U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
San Francisco District
333 Market Street; Room 806A
San Francisco, CA 94105 1905


October 22, 1998

CESPN-OC  (Merry Goodenough, ESQ)

To:  CESPN-CO (Tom Keesling)

Subject:  Communication Metrics Cost Savings

  1. References

    1. Keesling memo August 3, 1998

    2. CESPN Report to CEMP dated Oct 7, 1997 Communication Metrics Cost Savings

    3. CON OPS Report to Contracting Division dated March 28, 1998 Communication Metrics.

  2. I have reviewed Communication Metrics on the web, using the link in your letter dated Aug 3, 1998, which requests my comments, ref a. The web version does solve the access problem I experienced previously. At times it is slow, especially during web "rush hour."

  3. Communication Metrics provides a thorough record of daily management details, yet has the ability to summarize, which is useful.

  4. I was unable to open "Jim Stout's initial assessment," and therefore could not determine if Communication Metrics was more or less effective than estimated in the cost savings report, ref b. Moreover, I am not certain as to whether preliminary assessment of savings was prepared in an appropriate manner, in light of the fact that the original price was $43M and eventually ended up to be over $73M, after the dust settled.

  5. I can state with certainty that Communication Metrics saved us $187,500 on the RWQCB fine that the Port tried to collect from the Corps.

  6. Again, I still wonder how one ensures that the data input is objective, relevant, and accurate without spending a great deal of time on quality assurance.

Merry Goodenough, ESQ