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1...We need to figure out how to do a date only spec using code in 06110
Configure for network s: drive
Intranet, HTML Code
Subject, 06112
SDS Data Base
Objectives Concepts
0707 - ..
0708 - Summary/Objective
0709 -
070901 - Follow up ref SDS 3 1869, ref SDS 2 2871.
070902 -
070903 - Was able to create a new processor, 06116, using the code in 06112 as
070904 - a front end, and calling 0704013 and 070405 as subroutines, per,
070905 - ref SDS 4 1591. It replaced the work done on Wednesday to make the
070906 - Subject report do the HTML conversion. About 80% complete with main
070907 - code.
070908 -
070909 - [See completion on 971130. ref SDS 4 0972]
070910 -
070911 - [See explanation of overall system on 971206. ref SDS 6 6000]
070912 -
070913 -
070914 -
0710 -
0711 -
0712 - Progress
0713 - ..
071301 - This morning will try using 06112 code as basis of new
071302 - processor, instead of 06110 tried yesterday. ref SDS 3 2043 It will
071303 - replace the code created in 06112 as part of the Subject report on
071304 - Wednesday. ref SDS 1 1688,
071305 - ..
071306 - Will put back changes to 000007 and to 000001.
071307 -
071308 - There is a part of the 06110 I want to use that uses code in 000005
071309 - about macro 96 that does date math to get a diary list between
071310 - certain dates. This allows us to do a date only record selection.
071311 -
071312 - One the other hand, I may never want to do this.
071313 -
071314 - We need to figure out a method of giving people security access.
071315 -
071316 -
071317 -
071318 -
0714 -
Assemble Records, 96116
0804 - Coding
0805 -
080501 - ..
080502 - 06116 - Try using 06112 Code as Start
080503 -
080504 - This will have a lot of extra stuff at the top.
080505 -
080506 - Need way to load 06116 instead of 06112.
080507 -
080508 - Will keep profile value 47 = 12 for now.
080509 -
080510 - Line 60, ref OF 4 5429, modified subroutine at beginnng of the thing.
080511 -
080512 - ..
080513 - Deleted everything in 06116 created yesterday, ref SDS 3 1869,
080514 - except the main code. ref OF 4 2149
080515 -
080516 - Testing loop for Action items. ref OF 4 2695
080517 -
080518 - Line 265 -label lpInt1, ref OF 4 2838, tried to apply code in 0704013
080519 - at this point as a subroutine.
080520 - ..
080521 - Decided this thing needs only a single heading, including a
080522 - description.
080523 -
080524 -
080525 - ..
080526 - 000001 -macro 230 Change Mouse to Call 06112 Function for Internet
080527 -
080528 - Line 330 -entry 230, ref OF 6 4473, this is beginning of mouse code.
080529 -
080530 - Line 815 -label rrPts, ref OF 6 5473, call Subject Index function in
080531 - Subject Report.
080532 -
080533 - Disconnected this because we will set counter 76 flag as default
080534 - condition.
080535 -
080536 - Line 900 -label Intrnt, ref OF 6 3347, disconnected code to use
080537 - counter 76 <2226 as a flag for internet data base conversion, because
080538 - the flag will be set directly in 06116. Since that is all it will be
080539 - doing, it is not needed for anything else.
080540 -
080541 -
080542 - ..
080543 - 000003 - Menu Add Internet for Subject Index
080544 -
080545 - Use code created yesterday. ref SDS 3 3348
080546 -
080547 -
080548 - ..
080549 - 000007 - Change Call to 044011 for Either 06112 or 06116
080550 -
080551 - Line 510 -entry 117, ref OF 7 1906, decided to set the main flag in
080552 - macro 1171, and set a default flag for 06112 at this location.
080553 - ..
080554 - Line 560 -entry 1171, ref OF 7 2450, sets flag for HTML
080555 - conversion and then runs macro 117 code to call 044011. This is
080556 - launched in the Subject Index main menu bar per macro file 050409. ref
080557 - SDS 0 6076
080558 -
080559 - [See change on 971205 adding "no-d" param for selection spec. ref
080560 - SDS 6 2565]
080561 -
080562 -
080563 - ..
080564 - 000008 Macro 1307 Add Flag for Non-HTML Conversion
080565 -
080566 - Line 885 -entry 1307, ref OF 8 2951, added setcnt 52 0 here so it can
080567 - be applied in 044011.
080568 -
080569 -
080570 -
0806 -
HTML Report from Menu
Select Subject, 044011
Initialization, 044011
1106 -
110601 - ..
110602 - 0440110 - Apply call to 06116 instead of 06112 for HTML Conversion
110603 -
110604 - Line 20, ref OF 1 3010, set counter 52 as flag to distinguish between
110605 - regular Subject search macro 06112 and HTML conversion macro 06116 for
110606 - the Internet data base.
110607 -
110608 - Line 795 -label 78qk, ref OF 1 5483, added code to evaluate counter
110609 - 52 and if the global is 1, we call 06116, if the global is 0 we call
110610 - 06112.
110611 -
110612 -
110613 -
1107 -
SDS Records
1406 -
140601 - 0504051 - Change call for HTML Conversion to Subject Report 044011
140602 -
140603 - Line 130 -label s_rQ, ref OF 2 3276, changed this to call macro file
140604 - 0704013 to set up an ASCII file which can then be processed by macro
140605 - 070405 called from the menu in the output file, or by pressing F4.
140606 - ..
140607 - Line 150 -label s_rQ, ref OF 2 5917, changed the call to macro
140608 - 044011 #2, where it can set setcnt 52 1, as a flag to load 06116
140609 - instead of 06112.
140610 -
140611 - I changed this again to call compiled macro 1172 in 000007 which
140612 - calls macro file 0704013 and 070405 to in a single step create an
140613 - SDS Memo of the current record in HTML format.
140614 -
140615 - [On ________ changed this because 070405 became the processor for
140616 - converting SDS records to HTML code.
140617 -
140618 -
140619 - ..
140620 - 050409 - Call Macro 1171 to Load 044011 in SI for HTML Conversion
140621 -
140622 - Line 90 -label HTML, ref OF 3 3268, calls new macro 1171 in 000007,
140623 - ref SDS 0 3473, which calls 044011 to load 06116 instead of 06112.
140624 -
140625 - The call can only be made by the mouse with the cursor on a target
140626 - subject.
140627 -
140628 - We need to figure out how to do a date only spec using code in 06110
140629 - that uses the Dairy selection code to get a list of records between
140630 - certain dates that can be processed.
140631 -
140632 - This is only needed if the entire data base is put on the
140633 - internet. We may come to that, but for now, subjects selection
140634 - seems to be effective.
140635 -
140636 -
140637 -
140638 -