440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: April 10, 2008 07:33 AM Thursday; Rod Welch

Millie notifies UCSF released from ER for treatment of IBC at UCSF.

2...Blood Counts Very High Supports Treatment Cetuximab Carboplatin

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Labs Blood Counts High Temperature Normal Ready Treatment Cetuximab

1503 -
1503 -    ..
1504 - Summary/Objective
1505 -
150501 - Follow up ref SDS 1 0000.
150502 -
150503 -
150505 -  ..
1506 -
1507 -
1508 - Progress
1509 -
150901 - Blood Counts Very High Supports Treatment Cetuximab Carboplatin
150902 -
150903 - Follow up ref SDS 1 AP5J.
150904 -
150905 - Millie submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to the doctor at UCSF with copy to the
150906 - medical team at UCSF and at Kaiser. ref DIT 1 00W3
150907 -
150908 -    1.  This updates the report yesterday on treatment at Kaiser
150909 -        Emergency for Cellulitis recurrence, as shown in the record on
150910 -        080409 (see summary). ref SDS 1 0001
150912 -         ..
150913 -    2.  Doctor Pujol at Kaiser said to go to UCSF today and let you
150914 -        folks determine what treatment I can get, as explained in the
150915 -        record. ref SDS 1 M86M
150916 -
150917 -            [On 080410 Millie asks UCSF for research on causes of
150918 -            Cellulitis how can recurrence be voided? ref SDS 2 PJ5Q
150920 -         ..
150921 -    3.  Blood work last night shows WBC very high [WBC 12.9],
150922 -        ref SDS 1 075H, so possibly treatment with at least cetuximab
150923 -        can be performed.  Note that temperature fell to normal by late
150924 -        last night after treatment in ER. ref SDS 1 M46X
150926 -         ..
150927 -    4.  I took another Keflex pill this morning at 0500.
150928 -
150929 -            [On 080410 UCSF approves chemotherapy treatment with
150930 -            Carboplatin and cetuximab. ref SDS 3 EH5K
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