440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: June 12, 2009 01:09 PM Friday; Rod Welch

Met with Kaiser Radiology to get CD of Millie's CT test for delivery to UCSF.


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Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

0403 -
0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 26 0000. ref SDS 25 0000.
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040509 -  ..
0406 -
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0408 - Progress
0409 -
040901 - Drove back to Kaiser and went to the Radiology Department Customer
040902 - Counter in the basement.
040904 -  ..
040905 - CD was alrady prepared for Millie's CT test completed at 1214,
040906 - reported earlier on 090612 1120, ref SDS 25 026E, and implementing
040907 - planning with Danni at the Customer Counter for the CT Department,
040908 - reported on 090612 1120. ref SDS 25 UD5H
040910 -  ..
040911 - Received 2 CDs...
040912 -
040913 -        1.  CD computer files Millie's CT test on 090413 1500.
040914 -            ref SDS  23 LG4Y
040916 -             ..
040917 -        2.  CD computer files Millie's CT test on, 090612 1120,
040918 -            ref SDS 25 02D6
040920 -  ..
040921 - This aligned with planning on 090611 for Kaiser to store files for
040922 - both tests on a single CD. 090611 1604, ref SDS 23 VH6F
040923 -
040924 -            [On 090706 0301 Millie received a letter from Mike, Doctor
040925 -            Rugo's coordinator, saying his investigation discovered
040926 -            that nobody at UCSF ordered review of Millie's CT test scan
040927 -            files, ref SDS 28 1L6N, which were same-day hand- delivered
040928 -            to UCSF on 090612, ref SDS 27 UD5H, per Mike's request on
040929 -            090610 for timely review by UCSF. ref SDS 21 S537
040931 -  ..
040932 - There was no charge for these 2-CDs with computer files for 2 CT
040933 - tests.  This improved planning on 090610, when initial reporting
040934 - indicated Kaiser would charge $20 to get a CD with computer files on
040935 - CT tests, shown in the record on 090610 1640. ref SDS 22 2X72
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