440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

Date: Fri, 09 May 2003 00:30:56 -0700

03 00050 61 03050801

Mr. Garold L. Johnson
Modeling and Simulation
3370 Mira Loma Avenue
PO Box 3105
Anaheim, CA 92803
Subject:   CS Staff Meeting Notes Shows Good Com Metrics Practice
SDS Records Facilitate Meetings -- Before and After

Dear Gary,

Your record today on the CS staff meeting has a solid tone that shows new information tied to objectives, requirements and commitments. This produces useful organizational memory, as explained in POIMS, and so is excellent Com Metrics practice. Somehow this same tone and comprehension of meaning does not come through in the TEM records. As we discussed, the TEM records have been a good learning exercise that is paying off in subsequent work, like the meeting today.
Good to see more action items identified today. Before long the team will be needing action item review meetings. An example is the record on November 26, 1996.
A few months ago on January 8, Morris mentioned frustrations and worry when people game the action item system. Tasks are reported complete in order to avoid accountability for delay, then a new action is opened under a different name for the same thing. This piles up a record showing stellar performance, when in fact things are not getting done; soon the job is a mess, as you related on October 6, 2001. Assume Boeing will have action item management programs similar to those available from Microsoft, Oracle, Primavera, et al.
The character of your record today on the CS Staff meeting illustrates advantage of providing links to original context that makes people effective for getting things done. Merely describing an action to be taken soon becomes useless verbiage. Without context, over time, people forget the scope and then the meaning, and so fail to perform, until a problem occurs, then cover mode gears up. However, when the original sources has explanation of what is needed, why, where the resources are to do the work, and links to controlling authority, as you have done today, this becomes a powerful asset for helping people get things done. Empowering people to get things done quickly and accurately brings satisfaction and credit for accomplishment that reduces fear and worry about being held accountability for failure to perform. Consequently less time is invested "gaming" the system to avoid accountability, which in turn increases the time available for doing the work. As discussed on October 6, 2001, this why a little intelligence changes the dynamic on the job from a spiral of defeat and entropy where people are overwhelmed by information, into into an engine of cascading productivity and confidence.
SDS records applied through Communication Metrics enable people to be prepared before a meeting, and then after the meeting people are empowered to get things done correctly and on time through accurate understanding and timely follow up. This idea is summarized by the notion of listening, reviewed on August 9, 1989, and yields a new and more comprehensive way of
facilitating a meeting.
SDS is not designed to provide a verbatim transcript of what was said, as with traditional meeting minutes. SDS enables a new way of working for a Com Manager to provide guidance and resources to get the right things done on time and within budget by adding analysis that adds value to what is actually said.
In the meantime, you might consider visiting with your boss about whether you should be following up action items, or how he wants to handle it?
Your record on the CS Staff Meeting today shows a link at line 091060 concerning Steve and Bruce; recall that links need dates. Entering the date for every link as a discipline does lots of good things for the writer and the reader, and it only takes a second or two.
We also need some headlines and record segments -- but, again, the narrative is excellent.
For example, a lot of problems are identified in the CS Staff Meeting record, but are not attributed to anyone. This raises issues without raising temperatures. You do attribute interesting questions and comments to a wide range of attendees. That is another task for the Com Manager -- get everybody involved and contributing "intelligent" comments. This encourages constructive feedback to clarify the record, rather than emotional attacks and retribution.
Your record today provides the kind of common story of daily work that people hunger for; they become curious about what good things they will be saying at the next meeting, and are pleased that there is record of their good work for everyone to see. Soon they will want to come and talk to you, because they will have discovered that talking to Gary gets in the record, and the record adds value to whatever is said by triangulation with organizational memory, so that there is an ongoing comprehensive story that empowers everyone to take complementary action. Distributing SDS records enables people to, in turn, be prepared for doing the work and attending the next meeting, where they can spread "intelligence" rather than spread guess and gossip. This is a powerful new way of working to "facilitate" a meeting.
I guess you can see I liked these notes.


Rod Welch

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