440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: October 12, 1997 11:01 AM Sunday; Rod Welch

Received call from Steve Buck re submitting help to Gordon at PG&E.

2...Gordon Smith at PG&E Needs Communication Help

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0202 - PG&E, Steve Buck                   415 598 7545 fax or 800...                                                                                                  O-00000671 0201

Demonstration for New Users
Construction (DPB)
PG&E, Sprint, Bechtel

0905 -    ..
0906 - Summary/Objective
0907 -
090701 - Follow up ref SDS 4 1111, ref SDS 2 1111.
090702 -
090703 - Submitted to Steve the analysis of Communication Metrics meeting
090704 - PG&E's need for communication support.  Steve left a message that he
090705 - forwarded the message to Gordon Smith, CEO of PG&E.
090706 -
090707 -
090708 -
090709 -
090710 -  ..
0908 -
0909 -
0910 - Discussion
0911 -
091101 - Gordon Smith at PG&E Needs Communication Help
091102 -
091103 - Followed up work at ref SDS 3 line 122.
091104 -
091105 - Steve asked me to send him the email sent to Bill DeHart responding to
091106 - Gordon Smith's request for help, reviewed at ref SDS 1 8572.
091107 -
091108 - Prepared ref DIT 1 0000 that submits analysis at ref SDS 1 0000, which
091109 - was submitted originally to Bill DeHart, ref DIP 1 0000.
091110 -
091111 - I added a reference to newest COE report, ref SDS 1 2400, received on
091112 - 971008. ref SDS 5 2979.
091113 -
091114 -
0912 -
0913 -
0914 - 1209 called Steve
0915 -
091501 - Left message that I submitted the above email.
091502 -
091503 -
091504 -
091505 -  ..
0916 -
0917 -
0918 - 2234 Steve called back
0919 -
091901 - Steve said he forwarded the recommendation to evaluate Communication
091902 - Metrics to Gordon Smith.
091903 -
091904 -        [On 971020 PG&E received suggestions, ref SDS 6 0000]
091905 -
091906 -
091907 -
0920 -
0921 -