440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 11:55:37 -0700

03 00050 61 02082302

Mr. John Maloney
Knowledge Management Consortium, Inc.
San Francisco Chapter
Street address
San Francisco, CA 94111
Subject:   Groove Seminar Invitation and Work Product Support
Linking Why Does Every Call Meeting Chance

Dear John,

You make a powerful point in your letter today about the importance of multiple ways for people to interact with the world. I agree with that.
It is also true that I am focusing on a new way of doing things which you correctly note involves POIMS and SDS. These are arcane terms, as you point out, but nor more so than KM, Groove, and many others which you seem to embrace with equanimity. Moreover SDS and POIMS derive from experience using customary management methods you champion. As you can see, the record on July 23, 2000 shows reliance over many years on all of the methods you are using, and this experience led to a new way of working, not to replace customary ways to provide intelligence support that makes people effective.
As shown in another letter earlier today, your work as critical for building bridges to a better future that improves customary ways. An example of the need for a bridge, is the record on January 7, 1997.
As you can see from that experience, it shows work performed minute by minute, hour by hour using the kind of direct communication you cite in your letter today as the driving force of daily work in the real world. Certainly the people who interacted, like you, were not burdened by POIMS and SDS, nor by a lot of annoying references. Yet they were helped because someone took the trouble to line up the tasks they were doing with objectives, requirements and commitments. If you look further in the record on January 7, 1997 you can see the president of a company, who held your view that SDS is harmful, eventually changed his mind upon the accumulation of experience showing that accurate memory saves time and money.
Notice as well, experience a few days later on January 10, 1997 shows that a entire group of people who relied on customary work practices, came to rely on SDS for adding value to daily work, after gaining exposure over a period of time. Your example today of "hall conversation" lines up pretty well with a discussion that began in an elevator. As you can see, SDS adds addressability that empowers people to invest information from all forms of daily work as critical intellectual capital to grow knowledge and ideas for getting things done, as explained in POIMS.
So, while it is true that there are lot of methods for interacting with people, SDS was designed to augment traditional methods in ways that enable people to improve performance. Experience has shown that using SDS saves time and money and failing to do so on complex endeavors causes mistakes, loss, conflict, crisis and calamity. Since, as you can see, I have a lot of experience using customary ways, I wouldn't waste time with SDS, if there were not a long record showing it adds value.
This does not require people to give up customary ways. When literacy emerged about 700 BC, people did not abandon orality. Still today the methods you use and advocate are powerful methods for building community through relationships and for getting things done. Your methods will remain useful and indeed the dominate methodologies, because they are grounded in human biology, as set out in POIMS.
As a leader in the KM movement, I only hope that you will join in the effort to strengthen obvious weaknesses in customary methods, as technology continues to compress time and distance, creating a new world order that is different from the conditions that evolved our biological gifts. Leaving room for advance, perhaps there will come a time that SDS can be seen as contributing to the long march of civilization, rather than an annoying hindrance that constantly reminds of alignment between what we are doing and saying today, and what we set out to do, agreed to do and are required to do for sake of community.
Let's keep building bridges for alliance and progress.


Rod Welch

Copy to:
  1. Park, Jack,
  2. Johnson, Garold (Gary) L.,