January 4, 2000 | 04 00067 61 01010401 |
Ms. Victoria Stavridou
System Design Laboratory and
Cambridge Research Center
SRI International
333 Ravenswood Avenue; EL 278
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Subject: | Meeting on KM Research and Use, January 9, 2001 |
Need Time and Location |
Dear Vicky,
Pat Lincoln indicated you have set a meeting for January 9 to consider using SDS and Communication Metrics for improving SRI management, as discussed with Pat on August 29, 2000, and following up your letter on December 22.
Curt Carlson indicated this morning that he wants to attend the meeting on January 9, to include a related issue of SRI support for basic research on Knowledge Management.
The agenda will cover three (3) issues....
See letter to Curt on December 20, 2000 suggesting potential to expand this into a broader education initiative.
One concept might be to solicit participation by other organizations to contribute funds aimed at furthering KM. If interest is shown, there could be multiple scholarships and regional awards with the aim of expanding use of KM through the device of scholarship competition.
See letter to Pat on October 11, 2000.
This is a big agenda. This initial meeting will evaluate prospects for progress, and making assignments for follow up.
See letter to Vicky on December 21, 2000
This discussion might start with Vicky giving an overview of SRI work in progress, to provide orientation on fitting KM within that framework.
Scope of services prepared by USACE, can be reviewed for alignment with SRI goals.
Please let Pat, Curt and I know the
location and time for the meeting.Sincerely,
Rod Welch