440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 17, 2000 07:54 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Called Morris on Bill, Cliff and Pat.
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0201 - Intel Corporation 408 765 8080
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones; Business Unit Manager =408 545 9521
020102 -
020103 - Cable Network Operation
0202 - Pacific Gas & Electric Company 415 973 1014 fax 8426
020201 - Mr. Bill DeHart
020202 - Project Manager =415 973 1014
020203 -
020204 - Project Management
Experience History Chrolology Diary Causation
Been There Done That SDS Ensures Accurate Experience Chronology Intel
Intelligence Chronology Causation Implications Time Sequence Causatio
Alphabet Enhanced Integrate Time Information
Alphabet Improved by SDS Time Intelligence Produce Knowledge
1107 - ..
1108 - Summary/Objective
1109 -
110901 - Follow up ref SDS 11 0000, ref SDS 7 0000.
110902 -
110903 - Morris seemed to indicate he received ref DIP 2 0001 with ideas for
110904 - follow up questions to Bill on our telecon on 000709. ref SDS 6 0001
110905 -
110906 - Morris did not say he sent these questions to Bill.
110907 -
110908 - He asked me what I concluded from the discusson with Bill?
110909 -
110910 - I mentioned that Bill feels SDS has better organization, and the
110911 - purpose of the questions to Bill are designed to get him to expand on
110912 - this based on what he, as a prototype "busy" manager, cares about.
110913 -
110914 - I started to mention the discussion with Cliff Joslyn about semiotics
110915 - on 000711. ref SDS 10 4267
110916 -
110917 - Morris did not mention reading ref DIP 1 0001 submitted to him and to
110918 - Bill on 000710. ref SDS 7 0001 submitting Jack Park's letter,
110919 - ref DRP 2 0001, received today, ref SDS 8 3961, who in turn submits an
110920 - article by David Gelernter explaining the importance of time as an
110921 - organizing theory for information. ref SDS 8 7565
110922 -
110923 -
110924 - ..
1110 -
1111 -
1112 - 1026 Morris called back
1113 -
111301 - He did not send the questions to Bill. He asked me to do it.
111302 -
111303 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Bill, with copy to Morris. Added link
111304 - to record on 950927 where Dave Vannier gave up on adding
111305 - intelligence to management. ref SDS 1 7732
111306 -
111307 - Called Bill on his cell phone, and alerted him about this
111308 - letter. He will take a look. Also mentioned idea of
111309 - volunteering to install w2k on his computer, ref DIT 1 3120,
111310 - which we discussed on 000708. ref SDS 5 0784
111311 -
111312 - He advsied that he did does not recall reading Gelernter's article,
111313 - reviewed on 000710, ref SDS 8 7565, and transmitted to him by my
111314 - letter, ref DIP 1 0001, shown in the record. ref SDS 7 0001
111315 -
111316 - Morris asked what Gelernter's article is about?
111317 -
111318 - I related Gelernter's point that time is a useful organizing method
111319 - for information. ref SDS 8 7565 Explained that Gelertner does not
111320 - expressly state, but experience using SDS shows that this method
111321 - organizes information into chronologies of cause and effect that
111322 - provide context, meaning and inference, per explanation of semiotics
111323 - reported a few days later on 000716, from research following call from
111324 - Cliff Joslyn. ref SDS 10 4176
111325 -
111326 - This supports Bill DeHart's point on 000709 that SDS has stronger
111327 - organization than other methods. ref SDS 6 1784
111328 -
111329 -
111330 -
111331 -
111332 -
1114 -
1115 -
Demo SDS via Web Site
Alliances on Development
Demonstrate SDS, Communication Metrics
LANL Planning
Propose Presentation to SRI Group by Cliff Joslyn
2008 - ..
200801 - Follow up ref SDS 11 0004, ref SDS 9 0001.
200802 -
200803 - Morris did not mention receiving ref DIP 3 0001 explaining telecon
200804 - with Pat Lincoln at SRI on 000711, ref SDS 9 0001, and planning for a
200805 - meeting at SRI on 000725 0930. ref SDS 9 5250
200806 -
200807 - Asked Morris if he can attend. ref DIP 3 1025
200808 -
200809 - He seemed to indicate his schedule is booked on Tuesday. He has time
200810 - on 000726 at 1600.
200811 -
200812 - One possibility might be for him to pick me up at the train
200813 - station, and we drive to SRI for the meeting, if we can move it
200814 - to Wednesday.
200815 -
200816 - Called Morris back and he indicated he might be open to this.
200817 -
200818 - He did not expressly check his calendar, but did not say he would
200819 - not do this.
200820 -
200821 - I need to clarify Morris' calendar.
200822 -
200823 -
200824 - Morris asked for the gives and gets...
200825 -
200826 - I will get money to do a development project, and SRI would get
200827 - the opportunity to do Open Source development of products that
200828 - work off of SDS.
200829 -
200830 - SRI might get an ownership position in SDS.
200831 -
200832 - Morris asked me to call his this evening OA 2100.
200833 -
200834 -
200835 -
2009 -
2010 -
2011 - 2149 called Morris
2012 -
201201 - Line was busy at 2100.
201202 -
201203 - This evening we left this open for Morris to attend the meeting with
201204 - Pat on 000725 at 0930.
201205 -
201206 - The question of whether SRI is a good choice as a business partner to
201207 - develop SDS, is open. Morris pointed out that SRI does not sell
201208 - software products. They sell research service. Morris also noted
201209 - that they might license software designs and/or ideas, so they would
201210 - want an ownership position in SDS.
201211 -
201212 - He asked why, if SDS or anyone puts up money to develop a Windows
201213 - version of SDS, they do not own the SDS program?
201214 -
201215 - I explained they cannot own SDS, because I am not willing to give
201216 - them ownership.
201217 -
201218 - Morris said an investor in that case, will invest elsewhere.
201219 -
201220 - I concurred that investors can invest anywhere they wish. If people
201221 - wish to invest in Knowledge Management, SDS is the only vehicle
201222 - available for that opportunity, as we discussed on 000106. ref SDS 3
201223 - 0877
201224 -
201225 -
201226 -
201227 -
201228 -
201229 -
201230 -
201231 -
201232 -
2013 -
Demo SDS via Web Site
Alliances on Development
Los Alamos National Lab
Demonstrate SDS, Communication Metrics
LANL Planning
Propose Presentation to SRI Group by Cliff Joslyn
3009 - ..
300901 - Follow up ref SDS 11 2106, ref SDS 10 0001.
300902 -
300903 - We did not have time to discuss meeting with Cliff Joslyn at Las
300904 - Alamos National Lab. ref DIP 3 7238, per the record. ref SDS 10 0250
300905 -
300906 - Provided link to LALN's KM program, shown in the record on 000314.
300907 - ref SDS 4 3855
300908 -
300909 - However, per above, ref SDS 0 5044, doesn't look promising to get
300910 - Morris during the work day.
300911 -
300912 -
300913 -
300914 -
3010 -
3011 -
3012 - 1026 Morris called back
3013 -
301301 - We can have dinner with Cliff Tuesday evening.
301302 -
301303 - I need to discuss with Cliff not only meeting with Morris, but also
301304 - introduce him to Pat Lincoln.
301305 -
301306 -
301307 -
301308 -
301309 -
301310 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"