440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

October 5, 1998                                                                      04 00065 61 98100501

Mr. James Lovo
Chief, CEMP-EC
Construction and Design Branch, CEMP-EC
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Military Programs
Engineering and Construction Division
20 Massachusettes Avenue, N.W.; Room 2229, Pulaski
Washington, DC  20314-1000

Subject:  Communication Metrics
                 Preparing for 21st Century

Ref:   a. Telecon Jim/Rod Oct 5, 1998
          b. Welch letter Sep 21, 1998

Dear Jim,
This confirms our discussion this morning on my letter to Mohan Singh last month.

I notified Tom Keesling that you may call him about Communication Metrics based on his reports issued last year, including the report to Jim Jones on Oct 7, 1997

You hit the nail on the head in identifying the problem Communication Metrics solves -- information overload. The primay advantage is assigning someone with skills, tools and time to check alignment of daily communications with objectives, which at this stage is impossible by any other means.

Please let me know the results of your review.

Hope you get this letter??



Rod Welch

Copy to:

  1. Mohan Sing
  2. Tom Keesling
  3. Max Blodgett