440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

April 28, 1999                                                                       04 00065 61 99042801

Mr. James Lovo
Chief, CEMP-EC
Construction and Design Branch, CEMP-EC
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Military Programs
Engineering and Construction Division
20 Massachusettes Avenue, N.W.; Room 2229, Pulaski
Washington, DC  20314-1000

Subject:  Partnering, Common Administration

Dear Jim,

Thanks very much for following up with Barry about a Review for the Oakland Harbor project. Things have slowed a bit in the San Francisco District on using Communication Metrics. HQ has approved a re-org, and this has everybody excited. Tom Keesling is retiring in July. Focus on these mechanics, will reduce awareness of the need to add intelligence to management in order to avoid the snafus that worried us on Jan 27.

You have not commented on Common Administration and partnering, set out in my letter on Mar 28. These ideas may justify wider distribution of your report on Communication Metrics, which we discussed on March 4. The power to accomplish wider distribution is at your fingertips, and takes very little time. Distributing the version of your report on the Internet lets people experience self-evident benefits of adding intelligence to management.

Sorry about all these links. There has been quite a bit of discussion lately on this; so, I came up with a concept of Judicious Review for guidance on handling this new feature of Knowledge Space.

Any comments?



Rod Welch