440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: December 21, 2000 08:19 PM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Letter to Pat Lincoln on meeting with Vicky about SRI management.
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0201 - SRI International 650 326 6200
020101 - Mr. Pat Lincoln; Director =650 859 5454
020102 -
020103 - Computer Science Laboratory
0202 - SRI International 650 326 6200
020201 - Ms. Victoria Stavridou; Director =650 859 4390
020202 -
020203 - System Design Laboratory and
020204 - Cambridge Research Center
Pilot Test 20-60 Min Conflicts Knowledge Pays Off Days, Weeks, Months
Meaning Drift Not Known Problem that Needs Solution
SRI Research KM and SDS, Pat Lincoln
Knowledge Different from Information
Culture of Knowledge Transition from Information Culture
Knowledge Different from Data, Information, Wordprocessing Inadequate
Culture of Knowledge Paradigm Shift Documents to Knowledge Space
Com Metrics Improve SRI Management Meeting with Curt Carlson
Research KM Proposal to SRI, Meeting with Curt Carlson
Carlson, Curt Sets Meeting Review Proposal for SRI to Pilot Test SDS
Carlson, Curt Sets Meeting Review Research Proposal on KM to Pilot Te
SRI Organizational Platform, Doug, 000419
Stavridou, Vicky Discusses Meeting to Review SDS for Improving SRI Ma
2715 - ..
2716 - Summary/Objective
2717 -
271701 - Follow up ref SDS 58 0000, ref SDS 56 0000.
271702 -
271703 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Pat, responding to his letter facilitting
271704 - contact with Vicky Stavridou, ref DIT 1 0002, who Pat introduced
271705 - yesterday at the event for Doug. ref SDS 56 EL3O
271706 -
271707 - [On 001222 Vicky proposes a meeting next year. ref SDS 58 MJ6F
271708 -
271709 - [On 001224 Pat sets 010109 for meeting at SRI. ref SDS 59 0001
271710 -
271711 - [On 010109 Curt Carlson wants to attend meeting, ref SDS 60 0001,
271712 - submitted letter asking for date and time. ref SDS 60 WZ4N
271713 -
271714 - Pat's introduction accomplishes the action item set on 000829 where he
271715 - planned to set up some meetings about improving management at SRI.
271716 - ref SDS 20 PU4H
271717 -
271718 - Submitted copy of letter to Curt, ref DIP 5 0001, so Vicky can see how
271719 - Communication Metrics delivers anytime, anywhere intelligence on the
271720 - web. ref DIT 1 L77G, including collaboration, which Pat said on 000829
271721 - is the objective Curt has set for Vicky to accomplish. ref SDS 20 MJ6F
271722 -
271723 - Cited discussion with Curt, ref SDS 56 KM3E, explaining Com Metrics.
271724 - ref DIT 1 Y48H
271725 -
271726 - Cited report from USACE, ref DIT 1 DC4H, explaining SDS delivers
271727 - useful business intelligence, ref DRP 1 6172, and provided link to
271728 - scope of services to clarify the details of using tools and a work
271729 - role. ref DRP 1 4929
271730 -
271731 -
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271737 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"