440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: June 28, 2003 12:57 PM Saturday; Rod Welch

SDS function to create forward link automatically.

2...Forward Link Fast Easy, Required Care about Location of Command
3...Develop New Function to Create Forward Links
4...000008 Enter and Double Clicking Execute Links in SDS
5...000006 Macro 982 Modify to Call 0121224 Using Space for Key
6...0121224 Forward Link Start on Spaces between Link Spec
7...04412 When Linked File Entered to Reference Field Don't Purge File
8...01211 When Linked File Entered to Reference Field Don't Purge File
9...000007 0122 Mark for Linking Verify User ID's Same in Both Records
10...0508 Error Message Cannot Link From Another User's SDS Record
11...0504051 Menu Manage Add Feature for Forward Link
12...13 M136 Help Updated to Explain Forward Links
13...Help Fails to Move Up and Down when F9 and F10 Used from Menu

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Forward Links Create from Target Location New Function Proposed by Ga
Link SDS records forward, 931220
Links Forward to Establish Follow Up Word Was Performed

0805 -
0805 -    ..
0806 - Summary/Objective
0807 -
080701 - Follow up ref SDS 4 UP4M, ref SDS 1 PY4Y.
080702 -
080703 - Developed new feature executed by pressing Enter or double clicking to
080704 - generate a forward link to a record and at a location within a record
080705 - where the first record is linked. ref SDS 0 CY6F  The feature supports
080706 - links within an SDS record as well as links between separate records.
080707 - There will be some initial difficulties becoming accustomed to
080708 - exercising a care to distinguish between opening a link and creating a
080709 - forward link by executing the command on a space or on a character in
080710 - a citation specification. ref SDS 0 PN8P  Updated the SDS "Manage"
080711 - menu to apply new funcationality. ref SDS 0 XO6J  Updated Help to
080712 - expand explanation of linking. ref SDS 0 YV4G  Discovered problem with
080713 - Help functions for scrolling the file; fixed this. ref SDS 0 YV5M
080715 -         ..
080716 -        [On 050308 modified this code to eliminate the error message
080717 -        and instead, an anchor is contructed; then processing continues
080718 -        to create the link. ref SDS 6 ND5I
080720 -         ..
080721 -        [On 090206 2221 added time of the record to the format
080722 -        constructing forward links. ref SDS 7 ND5I
080724 -         ..
080725 -        [On 090807 1141 added option to include date and time with
080726 -        standard (i.e., backward) links, because time is a major factor
080727 -        of context for making sense of complex events. ref SDS 8 VG7H
080728 -
080729 -
080731 -  ..
0808 -
0809 -
0810 - Evaluation
0811 -
081101 - Forward Link Fast Easy, Required Care about Location of Command
081102 -
081103 - Follow up ref SDS 3 02DA.
081104 -
081105 - The new feature is fast and easy, and is moderately user friendly in
081106 - extending functionality for links both within a particular record and
081107 - between two different records.
081109 -  ..
081110 - This feature makes progress on Gary's goal to quickly create a
081111 - template for a forward link by taking advantage of an existing link.
081112 - Experience will show how much time is saved by using a template rather
081113 - than entering a custom string.  The basic things being saved are to
081114 - enter following alternate strings automatically.....
081115 -
081116 -          [On yymmdd........... {sds citation link spec}
081118 -           ..
081119 -          [...see below.........{sds internal citation link spec}
081121 -           ..
081122 -          [...see above.........{sds internal citation link spec}
081124 -  ..
081125 - My initial feeling is that this could be a signficant convenience that
081126 - saves noticable time by saving keystrokes and decision time, similiar
081127 - to Gary's suggestion on 030429 for a function to list foundational
081128 - documents. ref SDS 3 02DA
081129 -
081130 -        [On 050308 modified this code to eliminate the error message
081131 -        and instead, an anchor is contructed; then processing continues
081132 -        to create the link. ref SDS 6 ND5I
081134 -         ..
081135 -        [On 090206 2221 added time of the record to the format
081136 -        constructing forward links. ref SDS 7 ND5I
081138 -  ..
081139 - A key advantage is that reducing the level of effort, time and mental
081140 - energy required to create links, increases the degree of linking for
081141 - creating a "spreadsheet for knowledge."  This in turn increases the
081142 - accuracy of understanding and reduces error of oversight by expanding
081143 - span of attention, which is a core objective of SDS, explained in
081144 - POIMS. ref OF 18 015M
081146 -  ..
081147 - It could also turn out to be a nusiance by requiring greater effort to
081148 - be precise than people like to exercise routinely.  Experience for a
081149 - day using this capability suggests the problem is mitigated somewhat
081150 - by reducing the level of precision as follows...
081151 -
081152 -     [On 030702 review of Gary's records show this issue quickly
081153 -     surfaces, but hopefully will not be a major problem. ref SDS 5
081154 -     Y846
081156 -  ..
081157 - The current design requires initial orientation and experience to
081158 - become familiar with exercising care to decide whether to press Enter
081159 - or double click on a space or on a character to control whether a
081160 - forward link is created, or whether a link is merely opened.
081161 - ref SDS 0 4I4K  The most common experience is to open the link, so
081162 - this is the easiest to call because most of the positions in a link
081163 - specification are characters, which opens a link, rather than spaces
081164 - which creates a forward link. The fact that each are equally easy, and
081165 - that many links occur at the end of a paragraph, with the result that
081166 - a lot of blank lines present an easy target for opening a link, but
081167 - now this will create a forward link, seems likely to cause some
081168 - initial confusion when we forget about the two modes and are suddenly
081169 - confronted with something occurring that is unexpected and not wanted.
081170 - The problem is assuaged by limiting the number spaces at the end of a
081171 - line that result in creating a forward link to only three (3).  This
081172 - allows the user to click anywhere on the blank spaces at the end of a
081173 - link beyond the window of 3 spaces to open the link, rather than
081174 - create a forward link.
081176 -  ..
081177 - When an error occurs by creating a forward link rather than merely
081178 - opening a link, this unwanted condition can be quickly and easily
081179 - fixed simply by removing the forward link.  Some slight functionality
081180 - is still lost, because when a forward link is executed, linking status
081181 - is turned off.  Therefore, if the intent is to open a link and create
081182 - a new one to another location in the originating record, then the user
081183 - will have use Ctrl F6 to switch back to the originating record, move
081184 - to the place where a link is needed, press F5 again to turn linking
081185 - on, then use Ctrl F6 to switch back and execute the link.
081187 -  ..
081188 - More experience from more users (with Jerry and CSG people coming
081189 - online) will demonstrate utility relative to expectations, discussed
081190 - yesterday. ref SDS 4 UP4M
081191 -
081192 -
081193 -
081194 -
081196 -  ..
0812 -
0813 -
0814 - Planning
0815 -
081501 - Develop New Function to Create Forward Links
081502 -
081503 - Based on Gary's explanation yesterday, it should be possible and to
081504 - put the cursor on a link and execute a function to create a forward
081505 - link to the current position. ref SDS 4 WX6J
081507 -  ..
081508 - What does the User do????
081509 -
081510 -    1.  User places cursor anywhere to the right of "r" in r.f SDS, and
081511 -        presses Enter or double clicks. ref SDS 0 IS3G
081512 -
081513 -        That is the end of the User's effort, until after the following
081514 -        tasks occur which take about .25 of a second....
081515 -
081516 -           [...see below for changes to Help. ref SDS 0 5J7G
081518 -         ..
081519 -        Macro 136 executes for Enter and double clicks by
081520 -        determining.....
081522 -             ..
081523 -        a.  If user started on a character, or clicked on a blank space
081524 -            more than than 3 positions beyond the end of a link spec,
081525 -            then the link is opened normally by calling macro 982, as
081526 -            explained below, ref SDS 0 Z55N, and discussed above on
081527 -            evaluating user orientation issues. ref SDS 0 PN7L
081529 -             ..
081530 -        b.  If user double clicked or pressed Enter with the cursor on
081531 -            a space with ASCII value 32, or within 3 spaces of the end
081532 -            of a link spec, then macro 136 executes normally and calls
081533 -            macro 982 that continues executing normally to the point of
081534 -            determining a string like...
081536 -                       ..
081537 -                      This is a test. ref SDS 1 UX3G
081538 -
081539 -   being processed.  The code in macro 982 then switches
081540 -            to execute the remainder of code for opening a link as a
081541 -            subroutine, ref SDS 0 MR4L, and once opened, macro 982
081542 -            calls new macro file 0121224 created today, which will...
081543 -
081544 -            1.  Find a blank line below the text where the anchor is
081545 -                entered.
081547 -                 ..
081548 -            2.  Add several blank lines to enter a new link.
081550 -                 ..
081551 -            3.  Enter a generic link string with one of the following
081552 -                forms....
081553 -
081554 -                     [On yymmdd followed up
081555 -                     [...see below for more.
081556 -                     [...see above for more.
081557 -
081558 -       shown below. ref SDS 0 W446
081559 -
081560 -                   [On 090206 2221 added time of the record to the
081561 -                   format constructing forward links. ref SDS 7 ND5I
081563 -                 ..
081564 -            4.  Enter the mark for linking macro 122.
081566 -                 ..
081567 -            5.  Return to the original record, and look for the nearest
081568 -                anchor above the line where the cursor or the double
081569 -                click was called, and then execute macro 136 to create
081570 -                a forward link.
081572 -         ..
081573 -    2.  User edits description of the forward link to provide context
081574 -        by explaining why the mind determined that activity at another
081575 -        time and place is relevant.
081577 -         ..
081578 -    3.  Press Esc to close the forward link location and resume work
081579 -        where the operation was launched.
081580 -
081581 -
081582 -
081583 -
081585 -  ..
0816 -
0817 -
0818 - Progress
0819 -
081901 - 000008  Enter and Double Clicking Execute Links in SDS
081902 -
081903 - Line 2280, ref OF 9 1T9L, -entry 158 in 000008 about 60 lines below
081904 -
081905 -    pfent @c:\sd\03\0121224
081906 -
081907 -        Initially, tried adding a new function call for F1 Enter to
081908 -        create a forward link.
081910 -         ..
081911 -        Wound up eliminating this code, because Enter and double
081912 -        clicking can call the new function when executed on a space
081913 -        between characters, or at the end, of citation string.
081914 -        Existing function to open a citation can co-exist with the new
081915 -        function to create a forward link by executing when Enter or
081916 -        double clicking occurs on a character within the citation
081917 -        string or beyond the citation.  This design is similar to how
081918 -        control field subjects are opened based on whether double
081919 -        clicks or pressing Enter occurs with the cursor on a character
081920 -        or on a space between character strings that comprise the
081921 -        entire organic structure.
081922 -
081924 -  ..
081925 - Line 1120, ref OF 9 5722, -label botSc in 000008 about 50 lines below
081926 -
081927 -    chrcnt 62 0
081928 -
081929 -        Added this code today to capture the character where the cursor
081930 -        is located when Enter is pressed or where a double click
081931 -        occurs.  This works like a simple switch to establish whether
081932 -        the code will open the link or create a forward link, per
081933 -        planing above. ref SDS 0 VY80  Counter 62 is used by macro 982
081934 -        in 000006. ref SDS 0 6K37
081935 -
081936 -
081938 -  ..
081939 - Line 1390, ref OF 9 2948, -label mm985 in 000008 about 20 lines below
081940 -
081941 -    @c:\sd\03\04412
081942 -
081943 -        Enter key macro 136 calls macro file 04412 to create a
081944 -        reference in the target file for the citation, if it is not
081945 -        already there.  The code in 04412 is explained below.
081946 -        ref SDS 0 U53F
081947 -
081948 -
081950 -  ..
081951 - Line 1200, ref OF 9 664M, -label clfE in 000008 about 80 lines below.
081952 -
081953 -    fl /ref /
081954 -    -if @0 = 0 -goto lSDS
081955 -
081956 -        Locate a "ref" and if it is there, go call macro 982 in 000006.
081957 -        ref SDS 0 LE6L
081958 -
081959 -
081960 -
081962 -  ..
081963 - Line 1610, ref OF 9 8461, -label lSDS in 000008
081964 -
081965 -    -label lSDS
081966 -    macro 982
081967 -    -exit
081968 -
081969 -        Macro 982 in 000006 executes when Enter or double click occurs
081970 -        on an SDS citation, per above. ref SDS 0 Z55N  We want to
081971 -        modify macro 982 to call macro file 0121224 if Enter or double
081972 -        click on a space in a citation. ref SDS 0 NA3N
081973 -
081974 -
081976 -  ..
081977 - 000006  Macro 982 Modify to Call 0121224 Using Space for Key
081978 -
081979 - Line 1470, ref OF 7 1718, -entry 982 in 000006
081980 -
081981 -    -entry 982
081982 -
081983 -        This is the standard code for opening a link, called when Enter
081984 -        or double click occurs that call macro 136 in 000008, per
081985 -        above, ref SDS 0 LE6L, and it executes through to determine
081986 -        whether the citation is for an SDS record.
081987 -
081988 -
081990 -  ..
081991 - Line 1550, ref OF 7 NU6L, -label lu1 in 000006
081992 -
081993 -    -label lu1
081994 -    -if @93 > 1 -goto nsdS3
081995 -
081996 -        Macro 982 runs through the code that determines that a link is
081997 -        being processed for opening a link to an SDS record.  If an SDS
081998 -        citation is not being processed, goto the code that opens the
081999 -        link. ref SDS 0 6K6L
082001 -     ..
082002 -    -if @62 > 32 -goto nsdS3
082003 -
082004 -        Macro 136 in 000008 captures character in counter 62 where
082005 -        Enter and double click occur.  This works like a switch.  If
082006 -        user pressed Enter or double clicked on a character then the
082007 -        ASCII value is greater than 32, because 32 is the ascii value
082008 -        for a space. ref SDS 0 PO7G
082010 -     ..
082011 -    -gosub nsdS3
082012 -      macro 983
082013 -
082014 -        Added new subroutine call when Enter or double click ocurred on
082015 -        an SDS citation and was on a space, ascii 32, rather than a
082016 -        character ascii above 32.  Considered creating a new macro 983,
082017 -        but will try using a subroutine without a "-return" command.
082018 -        Morris has indicated that "-exit" has the same effect as
082019 -        "-return" when a -gosub command is called. Initial testing
082020 -        indicates that the -gosub works okay.
082022 -         ..
082023 -        The subroutine enables completing execution of code that opens
082024 -        a citation, then branches to create a forward link using code
082025 -        in macro file 0121224, and then stops.
082027 -     ..
082028 -    @c:\sd\03\0121224
082029 -    -exit
082030 -
082031 -        Call new macro file 0121224 created today that creates a
082032 -        forward link to the record where the current record was opened
082033 -        by clicking on a link, per above. ref SDS 0 AI4N  Processing in
082034 -        0121224 is explained below. ref SDS 0 VZ3K
082035 -
082037 -  ..
082038 - Line 1590, ref OF 7 2421, -label nsdS3 in 000006
082039 -
082040 -      -entry 983
082041 -
082042 -    -label nsdS3
082043 -
082044 -        This is a new label today that continues the regular code for
082045 -        opening a linked SDS record or other file.
082046 -
082047 -
082049 -  ..
082050 - 0121224  Forward Link Start on Spaces between Link Spec
082051 -
082052 - This is a new macro file called by macro 982 in 000006, per above.
082053 - ref SDS 0 0245
082054 -
082055 - Line 30, ref OF 2 K56L, in 0121224 per planning above. ref SDS 0 AI4N
082056 -
082057 -    macro 22
082058 -    ecur 8
082059 -    macro 7
082060 -    rel_cur 0 -1
082061 -    chrcnt 1 0
082062 -    rel_cur 0 -1
082063 -    chrcnt 2 0
082064 -    rel_cur 0 -1
082065 -    chrcnt 3 0
082066 -    -if @1 = 32 -if @2 = 32 -if @3 = 32 -goto
082067 -    -goto flink
082068 -    -label lnkOnl
082069 -    ecur 30
082070 -    -goto end3
082071 -
082072 -        When processing starts in 0121224, the macro 982 has opened the
082073 -        target file for creating a forward link, per above. ref SDS 0
082074 -        F85N  This code verifies that no more than 3 spaces separate a
082075 -        non-space string, which is a criteria adoped to enable the User
082076 -        to click beyond the end of a link string to open it, rather
082077 -        than create a forward link, per analysis above. ref SDS 0 VY80
082078 -
082080 -  ..
082081 - Line 80, ref OF 2 4D8N, in 0121224 per planning above. ref SDS 0 AI4N
082082 -
082083 -    macro 68
082084 -
082085 -        Turn linking off and reset all pending window commands
082087 -     ..
082088 -    gfname
082089 -    setcnt 86 1
082090 -    macro 1180
082091 -
082092 -        Get filename to set up to purge the file where a forward link
082093 -        would be entered, in case an error occurs, e.g., we cannot put
082094 -        a forward link in another user's records, because we cannot
082095 -        change another user's records.
082097 -     ..
082098 -    e c:\sd\03\0121224
082099 -    line
082100 -    loc_cur 4 7
082101 -    setcnt 86 1
082102 -    macro 1181
082103 -
082104 -        Open this processor and jump to the line where the purge
082105 -        command is located.  Enter the filename in the purge command.
082107 -  ..
082108 - Line 70, ref OF 2 K88J, in 0121224
082109 -
082110 -    ecur 30
082111 -    z 9 40
082112 -    savescr 16
082113 -    errorcnt 0 0
082114 -    fr /Follow up /
082115 -    -if @0 > 0 -goto lp1a
082116 -
082117 -        Return to file where link is to be entered and
082118 -        locate a blank line.
082119 -
082121 -     ..
082122 -    getscr 16
082123 -    up
082124 -    -label lp1a
082125 -    up
082126 -    setlen 1 0
082127 -    -if @1 > 9 -goto lp1a
082128 -
082129 -                      Try to put the forward link below some narrtive rather than
082130 -                      a Follow up line, so there is some context.
082132 -     ..
082133 -    immed 2r
082135 -     ..
082136 -    up
082138 -  ..
082139 - Line 110, ref OF 2 FE6K, -label lp1a in 0121224 about 30 lines below
082140 -
082141 -    rel_cur 0 4
082142 -    -if @115 != 48 ins_text "[On yymmdd followed up."
082143 -    -if @101 > @102 -if @115 = 48 ins_text "[...see below for more."
082144 -    -if @102 > @101 -if @115 = 48 ins_text "[...see above for more."
082145 -    rel_cur 0 4
082146 -    savescr 13
082147 -    rel_cur 0 20
082148 -    macro 122
082149 -
082150 -        Indent the forward link string 4 positions; enter a generic
082151 -        description for the link; enter savescr 13 to come back and
082152 -        enter the date, per below, ref SDS 0 W676; jump to the end of
082153 -        the string and call macro 122 that marks this location for a
082154 -        link.  Macro 122 in 000007 verifys a link is possible by
082155 -        comparing User IDs, and if there is a conflict calls an error
082156 -        message per below. ref SDS 0 NQ4O
082157 -
082158 -                   [On 090206 2221 added time of the record to the
082159 -                   format constructing forward links. ref SDS 7 ND5I
082161 -     ..
082162 -    ecur 8
082163 -    macro 7
082164 -
082165 -        We are back in the target record, and so have to
082166 -        find the closest anchor to the citation that was used to open
082167 -        the linked citation record.
082168 -
082169 -
082170 -
082171 -    -label lpb5
082172 -                              Start to left of left margin;
082174 -     ..
082175 -    z 9 50
082177 -     ..
082178 -    loc_cur 0 9
082180 -     ..
082181 -    setcnt 131 0
082183 -       ..
082184 -      setcnt 132 0
082185 -
082186 -                                   Look for an anchor symbol
082187 -    -label lpb4
082188 -    setcnt 0 0
082189 -    fr /</
082190 -
082191 -    -if @0 = 0 -goto evAnc
082193 -                               ..
082194 -                              Scroll down until an anchor line is found.
082196 -     ..
082197 -    down
082198 -      setlen 1 0
082199 -      -if @1 < 10 setcnt 132 842
082200 -    addcnt 131 1
082201 -      -if @132 = 842 -if @131 > 10 -goto err1
082202 -    -if @131 > 20 -goto err1
082203 -    -goto lpb4
082205 -                             ..
082206 -                            This error message is mainly to let the User check and
082207 -                            make sure we are not getting messed up a control field
082208 -                            or something else.
082210 -         ..
082211 -        [On 050308 modified this code to eliminate the error message
082212 -        and instead, an anchor is contructed; then processing continues
082213 -        to create the link. ref SDS 6 ND5I
082215 -     ..
082216 -    -label err1
082217 -    beep
082218 -    errormsg  Create anchor for this link!
082219 -    -goto prgtr
082220 -
082222 -                               ..
082223 -                              Anchor symbol has been found, back up and put the
082224 -                              cursor back on the anchor symbol.  Run macro 1361 to
082225 -                              verify it is an anchor, and to also capture the
082226 -                              string for the link parameter.
082227 -
082228 -    -label evAnc
082229 -    rel_cur 0 -1
082230 -    macro 1361
082231 -
082232 -                                        It is an anchor, so continue.
082233 -
082234 -    -if @6 = 1 -goto faafto
082235 -
082236 -                                        It is not an anchor, so scroll down, and
082237 -                                        continue code that tests for an anchor.
082239 -     ..
082240 -    down
082241 -    -goto lpb5
082242 -
082243 -
082244 -    -label faafto
082245 -                                Since we have found an anchor and have capture the
082246 -                                string, restore initial cursor position.
082247 -    macro 7
082249 -      ..
082250 -     macro 541
082251 -     setcnt 41 @4
082252 -
082253 -                                Create a flag establishing a link can be made.
082254 -    setgbl 116 9889
082255 -                                Save anchor characters to create the link.
082256 -    setgbl 166 @2
082257 -    setgbl 167 @3
082258 -    setgbl 168 @4
082259 -    setgbl 169 @5
082261 -      ..
082262 -     setcnt 42 @41
082263 -     addcnt 42 5
082264 -
082266 -  ..
082267 - Line 200, ref OF 2 QV6L, -label faafto in 0121224 about 30 lines
082268 - below
082269 -
082270 -    @c:\sd\03\04412
082271 -
082272 -        Look for entry in reference field for the object file, and if
082273 -        it is not there then create an entry in the Reference field,
082274 -        per below, ref SDS 0 U53F, so that macro file 01211 can use it
082275 -        to create a link.
082276 -
082277 -
082278 -
082280 -  ..
082281 - Line 220, ref OF 2 WS3J, -label faafto in 0121224 about 40 lines
082282 - below
082283 -
082284 -    setgbl 94 8123
082285 -    @c:\sd\03\01211
082286 -
082287 -        Temp flag for 01211 to avoid purging original file because in
082288 -        this case the user wants to return to same place that was left,
082289 -        rather to the link.  Macro file 01211 is worked below.
082290 -        ref SDS 0 5B4H
082291 -
082292 -
082293 -
082294 -
082296 -     ..
082297 -    join
082298 -
082300 -  ..
082301 - Line 340, ref OF 2 2Q5L, -label niflo in 0121224 about 30 lines below
082302 -
082303 -    getscr 13
082304 -    macro 92
082305 -    macro 87
082306 -
082307 -        Getscr 13 jumps back to the date field created in the link
082308 -        spec, per above, ref SDS 0 W446, get globals from macro file op
082309 -        04412 that creates or finds an entry in the SDS Reference field
082310 -        for the link, ref SDS 0 W568, and then call macro 92 to get the
082311 -        standard date globals, and call macro 87 to enter the date in
082312 -        standard format.
082313 -
082314 -
082316 -     ..
082317 -    rel_cur 0 1
082318 -
082319 -        Put cursor on next word to be ready for splitting it off to
082320 -        enter an actual description
082322 -     ..
082323 -    save
082325 -     ..
082326 -    ecur 8
082327 -
082328 -     getscr 10
082329 -    getscr 1
082331 -     ..
082332 -    ecur 30
082333 -                               Turn linking off.
082335 -     ..
082336 -    macro 68
082337 -
082338 -    -goto end3
082339 -
082340 -    -label prgtr
082341 -
082342 -    *%1
082343 -    purge d:\sd\08\uuuuu\
082345 -     ..
082346 -    macro 7
082347 -
082348 -    -label end3
082349 -    purge c:\sd\03\0121224
082350 -
082351 -
082352 -
082353 -
082355 -  ..
082356 - 04412  When Linked File Entered to Reference Field Don't Purge File
082357 -
082358 - Line 30, ref OF 4 2989, 04412
082359 -
082360 -    markcur 68
082361 -    gfname
082362 -    macro 1180
082363 -
082364 -        This operation enters the record ID into the Reference field of
082365 -        the file where a link is needed, to prepare for creating a
082366 -        link, which is called in 0121224 by calling 01211.
082367 -
082368 -
082369 -
082370 -
082372 -  ..
082373 - 01211  When Linked File Entered to Reference Field Don't Purge File
082374 -
082375 - This operation creates the link from the Reference field of the file
082376 - where a link is needed.  The standard scheme is for the linked file to
082377 - be purged because it can be opened if desired by using the just
082378 - created link.  In this case, the code in 0121224 we want to wind up
082379 - back in this file, and so we don't purge it, and allow code in 0121224
082380 - to switch back using ecur 11.
082382 -  ..
082383 - Line 60, ref OF 1 MG7O, -label arcvR2 in 01211 about 30 lines below
082384 -
082385 -    getgbl 94 94
082386 -    setgbl 94 0
082387 -    -if @94 = 8123 -goto dnptf
082388 -
082389 -        Add code to use new flag set today in 0121224 that avoids
082390 -        purging the record for the forward link, since the operation
082391 -        will end back in this file.  Jump all the code that sets up to
082392 -        purge by using -goto dnptf. ref SDS 0 RE4O
082393 -
082394 -
082395 -
082397 -  ..
082398 - Line 90, ref OF 1 LD4J, -label dnptf in 01211
082399 -
082400 -    -label dnptf
082401 -    ecur 67
082402 -    purge d:\sd\08\
082403 -
082404 -        Jump over code that configures purge command, per above,
082405 -        ref SDS 0 SH4O, to the ecur 67 command that returns to the
082406 -        record where the link is entered. Since the purge command is
082407 -        not configured, it can execute without actually purging
082408 -        anything, and this saves a little bit of code.
082409 -
082411 -  ..
082412 - 000007  0122 Mark for Linking Verify User ID's Same in Both Records
082413 -
082414 - Line 3050, ref OF 21 5478, -label sdlOn in 000007
082415 -
082416 -    macro 922
082417 -    -if @149 != 1249 -goto liKiN
082418 -    @c:\sd\03\0508 #30
082419 -    -exit
082420 -
082421 -        When 0121224 calls macro 122, per above, ref SDS 0 W446, code
082422 -        in 00007 calls macro 922 to compare user IDs, and if there is a
082423 -        conflict, then error message macro file 0508 is called, per
082424 -        below.
082425 -
082427 -  ..
082428 - 0508  Error Message Cannot Link From Another User's SDS Record
082429 -
082430 - Line, ref OF 6 TY8O, in 0508
082431 -
082432 -    beep
082433 -    getkey 1 0
082434 -    purge c:\sd\03\0121224
082435 -    quit
082436 -
082437 -        When macro file 0121224 calls macro 122 to mark for linking,
082438 -        per above, ref SDS 0 W446, macro 122 first runs macro 922 that
082439 -        verifies User IDs in both records are the same, per above,
082440 -        ref SDS 0 NQ4O, and when they are not, then this macro 0508 is
082441 -        called and displays an error message.  Since macro file 0121224
082442 -        is called within the linking op macro 982, ref SDS 0 MR4L,
082443 -        called by pressing Enter or double clicking which both process
082444 -        macro 136, and since macro 0508 calls a "quit" command that
082445 -        stops all processing, had to add a purge command for 0121224 to
082446 -        close this op down.
082447 -
082448 -
082449 -
082450 -
082451 -
082452 -
082453 -
082454 -
082455 -
082456 -
082457 -
082458 -
082459 -
082460 -
082461 -
082462 -
082463 -
082464 -
082465 -
082466 -
082467 -
082468 -
082469 -
0825 -

Enter Manage
Links Forward Using Current Link Spec to Open a Record and Enter Forw

1004 -
100501 -  ..
100502 - 0504051  Menu Manage Add Feature for Forward Link
100503 -
100504 - Line 50, ref OF 5 B26N, in 0504051
100505 -
100506 -    ins_text    Links Forward             F1 <Enter>
100507 -    loc_cur 0 80
100508 -    ins_text " @c:\sd\03\0121224  "
100509 -    rel_cur 1 -56
100510 -
100511 -        Added call to new function for creating a forward link using
100512 -        macro file 01021224, developed above. ref SDS 0 J1CH
100514 -         ..
100515 -        Actually, changed this and created a consolidated call to
100516 -        create and open links simply by pressing Enter on a space or a
100517 -        character, per planning above. ref SDS 0 VY80
100518 -
100519 -
100520 -
100521 -
100522 -
1006 -

Linking, 920813

1103 -
110401 -  ..
110402 - 13 M136 Help Updated to Explain Forward Links
110403 -
110404 - Modifiy Help for Enter and Double click in an SDS record.
110405 -
110406 - Line 20, ref OF 13 0000, in 13 M136
110408 -  ..
110409 - This help section is primarily an overview for getting help on
110410 - specific ways Enter and double clicking are used.  There is a list,
110411 - and today I modified the description to provide generic help on
110412 - linking, which now covers both creating back and forward links, and
110413 - opening links, per above. ref SDS 0 VY80
110415 -  ..
110416 - Line 30, ref OF 12 0000, in 02 020303
110417 -
110418 -    Added a new explanation on forward links.
110419 -
110421 -  ..
110422 - Line 30, ref OF 14 0000 in 15 M983
110423 -
110424 -    Added new explanation on creating forward links as part of
110425 -    creating citations.
110426 -
110427 -
110429 -  ..
110430 - Line 30, ref OF 11 0000 in 02 020301
110431 -
110432 -    Explain purpose of linking and provide link to detailed
110433 -    explanations.
110434 -
110436 -  ..
110437 - Line 20, ref OF 10 0000 in 02 0202
110438 -
110439 -    Change description of SDS record index by adding links to explain
110440 -    citations.
110441 -
110442 -
110443 -
110444 -
110445 -
110446 -
1105 -

Help Up and Down F9, F10 Failing When Help Opened from a Menu

1203 -
120401 -  ..
120402 - Help Fails to Move Up and Down when F9 and F10 Used from Menu
120403 -
120404 - Noticed today that for some reason function keys are not working
120405 - when F9 and F10 are pressed.
120406 -
120407 - This seems to be macro file....
120408 -
120409 -             01 04 0350310
120411 -  ..
120412 - Line 30, ref OF 3 M45H, in 0350310
120414 -  ..
120415 - Line 490, ref OF 3 FB4L, -label Help in 035031 about 60 lines below
120416 -
120417 -    This is where profile is assigned, but for some reason pf9 and pf10
120418 -    are not assigned.
120419 -
120420 -    pf9 up 10
120421 -    pf10 macro 40
120422 -
120423 -        Added this code to conform with standards for scrolling the
120424 -        file used by macro 153 in 000008. ref OF 22 0E6L
120425 -
120427 -  ..
120428 - Line 720, ref OF 3 IT3H, -label overW in 035031 about 20 lines below
120429 -
120430 -      pf9 macro 401
120431 -    pf9 up 10
120432 -    pf10 macro 40
120433 -    pfd macro 403
120434 -    pfu macro 404
120435 -
120436 -        File scroll functions are assigned at this location, rather
120437 -        than with the other function assignments, per above.
120438 -        ref SDS 0 FF9G
120440 -         ..
120441 -        F9 was not working because the assignment to macro 401 was
120442 -        eliminated.
120443 -
120444 -
120445 -
120446 -
120447 -
120448 -
120449 -
120450 -
120451 -
120452 -
120453 -
120454 -
120455 -
120456 -
120457 -
120458 -
120459 -
120460 -
120461 -
1205 -