440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

May 27, 1999

03 00050 61 99052701

Mr. Morris E. Jones
Director of Architecture
Intel Corporation
350 East Plumeria; Mail Stop CHP02-1
San Jose, CA 95124

Subject: Expedite Reading & Writing with SDS
Empathic Design Improves Management and Products
Leadership Essential for Improvement

Dear Morris,

Here is a link to Christensen in the record on May 26, which you asked about last night. Your comments on empathic design are helpful and important. Leadership is critical to effective use.

I caught Grove's interview on the Rose program at mid-night. Grove seems to recognize the importance of reading and writing for engineering. I suspect it is important to management, as well. Your report on Feb 4, 1995 that empathic design uses similar methods to SDS, suggests this might be another way to build a bridge of understanding about the advantages and methodology of Communication Metrics.



Rod Welch