440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: February 28, 1996 11:32 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Submit Asiloamr agenda to COE and Kwan Henmi to request support.


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0201 - Corps of Engineers, SFD            415 744 3033 fax 3449
020101 - Mr. Max R. Blodgett, II, P.E., L.S.
020102 - Chief =415 744 3033; Construction - Operations Division
0202 - Kwan Henmi Arch & Planng           415 777 4770 fax 5102
020201 - Mr. Denis Henmi; Executive Vice President

Visibility & Credibility
Financial Support from Sponsors
Sponsor Financial Support Speakers

0706 -    ..
0707 - Summary/Objective
0708 -
070801 - Followed up work at ref SDS 6 line 98 and
070802 -
070803 - Submitted letter ref DIT 1 line 30 to Max at the Corps of Engineers
070804 - with the Asilomar agenda ref OF 1 line 17, and the Turner meeting
070805 - explaining the role of construction to define the need for a new work
070806 - discipline, ref SDS 1 line 84.
070807 -
070808 - I delivered this to the COE offices.  Max was at an interview so I
070809 - gave it to a secretary.  Tom was in his office; we visited briefly
070810 - about the COE sponsorship of the Asilomar event.  He indicated the
070811 - chances for approval of COE financial support would be enhanced if COE
070812 - was represented on the panel.
070813 -
070814 -
070815 -
070816 -
0709 -
0710 -
0711 - 1519 called Max
0712 -
071201 - He has received and glanced at my letter.  He said there is someone on
071202 - the 9th floor who he can talk to about contributing the Corps name and
071203 - any funding as a sponsor for the event.
071204 -
071205 - I mentioned the need for a COE member on one of our panels to query
071206 - speakers about how apply technology to the management process.
071207 -
071208 -   [See follow up at ref SDS 8 line 52.]
071209 -
071210 -
071211 -
0713 -

SDS, Marketing, Sales, Proposal, Contract & Support
Corps of Engineers, SFD

1005 - Summary/Objective
1006 -
100601 - Followed up work at ref SDS 5 line 58.
100602 -
100603 - Tom said there was a bid opening last week where he expected to
100604 - develop funding for the levee portion of the contract.  However, the
100605 - low bid was $2M over budget, so he has to find other funding.  He is
100606 - working on this.
100607 -
100608 - He said he is very anxious to learn the Welch Communication Metrics
100609 - method with SDS.  We discussed briefly how work seems to keep piling
100610 - up, follow up consideration previously at ref SDS 2 line 121.  I
100611 - mentioned discussions yesterday at Chips on changes in the flow of
100612 - information and how everybody is having trouble keeping up.
100613 -
100614 -
100615 -
100616 -
1007 -
1008 -
1009 - 1519 discussion with Max
1010 -
101001 - When we talked about COE support of Asilomar, Max mentioned Tom is
101002 - having difficulty funding my contract.  He said he has used this
101003 - approach in the past, and seemed to indicate an interest in helping
101004 - Tom accomplish this objective, per our discussion at ref SDS 3 line
101005 - 156.
101006 -
101007 -
101008 -
101009 -
1011 -

Visibility & Credibility
Financial Support from Sponsors
Welch Scope with KH

1507 - Summary/Objective
1508 -
150801 - Followed up work at ref SDS 6 line 98 and ref SDS 4 line 66.
150802 - ..
150803 - Submitted letter ref DIT 2 line 30 to Denis at Kwan Henmi with
150804 - the Asilomar agenda ref OF 1 line 17, and the Turner meeting
150805 - explaining the role of construction to define the need for a new work
150806 - discipline, ref SDS 1 line 84.
150807 -
150808 -      [See follow up on 960313, ref SDS 9 1719.]
150809 -
150810 - I called him later in the day and the receptionist said he is in but
150811 - wants to call me back.
150812 -
150813 - We still need to do the work at ref SDS 4 line 82.
150814 -
150815 -
150816 -
1509 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"