440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 27, 2002 08:15 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Inquiry about trying SDS for Knowledge Management.


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Knowledge Management Inquiry by Johannes Hopfl Based on SDS Web Site

0503 -    ..
0504 - Summary/Objective
0505 -
050501 - Follow up ref SDS 4 0000, ref SDS 3 0000.
050502 -
050503 - Received ref DRT 1 0001 from Johannes Hopfl who encountered SDS
050504 - records on the Internet, and feels this is might be a mistake in
050505 - giving people access to the records.
050506 -
050507 - Johannes further comments...
050508 -
050509 -     On the other hand the link led me to your very interesting
050510 -     software (sd). I'm very interested in knowledge management and so
050511 -     I'd like to ask you if it is possible to try your software.
050512 -     ref DRT 1 TP6O
050513 -
050514 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 thanking Johannes for comments about how to
050515 - add secure access to SDS records on the Internet.
050516 -       ..
050517 -   1.  Provided the record on 001219, ref SDS 2 FO5M, that
050518 -       explains 8 steps for using SDS to accomplish KM. ref DIT 1 PW6H
050519 -       ..
050520 -   2.  These 8 steps enable people to turn the "straw" of
050521 -       constant information into the "gold" of knowledge by adding
050522 -       intelligence to management.  The steps for implementing SDS take
050523 -       more than 20 minutes to learn, so we have found that giving out
050524 -       the program for people to "try" as you ask about in your letter
050525 -       today is not effective, because people run out of patience
050526 -       before they gain the skill to enable a new way of working.
050527 -       ref DIT 1 W17H
050528 -       ..
050529 -   3.  You will likely draw from reviewing the 8 steps, that SDS
050530 -       is not for everybody, just like being a backhoe operator or an
050531 -       airline pilot is not for everybody. ref DIT 1 0152  Most people
050532 -       prefer to let specialists operate special equipment that makes
050533 -       everybody else more productive, as explained in NWO. ref OF 2
050534 -       6369
050535 -       ..
050536 -   4.  If you were local, we could arrange a demonstration of SDS
050537 -       showing how fast and easy it is to take information like in this
050538 -       letter and convert it into useful knowledge as seen from SDS
050539 -       records on the Internet.
050540 -
050541 -   5.  Your web site at....
050542 -
050543 -
050544 -
050545 -       ...indicates you may located in Europe.  Perhaps we discuss
050546 -       further how to arrange a demonstration.
050547 -
050548 -       In the meantime, you might take a look at POIMS, ref OF 1 0001,
050549 -       ...which explains SDS design and implementation, and let know if
050550 -       this is the direction you and your firm want to pursue.
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