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