440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

November 26, 2002

04 00074 61 02112601

Mr. Garold L. Johnson
Dynamic Alternatives
PO Box 59237
Norwalk, CA 90652
Subject:   CaseMap Software Evolving Toward SDS
Laying Groundwork for Culture of Knowledge

Dear Gary,

I talked to Morris this evening, and he is planning to send you the code for Medit. Will check with him again on Friday to follow up on this.
Your record today on CaseMap shows continued improvement. The next step is to add some links and flesh out the analysis, similar to what appears in your email. Guidance on linking may help on this. Please let me know if you need more help.
Thanks for information on CaseMap for managing litigation. Very glad to see people starting to care about linking the record. As you say, this underscores the value of SDS integrating a critical mass of features to improve productivity, as shown in the record on November 13, analysing a review of the Ecco Pro program you submitted at that time.
As well, our review of PDF issues on November 19 shows that adding addressability to PDF materials is very helpful, both in adding usefulness to PDF, and in growing cultural awareness of the value about the things SDS does that people care about, which you raised in a letter on February 17 earlier this year.
Another feature of Casesoft that caught my attention in one of the links you provided is support for chronology to understand cause and effect, commonly called "causation" in the law. Chronology is a special form of addressability and linking. Alphabet technology is another form of linking small meanings into larger understandings. Tools to augment human thinking are common in our culture, so eventually people get around to integrating tools that leverage human intelligence. We seem to be on the path of progress.
Just about everything CaseMap promotes has a correlation with SDS, including support for analysis, for tracking people and organizations, and fees for training and support align with Com Metrics services. Very interesting research.

Rod Welch