440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
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DIARY: March 22, 1998 07:18 AM Sunday;
Rod Welch
Test Comm Metrics Web site for supporting business intelligence.
2...Code Improvements to Consider
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0201 - Chips & Tech. 408 434 0600
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones
020102 - Sr. Vice President =4283 Ext
Test Delivery, Access by Web Browser over
Headings Should Have Link Anchors When
0804 - ..
0805 - Summary/Objective
0806 -
080601 - Follow up ref SDS 19 4345, ref SDS 16 0384.
080602 -
080603 - I just updated the links on key records for marketing purposes.
080604 -
080605 - Spent 200 hours.
080606 -
080607 - ..
080608 - Was finally able to send the letter to Max per, ref SDS 19 4237,
080609 - although it actually went out on Monday morning because I spent the
080610 - night converting links.
080611 -
080612 - [See response on 980323. ref SDS 21 4571]
080613 -
080614 - ..
080615 - Code Improvements to Consider
080616 -
080617 -
080618 - [On 980324 developed code to do this stuff. ref SDS 22 2217]
080619 -
080620 - I am thinking we might change 070405 to open the record of a link with
080621 - a line number reference and omit the parameter. The reader would be
080622 - at the Executive Summary and we could possibly scroll the file up to
080623 - a standard link so the summary listing is always in the center of the
080624 - screen.
080625 -
080626 - [On 980324 did this at ref SDS 22 6525,]
080627 - ..
080628 - Want to eliminate "Re:" in the record description. It is
080629 - redundant.
080630 -
080631 - [On 980324 did this at ref SDS 22 3111,
080632 -
080633 - Do we really need "Diary"?
080634 -
080635 - Yes, because the date needs to be identified as a data date, and
080636 - not the date the record was prepared.
080637 -
080638 - Actually, the records on the Web site do not have an effective
080639 - date, but maybe they should, so that people can draw them different
080640 - dates as a reflection of evolving content.
080641 - ..
080642 - Guess I will eliminate "Executive" and just use "Summary" and
080643 - will put it in red.
080644 -
080645 - Another idea is to eliminate line numbers for subject descriptions.
080646 - This would allow them to be entered as proportional fonts without
080647 - messing up the line numbers.
080648 -
080649 - [On 980324 did this at ref SDS 22 0907]
080650 -
080651 - Need to figure out a way to stack multiple citations on the same
080652 - line. In the record of IBM's announcement on business intelligence,
080653 - there are three cites on the same line. The HTML code conversion
080654 - makes this line about 300 char and we are only entering 260.
080655 - Actually we are using 300, but we need about 320 because of the off
080656 - set command on some functions.
080657 -
080658 - [On 980324 did this by changing recl to 360. ref SDS 22 6027]
080659 -
080660 - ..
080661 - Experience with Web browsers is showing that link anchors seem
080662 - to work better if placed on segment heading lines rather than on the
080663 - follow up line below segment headings. Considerations to make the
080664 - headings visually impressive, ref SDS 14 2295, can be supported to aid
080665 - marketing, but also provide effective mental subject pointers for the
080666 - reader to work more effectively.
080667 -
080668 - The current SDS design places follow up anchors below headings. Of
080669 - course anchors can occur anywhere in knowledge space, but where they
080670 - are part of a follow up line, then more meaning is conveyed if the
080671 - heading line above is displayed. People can scroll down a line or two
080672 - to reach the heading, but this is distracting, takes little time but
080673 - is bothersome when, especially when it seems like a bug in the program
080674 - not to have the heading line appear when it is so close to the target
080675 - text.
080676 -
080677 - [On 980324 developed code to accomplish this. ref SDS 23 1114]
080678 -
080679 -
080680 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"