440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 7, 1998 11:15 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Called JPS about FTP failing on Web site.
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0201 - JPS Net 800 711 5353 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Bruce Newland
020102 - Shift Supervisor Customer Support Rep =916 810 8913
020103 - Technical Support =415 376 0121
Internet Access Failed
Assemble Records
JPS Deleted Data Failed to Transfer to NT
Continual FTP Failed Access
0708 - ..
0709 - Summary/Objective
0710 -
071001 - Follow up ref SDS 11 0000, ref SDS 10 0000.
071002 -
071003 - Bruce advised that routing from our phone line to the Sacramento
071004 - server will be improved as a result of providing a direct line from
071005 - the Oakland hub to the JPS server. He expects work will be completed
071006 - at the latest by this Friday.
071007 -
071008 -
071009 -
071010 -
0711 -
0712 -
0713 - Progress
0714 -
071401 - Bruce advised the Oakland Hub uses a variety of routes through the
071402 - Internet to reach JPS servers in Sacramento.
071403 - ..
071404 - He has been told that the JPS system is being improved to
071405 - provide more direct routing from Oakland to JPS in Sacramento.
071406 -
071407 - The work is expected to be completed OA 980710.
071408 -
071409 - Bruce expects that this routing improvement will result in much better
071410 - FTP service for Welch.
071411 -
071412 - I asked Bruce about his idea yesterday to improve routing for the
071413 - Welch account? ref SDS 11 1624
071414 -
071415 - Bruce's explanation on this option was unclear today.
071416 -
071417 - He mentioned having visited with Mike Creed yesterday to review the
071418 - routing conditions that cause poor FTP performance.
071419 -
071420 - Bruce said he will submit an email explaining JPS' work in progress
071421 - to improve FTP service. He will explain some of the technical terms
071422 - so that Welch can communicate more effectively with JPS on these
071423 - issues.
071424 -
071425 -
071426 -
071427 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"