440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: April 4, 1998 06:19 PM Saturday; Rod Welch

Mail using JPS seems to be broke.


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0201 - JPS Net                            800 711 5353 fax or 800...
020101 - Ms. Rachael NLN; Customer Support Rep; Technical Support =415 376 0121

Email Account
Email Address to Respond
Email Configure Software
Configure Netscape

0806 -    ..
0807 - Summary/Objective
0808 -
080801 - Follow up ref SDS 4 2163, ref SDS 2 1738.
080802 -
080803 -
080804 -
080805 -
080806 -
080807 -
0809 -
0810 -
0811 - Problems
0812 -
081201 - When we call JPS and enter our password we are getting a message:
081202 -
081203 -      Error 691:  The computer you are dialing into cannot establish a
081204 -      dial-up networking connection.
081205 -
081206 -      Check your password and then try again.
081207 -
081208 -
081209 -
081210 - When we try to get our mail using Netscape we get an error message
081211 - saying our password is incorrect.
081212 -
081213 -      I talked to Michele earlier, ref SDS 5 0000, and she said our
081214 -      password for using the email system was entered incorrectly.  She
081215 -      said she fixed it and so we could use our email account in an
081216 -      hour.  But it is still not working in Netscape.
081217 -
081218 - When we try to use Internet Explorer, Outlook Express for email by
081219 - clicking on...
081220 -
081221 -                           Send/Receive
081222 -
081223 - ...we get a screen that say...
081224 -
081225 -      Some errors occurred processing the requested tasks.  Please
081226 -      review the list of errors below for more details.
081227 -
081228 -
081229 -
081230 -
0813 -
0814 -
0815 - 1939 775 0121
0816 -
081601 - JPS Help line failed again.  Called the phone repair.  They verified
081602 - the phone line has failed.  They will enter a repair order.
081603 -
081604 -                      800 722 9378
081605 -
081606 - Another route to JPS help is...
081607 -
081608 -     Dial 800 711 5353 and aske for technical support.
081609 -
081610 -
0817 -
0818 -
0819 - 0727 called JPS
0820 -
082001 - Talked to Rachael.
082002 -
082003 - She is investigating.
082004 -
082005 - Rachael says our email system appears to be correct.
082006 -
082007 - We tried changing the Mail Server under Edit, Preferences from
082008 -
082009 -           
082010 -
082011 -
082012 -
082013 -           
082014 -
082015 - This did not work.
082016 -
082017 - Rachael put me on hold to consult with a supervisor who may know of
082018 - more things to try.
082019 -
082020 - Rachael came back on line and suggested closing Netscape.
082021 - ..
082022 - We opened it and then opened "Edit," "Preferences"  Selected
082023 - Mail & Groups and then removed and replaced the contents of...
082024 -
082025 -                         Mail Server
082026 -
082027 -       ...used the delete key several times to ensure the field is
082028 -       cleared and we entered the string again.
082029 -
082030 -                        rodwelch1628
082031 -
082032 - This seemed to work.
082033 -
082034 -
082035 -
082036 -
082037 -
0821 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"