440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: July 23, 1997 01:54 PM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Called Tom on Corps of Engineers contract based on Task Order 2.

2...Oakland Claims Management Needs Immediate Action - $60M Exposure
3...Sole Source Procurement Arrangements
4...Task Order 2 Modifications
5...Not Enough Time to Prepare Procurement

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0201 - Corps of Engineers, SFD            415 977 8400 fax 8483
020101 - Mr. Max R. Blodgett, II, P.E., L.S.
020102 - Construction Operations Division   =415 977 8480
0202 - Corps of Engineers, SFD            415 977 8400 fax 8483
020201 - Mr. Thompson F. Keesling, Architect; Assistant Chief =415 977 8473
020202 - Construction Operations Division   =415 977 8480

Cost Communication Metrics
Litigation Support, Oakland
Corps of Engineers, 970115
Planning, Consultant Support
Oakland Claims Management, 970723
Sole Source Justification
Not Enough Time to Read and Write
Conventional Management Not Enough Time to

1610 -    ..
1611 - Summary/Objective
1612 -
161201 - Followed up work at ref SDS 44 line 108, ref SDS 41 line 112,  ..
1613 -
1614 -
1615 - Discussion
1616 -
161601 - Oakland Claims Management Needs Immediate Action - $60M Exposure
161602 -
161603 - Followed up work at ref SDS 44 line 144.
161604 -
161605 - Tom said he talked to Max after the meeting this morning and advised
161606 - that he will not have enough time to prepare a procurement to hire
161607 - Welch to assist John with Oakland claim management.
161608 -
161609 -     [See follow up meeting with Max ref SDS 45 line 166.]
161610 -
161611 - We considered briefly our discussion this morning when Tom had
161612 - indicated he could provide some support for this task, based his prior
161613 - work developing the procurement to extend the Welch contract, ref SDS
161614 - 10 line 56.  Since John has not worked previously with Communication
161615 - Metrics, it will be difficult for him to understand what this method
161616 - entails and how it can help him, per Tom's observation in the meeting
161617 - with Tom Benero and Herb Cheong on 961101, ref SDS 6 line 149.
161618 -
161619 -
161620 -
161621 - Sole Source Procurement Arrangements
161622 -
161623 - Tom advised of concerns this procurement effort will encounter on the
161624 - sole source issue with the result that getting it through legal and
161625 - contracting will take a long time and may wind up unsuccessful, as
161626 - occurred the last time, ref SDS 13 line 102.
161627 -
161628 - We considered meeting with John Eft to develop language that is
161629 - acceptable to meet District requirements for immediate support using
161630 - Communication Metrics.  Tom indicated he and John Azeveda could meet
161631 - with John Eft on this matter, per analysis at ref SDS 12 line 190.
161632 -
161633 - We discussed the idea of requesting that Marcus Tikotsky prepare the
161634 - procurement, since he worked with Tom Benero on the last Welch
161635 - procurement and advised of ideas on how to prepare it properly to meet
161636 - the concerns raised by John Eft, ref SDS 18 line 792.  Marcus
161637 - indicated he had a solution on this matter, ref SDS 15 line 356.
161638 -
161639 -
161640 - Task Order 2 Modifications
161641 -
161642 - Tom seemed to indicate he would develop modifications for Task Order
161643 - 2 this evening to support the discussion with John Azeveda tomorrow.
161644 -
161645 -
161646 -
161647 -
161648 -  ..
1617 -
1618 -
1619 - 1610 called Max
1620 -
162001 - Not Enough Time to Prepare Procurement
162002 -
162003 - Max said he thought we had a good meeting with John, but he received
162004 - an email from Tom Keesling in which Tom said he would not have enough
162005 - time to prepare a procurement for Welch on Oakland.
162006 -
162007 -     [See follow up meeting with Max ref SDS 45 line 115.]
162008 -
162009 - We discussed Tom's heavy schedule in PPMD with implementing automated
162010 - management and the excessive time required previously to develop a
162011 - Welch procurement. Will discuss this tomorrow in the meeting with
162012 - John.
162013 -
162014 -
162015 -
162016 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"