440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: December 1, 1997 00:11 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Testing processor for HTML data base for SDS.
2...06116 - Testing on SDS Project Data Base
.....Changed Location of Data Base from I to E
3...0704013 - Testing and Fixes
4...070405 - Change from I: to E: Drive for Temp Storage of HTML
Click here to comment!
Configure for network s: drive
Intranet, HTML Code
0504 - ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Follow up ref SDS 5 2050, ref SDS 4 4959.
050602 -
050603 - Changed the location of the data base from i: to e: drive.
050604 -
050605 - This way it can be maintained by sort and compress, which is not
050606 - available on i:
050607 -
050608 - Testing seems to have revealed a possible error in 070405 when run
050609 - consecutively in 06116. The code that creates links to the SDS
050610 - records seems to be jumped after the first record is processed.
050611 -
050612 - We do not seem to have a good way to fix memory crashes that cause
050613 - records to be filed with the first position of a line number missing.
050614 -
050615 -
050616 -
0507 -
0508 -
0509 - Coding
0510 -
051001 - 06116 - Testing on SDS Project Data Base
051002 - ..
051003 - Follow up ref SDS 5 2158, ref SDS 4 5916.
051004 -
051005 - Test record after processing with 070405, ref OF 1 2287,
051006 -
051007 - Changed Location of Data Base from I to E
051008 -
051009 - The data base was originally set to I, ref SDS 4 1526, because
051010 - there was room on that drive and it is differet for d.
051011 - ..
051012 - Decided to change work on 971126, ref SDS 4 1526, that set
051013 - the location of the data base for HTML to i. Today, I am making
051014 - it e: so that the data base can be maintained. It is also a
051015 - temporary bunch of stuff, similar to other SDS global pointer
051016 - files.
051017 -
051018 -
051019 - Problem
051020 -
051021 - File for the record at ref SDS 6 2541, was entered as a "pm" time
051022 - frame instead of AM which is the actual date.
051023 -
051024 - This reflects the conversion of the time factor to look up the
051025 - record in the Schedule at ref OF 1 2286,
051026 -
051027 - Solution
051028 -
051029 - Have to move time to another counter so we do not disrupt the
051030 - process of entering the value.
051031 -
051032 - Problem
051033 - ..
051034 - Time for PM is being converted to AM.
051035 -
051036 - Solution
051037 -
051038 - Have to change both 06116 and 070405.
051039 -
051040 - 06116
051041 - ..
051042 - Line 680 -label noAI, ref OF 1 4187, changed code so it
051043 - will remove the seconds field, but save the AM/PM field.
051044 -
051045 - 070405 is changed below at ref SDS 0 3442.
051046 -
051047 -
051048 - Problem
051049 -
051050 - Record on 960815, ref SDS 3 1722,
051051 -
051052 - This was a line number problem.
051053 -
051054 - Record on 960518, ref SDS 2 2086,
051055 -
051056 - The Follow up line under Subject/Ojbective ran into the right
051057 - edge of the screen. This does not seem to have been the
051058 - problem.
051059 -
051060 - A subject description above ref SDS 2 1372, ran close to the
051061 - right edge of the screen. This is the problem.
051062 -
051063 - Solution
051064 -
051065 - Changed 070405, ref OF 3 1206, so it will do an of 0 after
051066 - entering the HTML code that sets the no bold font command.
051067 -
051068 - Record on 960413, ref SDS 1 2618, problem was line number offset
051069 - due to memory crash.
051070 -
051071 -
051072 - 0704013 - Testing and Fixes
051073 -
051074 - Follow up ref SDS 5 1316,
051075 -
051076 - Problem same as for 06116 above. ref SDS 0 3044
051077 - ..
051078 - Line 370 -label overk, ref OF 2 3890, made same change as for
051079 - 06116. ref SDS 0 1687
051080 -
051081 - Line 1035 -label dG1_P_H, ref OF 2 3884, this also creates a
051082 - letterhead, but it does not seem to process the date field. So the
051083 - format for the SDS record memo is slightly different from the
051084 - Executive Summary.
051085 -
051086 -
051087 - 070405 - Change from I: to E: Drive for Temp Storage of HTML
051088 -
051089 - Follow up ref SDS 6 2297.
051090 - ..
051091 - Line 860 -label SDSr, ref OF 3 3442, changed from i to e, per
051092 - the explanation above. ref SDS 0 2356 This changes work at ref SDS 4
051093 - 1350,
051094 -
051095 -
051096 -
051097 -
051098 -