440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 12:51:01 -0700

03 00050 61 99081301

Mr. Morris E. Jones
Director of Architecture
Intel Corporation
350 East Plumeria; Mail Stop CHP02-1
San Jose, CA 95124

Subject: Intelligence for Medical Management

Dear Morris,

Here is another example to share with the guys on how intelligence which seems funny, foreign, alien and off-the-wall, is applied to "move the ball" everyday on substantive issues. It shows how to help people be prepared for effective meetings. As noted in the Fortune article, poor meetings and reliance on verbal communications (conventional email is a worse form of verbal communication) are the biggest cause of CEO failure. People want to just show up and pull the trigger, relying on stream-of-conscious recall, because of limited time and short-term perspective, i.e., ignorance about the value of being prepared .

Your work with the Boy Scouts teaches this verity. But, as Andy Grove points out in his book, adults need help to be prepared because information overload is a new reality in the work place that conceals the value of investing intellectual capital. Technology and a new work role can help with the first problem, time; but, only experience can help people recover from ignorance, fear and denial that adding intelligence to management improves earnings.

We cannot force people to prepare. But, we can reduce the level of effort required to prepare by providing the precise information needed for review on specific issues. Some will refuse to act because they don't feel like it. Hubris, jealousy, the dark impulses to ignore and obstruct, rather than encourage progress, dominate some personalities. But, overtime, the team will adopt a better work practice, and even the hold-outs will come around, as they experience the benefits of being prepared by adding intelligence to management. That is the way farming, caught on, and later the alphabet, bookkeeping, cost and schedule control, that, at first, seemed to take too much time, were funny, foreign, alien and "off-the-wall," as intelligence, now seems to some, because the reward is in the future.

A lot of people relate to the challenge of managing medical work. So, some may see the light on this, if given the opportunity. The Internet facilitates the learning process, by reducing the effort needed to demonstrate, and to experience self-evident benefits of delivering timely intelligence that makes it much easier for people to be prepared when they attend meetings, make calls, or commence work on any important task. See what you think.



Rod Welch