440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: November 17, 2008 10:39 PM Monday; Rod Welch

Millie asks medical team to coordinate drug prescription for next week


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Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

0403 -
0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 2 0000.
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0408 - Progress
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040901 - Millie is scheduled to start treatment next Friday, the day after
040902 - Thanksgiving with 2 additional chemotherapy drugs.  These drugs need
040903 - to be ordered at Kaiser by the primary care physician implementing the
040904 - prescription at Kaiser.  Millie notifies medical team today to plan
040905 - for performing this work with a reduced work force that occurs over
040906 - the holiday season.
040908 -  ..
040909 - Millie forwarded a copy to Arlette for assistance in case Doctor
040910 - Johnson is out of town for the holiday season...
040911 -
040912 -    1.  Subject: Sunitinib Treatment Kaiser Order Chemotherapy Drugs Prescribed by UCSF
040913 -        Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2008 22:49:12 -0800
040921 -         ..
040922 -    2.  I am scheduled to see Tara next Wednesday, on 081126 0830, with
040923 -        expectation to start the full protocol that includes 2
040924 -        chemotherapies, Cyclophosphamide and Methotrexate, as set out
040925 -        in the Consent documents listed on 081017. ref SDS 1 004O
040927 -         ..
040928 -    3.  Since this is the holiday season, I would like to get the
040929 -        prescription set up, so that Doctor Johnson can place the order
040930 -        at Kaiser in time to avoid disruption of treatment next week.
040932 -         ..
040933 -    4.  By copy to Arlette, I am asking for assistance in case Doctor
040934 -        Johnson is out of town; we need backup to place the order for
040935 -        Doctor Rugo's prescription.
040937 -         ..
040938 -    5.  Please let me know UCSF's plan.
040939 -
040940 -            [On 081121 Millie sent a follow up letter asking abour
040941 -            progress ordering chemotherapy drugs, ref SDS 5 FQ5I, and
040942 -            reporting side effects have been higher blood pressure,
040943 -            with lower pulse, ref SDS 5 5T9R, and further reporting no
040944 -            evident response to treatment with possible advance of IBC
040945 -            rash. ref SDS 5 5T4Q
040947 -             ..
040948 -            [On 081125 Millie did not hear from the medical team; sent
040949 -            another reminder for UCSF to coordinate with Kaier on
040950 -            timely procurement of chemotherapy drugs so that treatment
040951 -            can begin on schedule 081128 without delays caused by short
040952 -            staff during holiday season. ref SDS 6 XW6Q
040954 -             ..
040955 -            [On 081126 Kaiser prescribed taking cyclophosphamide and
040956 -            Methotrexate to be taken on Friday and Saturday; the
040957 -            prescription was submitted to Kaiser at Parkshadelands,
040958 -            ref SDS 7 GM65, who ordered the cyclophosphamide; Millie
040959 -            may get the drugs on Friday, Monday or Tuesday of next
040960 -            week. ref SDS 7 GM93
040962 -         ..
040963 -    6.  So far treatment is going well.  There are no side effects,
040964 -        though I made a report on Saturday, which I think was caused by
040965 -        something else, but went ahead and reported an incident.
040966 -        ref SDS 3 ID7I
040968 -         ..
040969 -    7.  The record of continued exercise indicates no initial adverse
040970 -        side effects of diminished energy. ref SDS 4 3E4K
040972 -         ..
040973 -    8.  So far, so good.  Thanks to all.
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