440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 14:42:17 -0700

04 00069 61 99072802

Ms. Sara B. Nerlove
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Boulevard; Room P60
Arlington, VA 22230

Subject: NSF Proposal 9961176, Communication Metrics
Review status; Palanza
MS Office 2000 Internet Security Issues

Dear Sally,

I contacted Dan Palanza per your suggestion. He expressed initial interest, then worried about security risks, a la big brother, from using my approach to business intelligence.

Today, I sent the attached research to Dan, because it seems related to his Phase I Final report to NSF.

The research is on the Internet, which is hard for you to access, so the gist is that newly released Microsoft Office 2000 presents increased risk from using the Internet that is, also, inherent in my work. The author argues that this risk will not stop MS Office 2000 from becoming the de facto standard used world-wide, and therefore users should adopt the strategy in Dan's paper of balancing credits and debits, or in this case risks and benefits.

Any chance of getting a read on when a decision might come on my proposal? It would help on planning things at this end.




Rod Welch