440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 22:37:50 -0700

03 00050 61 01042501

Mr. Morris E. Jones
Business Unit Manager
Cable Network Operation
Intel Corporation
350 East Plumeria; Mail Stop CHP3-105
San Jose, CA 95124

Subject:   Typical Day Scenario using SDS

Dear Morris,

Finally found this letter you sent last month. I was not getting any letters and someone told me today they just sent something, so I looked on the Pacbell mail server and there a bunch of letters, including yours, below, that discusses the typical day scenario.

First, it is difficult to understand why you do not expressly identify the document being reviewed. All it takes is a link. Every para in Welch docs have a very simple 4 place anchor. You showed the other day at your house that you can link stuff with MS tools, so why not bite the bullet and do this. It provides faster, better, cheaper context.

Second, thanks for constructive feedback. Why can't this be done on POIMS, which provides the rationale and guidance for developing tools that let people capture a useful record and connect things up at about the speed they occur?

Analysis takes time. It took you time to read the typical day scenario, think about it and craft your letter. It takes time to design a computer chip, bridge, develop a business plan, prepare for a meeting, and so on. SDS makes it possible to do more analysis at a higher level in the time available, than can be accomplished using other means, because the SDS environment provides a resource that feeds itself. This significantly leverages human intelligence that grows and uses daily experience.

People do most of their analysis when driving home, watching television, waking up at 3a screaming and worrying that they forgot to do something, or say something, or need to correct something, etc, or so I am told, see for example.......

Concerning utopia, discussed in your letter; this points to important ideas.

SDS extends the notion of heaven on earth, which the 10 Commandments have helped build, in combination with alphabet technology. Thou shalt not steal, chase after the neighbor's wife, and so on, sets up a dynamic that supports production. If you don't steal from the neighbor, then maybe you can team up to produce what is needed. Resources needed for life have to come from somewhere. Animals in the wild forage, and take what they want, and can get away with. Humans gave up foraging in favor of production based on superior cognitive talent. Alphabet technology extended the reach of human cognition, for the reasons in POIMS, which people don't seem to want to know about.....

Applying these technologies in combination over a few thousand years, created an environment that the people who invented the alphabet and used it to write the bible would likely say is a "heaven" on earth. Of course if they stick around for awhile, and start getting 50 email a day, attend a bunch of meetings and have a lot calls, they will reassess and feel overwhelmed by information overload. SDS offers the prospect of turning this mess into a "utopia" by adding "intelligence" to convert all that information into knowledge, like turning straw into gold.

It is not going to happen for everyone, just as everyone who follows the 10 commandments and learns the alphabet does not winds up realizing all of their dreams. Life is a game of percentages. With enough people doing better work over an extended period, things generally get better for most people. That is the most we can hope for.

SDS is an extension of the alphabet. People can apply it any level of intensity they choose. Professional writers use the alphabet more than others. Teachers use it more than plumbers, and so on. It is just a tool for people to use it as they wish. The nice thing is that SDS has endless utility. If you use it 24 7 to capture organizational memory, you build a bigger resource to get more value.

Give Wayne Wetzel a call and ask him about how much value SDS brings when not using with the intensity set out in the typical day scenario.....

406 444 6722

Anyway thanks for effective feedback on SDS Typical Day Scenario. Try to remember to cite the material you are commenting about, and if time permits provide links to relevant sections of the record.



Rod Welch