440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: May 21, 2002 07:01 AM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Jim Reeks inquired about SDS, Com Metrics for schedule product.

.....Meeting Maker Planning New Direction for Product
.....Planning to Expand Beyond Scheduling to Drive Business Objectives

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0201 - Meeting Maker                        781 487 3528
020101 - Mr. Jim Reekes; Vice President
020102 -
020103 - Products Department

Meeting Maker Jim Reekes, VP Working on Expanding Scheduling Program

0803 -    ..
0804 - Summary/Objective
0805 -
080501 - Follow up ref SDS 11 0000, ref SDS 10 0000.
080502 -
080503 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Jim Reekes who is VP of Meeting Maker,
080504 - Inc....
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080506 - 
080507 -
080508 - This compnay seems to market a product for scheduling people to
080509 - attend meetings and the rooms and other resources needed to conduct
080510 - meetings.
080511 -
080512 -        Have you had it up to here with chasing down colleagues,
080513 -        cross-checking schedules, searching for rooms, confirming
080514 -        attendance, and makng changes?
080515 -        ..
080516 -        Then take close look at Meetingmaker.
080517 -
080518 -        Managers now have a reliable and consistent vehicle for
080519 -        scheduling meetings, which is very important resource in a
080520 -        fast-paced environment...
080521 -
080522 -
080523 -      ..
080524 -     Meeting Maker Planning New Direction for Product
080525 -
080526 -
080527 - Jim says in his letter today....
080528 -
080529 -     I happen to be planning a new direction for our product, and in my
080530 -     research I've just found your web site. Before I read the entire
080531 -     thing(!) I just wanted to let you know I'm very interested in your
080532 -     work. It covers material from years of my own interests. You've
080533 -     covered exceptional research and philosophies, including
080534 -     management theory. Awesome stuff! ref DRT 1 0001
080535 -
080536 -
080537 -      ..
080538 -     Planning to Expand Beyond Scheduling to Drive Business Objectives
080539 -
080540 -
080541 - Jim continues...
080542 -
080543 -     We have a "calendaring & scheduling" product.  I am planning
080544 -     to integrate "business objectives" for the assistance in managing
080545 -     work. Traditional scheduling tools stop short once they book a
080546 -     meeting, but do little to drive real business objectives. These
080547 -     "action items" belong on people calendars providing them the
080548 -     context of time. I would love to discuss this and hear an expert's
080549 -     perspective. ref DRT 1 VS6G
080550 -
080551 - ..
080552 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 responding with phone numbers where Jim
080553 - can can reach me.  Linked to POIMS and suggest Jim review with a once
080554 - over to get an orientation for our discussion. ref OF 1 6221
080555 -
080556 -      [On 020608 Jim replies he is buried with a lot work; hopes to
080557 -      have time for discussing SDS and Com Metrics soon. ref SDS 12
080558 -      0001
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Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"