440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

December 28, 2002

03 00050 61 02122801

Ms. Vianne Middleton
Subject:   Middleton, Vianne SDS Records on Internet

Dear Vianne,

Thanks for your letter reporting SDS records on the Internet saved time helping you solve a problem, so you could get on with your life. I suspect that your initiative would have gotten the job done without SDS, but glad the record saved time, which is a core idea of a knowledge repository, as explained in POIMS, i.e., everyone helping each other by working to help themselves.
You asked for other resources to find out more about SDS and Com Metrics; this is listed in my record for today.

There is also some perspective and ideas on your request to keep up the good work putting knowledge on the Internet that solves real problems.

Rod Welch