440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 22, 2009 03:29 PM Monday;
Rod Welch
Coordinate configuration c16 purchased at Fry's.
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0201 - Fry's Electronics Store #24
020101 - Mr. Petrus Steinmann; Manager
020103 - Service Department
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
0403 -
0403 - ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 5 0000. ref SDS 4 0000.
040502 -
040503 -
040504 -
040505 -
040506 -
040508 - ..
0406 -
0407 -
0408 - Progress
0409 -
040901 - Harish was on the job today.
040902 -
040903 - Lan had not yet notified Harish about changes to the order discussed
040904 - yesterday on 090621. ref SDS 5 UR5H Explained problems Leo had
040905 - getting support from Toshiba on 090618, which prevented the Fry's
040906 - Service Department from configuring the computer, ref SDS 3 X98O, as
040907 - planned initially on 090616 by Hirish to sell the Toshiba Qosimo
040908 - computer. ref SDS 1 MT6M
040910 - ..
040911 - Harish walked to the Service Department. While walking, he called Lan
040912 - on the cell phone.
040914 - ..
040915 - Lan met us in the Service Department, where we talked with Leo, and
040916 - discussed the work plan for Fry's to recover from failure configuring
040917 - the Toshiba Qomiso 64-bit computer with the Windows XP 32-bit
040918 - operating system for running the 16-bit SDS software program, reported
040919 - on 090619 1430. ref SDS 4 UR5H
040921 - ..
040922 - Leo confirmed discussions yesterday on 090621, ref SDS 5 3Z32, that he
040923 - feels the...
040924 -
040925 - HP HDX X18-1180US Premium
040926 - Core 2 Quad Q9000 2 GHz
040927 - 18.4" TFT
040928 -
040929 - ...which is listed in the record on 090617, ref SDS 2 9U6K, will not
040930 - have problems that prevented configuring the system to run Windows XP,
040931 - as planned by Hirish last Tuesday, because the HP HDX X18-1180US
040932 - Premium does not have a dedicated solid-state hard drive for the
040933 - operating system, that turned out to prevent configuration, reported
040934 - by Leo on 090618. ref SDS 3 X98O
040936 - ..
040937 - Lan advised that she called and left a message this morning for the
040938 - Fry's Buyer, who is located in San Jose. She also sent an email
040939 - confirming her message asking for assistance to get product for this
040940 - sale. However, as of 1600 this afternoon, she has not heard back.
040942 - ..
040943 - During the meeting, Lan tried calling the Buyer again.
040945 - ..
040946 - She got an answer. Lan explained her messages this morning. The
040947 - Buyer said he will respond to Lan's email.
040949 - ..
040950 - After this call, Lan said she expects to get an answer later today or
040951 - first thing in the morning.
040953 - ..
040954 - Reviewed again Leo's analysis yesterday that the existing HP product
040955 - per above, ref SDS 0 UV83, will work better to implement Harish's plan
040956 - on 090116 to install Windows XP as the primary OS for SDS legacy
040957 - line-of-business configuration, with Windows 7 or Vista as a dual boot
040958 - secondary OS, ref SDS 1 MT6M, than will trying to get HP updated
040959 - technology that replaces the HP HDX X18 1180US, because HP's update
040960 - will likely strive to compete with features of the Qomiso that prevent
040961 - configuring the computer from being configured to meet our
040962 - requirements for running line-of-business software, in this case SDS,
040963 - as discussed yesterday on 090621. ref SDS 5 3Z32
040964 -
040965 -
040966 -
040967 -
040968 -
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040971 -
040972 -
0410 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"