440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: February 24, 1999 08:12 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Meeting with Tom and Max at USACE on Communication Metrics.


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0201 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers         415 977 8501 fax 8483
020101 - San Francisco District
020102 - Mr. Max R. Blodgett, II, P.E., L.S.
020103 - Construction Operations Division
0202 - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers         415 977 8501 fax 8483
020201 - San Francisco District
020202 - Mr. Thompson F. Keesling, Architect; Assistant Chief
020203 - Construction Operations Division

COE Evaluation Communication Metrics
District Support
Orientation for DDE, Major Blenchinger
Institutionalize Communication Metrics

1607 -    ..
1608 - Summary/Objective
1609 -
160901 - Follow up ref SDS 24 0000, ref SDS 21 0000.
160902 -
160903 - I visited Tom and Max to review the discussion with Major Blenchinger.
160904 - ref SDS 24 0000
160905 -
160906 - Max related having returned from a week away on assignment and
160907 - having some 270 email that require attention.  He has been up late at
160908 - night trying to get caught up, but getting the email on his home
160909 - system is very slow.  He still has 100+ email to review.
160910 -
160911 - We considered briefly Max's point on 990204 that Humbolt and other
160912 - projects need support like what we did for Richmond. ref SDS 20 9360
160913 -
160914 - Tom advised that Max can submit a memo to DE on using Communication
160915 - Metrics for District projects, and provide a copy to PPMD showing
160916 - budget allocations that supports the initiative.
160917 -
160918 -     [On 990323 Max wants Leonard to issue memo. ref SDS 25 9054]
160919 - ..
160920 - He sent an email to Maxine at CSB asking for budget planning
160921 - through physical 2000. ref DRT 1 8849
160922 -
160923 - We will meet tomorrow morning to review a draft procurement memo that
160924 - Max can edit, so it can be submitted prior to the end of the week,
160925 - since Max will be gone next week.
160926 -
160927 -
160928 -
1610 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"