440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: June 11, 2009 04:04 PM Thursday; Rod Welch

Coordinate Kaiser assemble CDs with test files for submission to UCSF.


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0404 - Summary/Objective
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040501 - Follow up ref SDS 22 0000. ref SDS 20 0000.
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0408 - Progress
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041001 - Yesterday Mike called and said that Doctor Rugo needs the computer
041002 - file on Millie's CT test tomorrow.
041004 -  ..
041005 - Sent a letter to Doctor Davidson, and asked how to get this done.
041006 - Doctor Davidson responded explaining procedure to sign a request at
041007 - the Customer Couner for the Radiology Department at Kaiser in Walnut
041008 - Creek.  Millie drove to Kaiser and signed documents requesting the
041009 - computer file for the CT scans that will be generated by the equipment
041010 - for Millie's test tomorrow at 1120.  Ricardo at the front desk in the
041011 - CT Department arranged for the File office to prepare the CD
041012 - immediately after Millie's test, so that Millie can get the CD around
041013 - 1p - 2p, and then take it to Doctor Rugo in San Francisco.
041015 -  ..
041016 - Doctor Rugo may want to compare the current test with results for the
041017 - prior test on 090413. ref SDS 9 0E4I  About 20 minutes ago this
041018 - afternoon, Millie sent a letter to the medical team asking the Kaiser
041019 - Radiloogy Department to include computer files for the prior test on
041020 - the CD for the files on the CT test tomorrow. ref SDS 22 PV4P
041022 -  ..
041023 - This afternoon, called the CT Department at Kaiser in Walnut Creek and
041024 - asked Loretta, who schedules CT tests, to include files for the CT
041025 - test on 090413 on the CD for the CT test tomorrow.
041027 -  ..
041028 - Millie sent the following letter to Katie who was very helpful on
041029 - 090407 assisting Doctor Davidson resolve a prior policy problem.
041031 -  ..
041032 - The letter to Katie says...
041033 -
041034 -    1.  Subject: CT Test Jun 12 CD for UCSF Include Scans for Prior CT on Apr 13
041035 -        Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 16:07:51 -0700
041043 -         ..
041044 -    2.  Rod just talked to Loretta at the front desk in the CT
041045 -        Department.  Loretta indicated she would arrange to include the
041046 -        files for my prior CT test on 090413 on the same CD.  So, I may
041047 -        be all set, with respect to the letter earlier today at 1541.
041048 -        ref SDS 22 PV4P
041050 -         ..
041051 -    3.  Could you please check these arrangements, and confirm that I
041052 -        will get the computer files for both tests.
041053 -
041054 -            [On 090706 0301 Millie received a letter from Mike, Doctor
041055 -            Rugo's coordinator, saying his investigation discovered
041056 -            that nobody at UCSF ordered review of Millie's CT test scan
041057 -            files, ref SDS 26 1L6N, which were same-day hand- delivered
041058 -            to UCSF on 090612, ref SDS 25 UD5H, per Mike's request on
041059 -            090610 for timely review by UCSF. ref SDS 21 S537
041061 -         ..
041062 -    4.  It can sometimes take 20 to 40 minutes to copy large files onto
041063 -        a CD.  If the file department loads files for the test on
041064 -        090413 in the morning, then it will take less time to complete
041065 -        work loading the file for the new test in the afternoon.  That
041066 -        will give more time to hit road to the City with less risk of
041067 -        traffic delays.
041068 -
041069 -            [On 090612 0912 Doctor Rugo schedules meeting with Millie
041070 -            on 090616 1200 to start MPA at UCSF for recovering from 8th
041071 -            relapse by treating cancer as a chronic disease.
041072 -            ref SDS 23 TM5H
041074 -             ..
041075 -            [On 090612 1120 Danni in the CT Department had forms ready
041076 -            for signature for Millie to get computer files on the prior
041077 -            CT test on 090413 for deliver to UCSF today with files for
041078 -            the CT test today, so that UCSF can make a comprehensive
041079 -            radiology review to determine treatment plan for Millie to
041080 -            recover from 8th relapse of cancer, and to recover from
041081 -            rising breathing problems. ref SDS 24 NH9G
041083 -         ..
041084 -    5.  Your consideration is appreciated.
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