440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
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April 19, 1996

03 00069 96041901

Mr. Jim Pennypacker
PMI Communications
40 Colonial Square
Sylva, NC 28779
Subject:   PMI Asilomar Conference, Jul 12 - 14, 1996
Leadership and Technology, Partnership for the Future

Dear Jim,

Per your call on Mar 26 about the New World Order... paper, here are observations on the Asilomar event PMI is sponsoring in July. Overall, the Asilomar theme on leadership and technology gives PMI an important voice in shaping the skills, roles and tools needed to compete and win in the global economy of the 21st century. This entails change. Sherrill McDonald and Ahmet Taspinar, who lead the Asilomar team, have fashioned an agenda that meets this challenge with courage and wisdom.
The April 1996 issue of PMNETwork makes a strong case that project managers have the skills and role to reengineer the future of enterprise by adding critical value across the entire landscape of organizational life. Adding value through sound practices of project management for creativity, communication, command and control is the right prescription to stem the contagion of downsizing currently taking an ugly toll on lives, productivity and earnings. This opportunity, however, stands in stark contrast with the reality conveyed by the cover of the April 1, 1996 issue of Fortune magazine showing a project manager, who has been laid off, and the accompanying article that reports 60% of businesses plan more downsizing over the next year. How will PMI redress the rising tide of fashion that argues, far from making reengineering an effective instrument for productivity and earnings, that project managers are squarely in the cross-hairs of downsizing and right-sizing advocates, who are finding willing ears in the executive suite for buying a $3,000 personal computer and providing a "free" email address, and expecting an executive to perform the skills and apply the experience of many $80,000 project managers.
Simplistic arithmetic that multiplies 4 or 5 times $80,000 and then subtracts $3,000 is finding a gullible, if understandably willing, audience in the executive suite for "reengineering" that retains high-priced executives, while cutting millions of dollars from the payroll. This magic occurs simply by classifying project managers as "middle-management." That is all the imagination required to eliminate, with the stroke of a pen on an org chart, critical skills and experience essential for managing complex projects that generate vital earnings. These "voodoo economics," popular in an earlier era of our body politic, have now risen from the dead to drive massive layoffs of project managers contemplated in the Fortune article? Two anecdotes galvanize this challenge to the nation and the world economy, as well as for those who have invested their trust, time and money to acquire skills promulgated and advocated by PMI.
The PMI NCC chapter's Project of the Year award was reviewed at the January 1996 monthly meeting. Following an insightful presentation on using the PMBOK and ISO quality processes, the two leaders responsible for this success reported they were being "reengineered" out of a job. Second, at the April 12, 1995 monthly PMI NCC meeting, the CEO of a popular PM software program reported significant cost and schedule delays on a project to upgrade the program.
When asked why the world's leading planning tools were inadequate, and what leaders should do in addition to automating cost and schedule control, the reply was to hire project managers who...

tell the truth!
The NWO article calls for leadership with a broader vision.
The Asilomar Conference answers that call.
Asilomar will present Stephen Covey's ideas (also reviewed in the April 1996 issue of PMNETwork on p. 26). Mr. Covey says seek first to understand and diagnose, then prescribe. Leaders rushing to adopt the quick fix of downsizing should come to Asilomar. Failed leadership cannot recover by cutting off what Peter Drucker calls the primary force that makes resources productive, the manager, but rather should reengineer management to work smarter, called out by PMBOK and ISO criteria. Of course many companies are in such dire straits they see no choice but to implode: to shrink back to a size that fits their vision, their ideas, i.e., their management capacity. They can learn at Asilomar how to grow their knowledge so they can grow more jobs and income by transcending the ignorance, fear and denial causing the current implosion of management.
The NWO article seeks to understand this implosion with the observation that the human mind is creating a world for which it is not well suited where the current state of the leadership - technology equation, summarily called, the "Information Highway," moves too fast to use sound management practices, like PMBOK, Covey, ISO, consistently. We all know that "haste makes waste," but don't realize that most mistakes are hidden from the conscious mind by the dynamics of a busy day. Mistakes spawned in haste take root in the fertile soil of neglect, politics, hubris; and, then propagate like a virus to infect every fiber of an organization, sapping its strength, as seen by the Project of the Year story.
So, too, leaders who feel their people don't tell the truth when asked for the "bottom line" in 25 words or 30 seconds, should come to Asilomar.
Working quickly and accurately are antithetical.
Only the right technology combined with strong leadership can bridge this historical dilemma, fueled by the compression of time and distance, which today comprises an Information Highway of mistakes, losses and downsizing.
In this environment, truth needs an ally.
Asilomar will present the legal case showing CEOs cannot remember the "truth" any better than anybody else. They cry out from the witness stand: "There wasn't enough time to check the PMBOK, the contract, the letter, the schedule, the meeting notes, so I went with what seemed right at the time." These macro dynamics at the senior and organizational level have their roots in the office each day. Professional communication specialists, often psychologists, are called in to separate "warring" parties and teach communications. Much of this effort is focused on dialog and listening skills.
Cognitive science, however, provides a theory of induced learning that links micro-communication problems among individuals in the office each day, i.e., telling the "truth," with the macro world of organizational losses that lead to lawsuits, failures and downsizing. Belief about the true state of affairs is a biological state that varies in the human mind from moment to moment, day to day, depending upon the speed and context of information flow. Humans make mistakes of induction every day all day long.
Writing preserves and leverages information so, as dynamics change, original understanding can be accurately recovered. Over thousands of years, business methods have evolved so "truth" is maintained through shared meaning and common commitment. Asilomar can make the case for what the PMBOK calls "Communication Management," using the construction industry to show the process of effective communication in a high risk environment which is fast becoming the norm in the New World Order.
The Information Highway, however, causes executives to feel there isn't enough time to use reading and writing.
Conversation seems fast and easy, and doesn't leave a paper trail for lawyers to discover.
Executives like summaries with verbal assurances that details are linked to the summary. But details are not linked to summary, except in the minds of people rushing from one meeting to the next; so, belief drifts off the truth, and organizations drift into trouble, rushing to join the Information Highway of more meetings, cellular phones, fax and email, which is an even worse form of loose, stream-of-conscous communication.
mountains of information pile up, like using a huge backhoe but without any trucks to haul the dirt away, so eventually, the entire project simply buries itself.
Information piling up from email on personal computers, notebooks, servers and the Web is being sold by corporate saviors, gurus and experts as strategic "Business Systems" (BS) for firing people under high sounding schemes for reengineering, TQM, downsizing, rightsizing and similar euphamisms for eliminating people, who have the experience that converts information into useful knowledge for improving productivity and earnings, and relying instead on cheaper, inexperienced help that sows the seeds of conflict, crisis and calamity, when boom, once again, falls of its own weight into tragic loss.
Without a breakthrough technology to augment human experience for generating critical knowledge, any solution that leaves fewer people, especially who are inexperienced, as occurs when project managers are replaced with team leaders, who, in turn, are chasing more information is a formula for constant error and acrimony about truth, i.e., continual bumbling rather than learning. When this "BS" strategy collapses in wrenching loss, failure and cover-up, downsizing becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy: "Vision Statements" lack vision; psychologists become corporate gurus; lawyers and accountants displace marketing, engineering and operations as dominant forces.
This makes "truth" a mystery called
Murphy's Law; it has no ally.
The NWO article describes technology to solve the information/time challenge, so that people can discover and fix mistakes before they cause harm, through a new management science of Communication Metrics that supplements cost and schedule control. The Information Highway has so changed the character of management work that new skills, roles, and tools are needed to process information. We need a "trucking system" to move mountains of information before it piles up too high to see our Vision and Mission statements prepared in the TQM meeting.
The constant growth of information to process by people with limited span of attention, requires a "metric" to ensure communications are accurately aligned and linked into a body of knowledge that empowers everyone to act on the "truth." The Asilomar theme on the partnership between leadership and technology can explore the opportunity to re-deploy the growing legions of displaced managers to perform this new role with the help of new technology.
Many of these displaced managers are over 40 and so have the life experience that is essential to fulfill this new role to empower leadership.
Covey's habit #7 calls for keeping a daily journal of thoughts, experiences, insights, as a means to sharpen mental acuity. Communication Metrics, described in the New World Order paper, applies this idea through technology to electronically link prior events, thoughts, and documents with current activity so it is available when CEO's customers and colleagues need the "truth." The PMBOK calls this "aligning people through communications," section 2.4.1; ISO 10006 calls it "traceability to original sources," e.g., section, that supports" continual learning," section 7 throughout. Thinkers from Aristotle to Aquinas, Disrali, Covey, have long recognized that superior learning skill is a key characteristic of great leaders who leverage impoverished information with vast experience in order to formulate new ideas.
Asilomar is fortunate to have Intel Corporation presenting its plans for future technology. Intel's CEO, Andy Grove, is famous for keeping track of understandings and sending "Andy Grams" following up on action items from meetings. General Vernon Walters, former NATO Commander, and a leadership aide for presidents over the past quarter century, is legendary for preparing detailed notes of what is said at meetings and how it relates to prior events, without having taken notes during the meetings.
While few have the tenacity of an Andy Grove or the mental powers of a General Walters, Asilomar can show that technology to support these factors of success forms a stronger partnership with leadership, that can solve the scourge of downsizing. The idea is simple: more communication means we need more alignment, more attention to traceability, to continual learning. We need technology that supports good habits, and leaders with vision and courage to use the technology that makes everybody more productive, so earnings go up.
This need is clear from the Associated Press story on February 4, 1996, reporting that managers are wasting up to 70% of the day in unproductive meetings because attendees are not prepared, there is no agenda, discussions ramble and there is no follow up. This waste impairs earnings. People who waste time are not needed in their present job. They need a job that invests time in what is needed: doing the analysis that converts information from endless meetings, calls and email, into useful knowledge, and ensuring timely follow up. The Information Highway creates an unlimited need for these skills. Reengineering management to apply these skills that increase earnings is the central challenge of leadership for the 21st century.
Johanna Neuman's new book "Lights, Camera, War," traces the stormy love-hate relationship between leadership and technology from the Gutenberg printing press, to the telegraph, hailed as the "Information Highway" of its day, to the present-day worry about horrific mistakes and miscalculation by leaders under siege by a national mood whipped into mob mentality from a constant stream of information, much like the modern project environment. Ms. Neuman makes this case on page 20 and 21 in her book, and notes on page 24 that each new communication technology unleashes a dilemma calling on leaders to "...change their habits, to adjust to a new speed or a new imperative, to hurry their decisions... But technology has also been a gift to those who learned to exploit its blessings..." Asilomar explores how to make the Information Highway a blessing for project leaders.
Taxpayers of course enable political leaders to make the adjustments called out by Ms. Neuman for applying technology usefully. The president's team that creates intelligence has grown to meet the growth in information because they know that, like "turning straw into gold," information is only of value after it is converted into knowledge, and this takes intelligence. The National Security Advisor, the CIA and other agencies assemble and analyze daily events to ensure adequate understanding, accuracy, alignment with policies, commitments and objectives.
Business leaders don't have taxpayers to finance changing habits and trying new methods. Hiring a lot of people to analyze information is expensive, especially when hard pressed by foreign competitors in a global economy who have a lower wage base. As a result, many businesses are being run over on the Information Highway. They are scurrying to stay ahead of their mistakes by the quick fix of downsizing. They call it "getting leaner and meaner."
The NWO article offers a different strategy: get smarter -- reengineer the practice of management using technology that lifts the process of doing knowledge work, i. e., think, remember and communicate. This will empower CEOs, managers and everybody to know the truth, and that will ensure a...

happier truth to tell

Asilomar's agenda, calling for a better partnership between leadership and technology, offers the prospect of getting the analysis done that converts information into knowledge, and in the bargain put people to work applying the sound management practices of Covey, PMBOK and ISO every day. Consistent use of good practices is the cultural imperative of the New World Order that can lift civilization to a new plateau. Anyway, that is how I see the nexus between the NWO article and the Asilomar agenda.


Rod Welch

Copy to:
  1. Sherrill McDonald
    Chairman Asilomar Program Committee
  2. Bill DeHart, Asilomar Committee