440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
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DIARY: October 4, 1997 08:12 PM Saturday; Rod Welch

Received article on Stanford closing Project Office.


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Educational Institutions
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Stanford University, Project Office
Conventional Management Not Enough Time to
Best Brightest Need Time to Think, SDS
Missing Ingredient Time to Think
Project Management Trends, Changes,
Best of Best Mental Biology Overwhelmed Information Overload Needs In
Stanford Project Office Best of Best Failed Mental Biology

2312 -    ..
2313 - Summary/Objective
2314 -
231401 - Follow up ref SDS 34 0000, ref SDS 33 0000.
231402 - ..
231403 - The Associated Press reported Stanford University has closed its
231404 - 20-year old Facilities Project Management Office that employed 40
231405 - people. ref OF 1 0001
231406 -
231407 -       [On 971104 called Stanford. ref SDS 36 0000]
231408 -
231409 -     This conflicts with PM Network articles calling for Project
231410 -     Office, ref SDS 17 6902.
231411 -
231412 - Stanford has a $1B building improvement program, ref OF 1 0002
231413 - ..
231414 - Closure was prompted by a project budgeted for $17M on which
231415 - bids were 30% high and it was 6 months late in getting started while
231416 - efforts were made to reduce the budget. ref OF 1 VP6F
231417 - ..
231418 - Stanford recruited the "best of the best" for its Project
231419 - Office. ref OF 1 7389
231420 -
231421 -     On 950412 Primavera reported having used the best tools and the
231422 -     best practitioners for scheduling its project, but still failed.
231423 -     Something was missing. ref SDS 2 3920
231424 -
231425 -     Robert MacNamera recruited the "best and the brightest" at the
231426 -     Pentagon in the Kennedy Administration, but they were overwhelmed
231427 -     by the flow of daily information, and lost their way. ref SDS 4
231428 -     5872
231429 -
231430 -     If "best of the best" fail using "project management," what does
231431 -     this experience say about the prospects for the "Project Office"
231432 -     proposed for everyone else in an article reviewed on 970525?
231433 -     ref SDS 17 6902.
231434 -
231435 -            [On 980630 article that Atlantic Bell using Internet Web
231436 -            Site to support Project Office. ref SDS 37 0633]
231437 -
231438 -        View that smart people, who work hard, don't need Communication
231439 -        Metrics, reported on 950426, ref SDS 5 2394, may be erroneous.
231440 -
231441 -        Demonstrates limited span of attention, reported on 970829,
231442 -        ref SDS 31 7721, cannot be solved by smart people working hard,
231443 -        if there is not enough time to think, about all of the things
231444 -        that need to be considered, as reported last month on 970910,
231445 -        ref SDS 32 3479, per calculation of cost savings from
231446 -        Communication Metrics, ref SDS 35 2020.
231447 -
231448 -     Suggests human intelligence alone cannot meet demands of expanding
231449 -     complexity. Might it be that the human mind has created a world
231450 -     for which it is not well suited? ref OF 3 7515
231451 -
231452 -     Intelligence needs a boost on Information Highway.
231453 -
231454 -
231455 -
231456 -  ..
231457 - Stanford is replacing the Project Office with a smaller, streamlined
231458 - Office of Capital Planning and Management. ref OF 1 WQ9K
231459 -
231460 -     The new office will be advised by 4 outside general contractors.
231461 -     ref OF 1 NT8O
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