440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

July 15, 1999

04 00069 61 99071501

Mr. Morris E. Jones
Director of Architecture
Intel Corporation
350 East Plumeria; Mail Stop CHP02-1
San Jose, CA 95124

Subject: NSF Proposal Review, Communication Metrics
Not Enough Time to Discover Information Overload

Dear Morris,

First, thanks very much for starting an inquiry about the NSF proposal.

Here is an article I bumped into while thinking about comments from your colleagues. I have not had time to analyse the comments, but this article may be a way to support the follow up you planned. The author explains that information overload causes mistakes due to cursory consideration. In this case, after reading the NSF proposal, you asked if it cites solving information overload. This objective is in the first paragraph of the proposal. You have correctly pointed out the importance of explaining things in 25 words or 30 seconds, for marketing. Applying technology to produce useful intelligence takes more time, as related in the article being forwarded today. This may be the chief reason why companies are overtaken by the tsunami of disruptive technologies, which we discussed on May 27.

Let me know if the article and accompanying analysis are any help?



Rod Welch