440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: November 21, 1995 09:12 AM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Called Joe Ouye at Facility Techniques re speaking to PMI.

2...Advised of event theme "Taking the Quantum Leap into the 21st Century"
3...Ann said the Speaker's schedule is not set for July yet. They are
4...Submitted ref DIT 1 line 30 per Ann's request, with the agenda and

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Jul Event, Speakers
Gingrich, Newt - Speaker of US HR

0604 -    ..
0605 - Summary/Objective
0606 -
060601 - Followed up work at ref SDS 1 line 106 and ref SDS 2 line 310.
060602 -
060603 -
060604 -
060605 -
0607 -
0608 -
0609 - Background
0610 -
061001 - John Kahl at Raychem says Joe is a good speaker on "change".  We have
061002 - developed this scope at ref SDS 2 line 310.
061003 -
061004 - I left a message for him 2 weeks ago.  A week later I called back.
061005 - The secretary asked me to leave another voice mail because Joe is very
061006 - busy.
061007 -
061008 - Will try to visit with him about what he can say about the need for
061009 - change to improve executive effectiveness through better time
061010 - management and communications.
061011 -
061012 -                         Joe Ouye
061013 -                         Facility Techniques
061014 -                         Oakland, Ca
061015 -                         510 763 7200
061016 -
0611 -
0612 -
0613 - Progress
0614 -
061401 - Left another message on Joe's voice mail.  Receptionist said he will
061402 - be in the office oa 0930 - 1000.
061403 -
061404 -
061405 -
061406 -
0615 -
0616 -
0617 - 0915 Joe called back
0618 -
061801 -
061802 -    [He never called back.]
061803 -
061804 -
061805 -
061806 -
061807 -
0619 -
0620 -
0621 - 0919 called US Congress
0622 -
062201 - Listing for House of Representatives     202 225 3121
062202 -
062203 -                                                  0600
062204 -
062205 - Talked to Ann Mercorella
062206 -
062207 - Advised of event theme "Taking the Quantum Leap into the 21st Century"
062208 - and requested the Speaker to give the "Ambassadors of Change" closing
062209 - talk, per ref SDS 2 line 311.  The event will be the second week in
062210 - July at Asilomar in Monterey California.
062211 -
062212 - Ann said the Speaker's schedule is not set for July yet.  They are
062213 - working on his January engagements.  I mentioned reports in the
062214 - California papers of an important House race for retiring Democratic
062215 - Congressman Minneta's seat in Monterey.  Conceivably the Speaker will
062216 - be traveling in California in July and could work this event into his
062217 - schedule.
062218 -
062219 -
062220 -    Send written invitation to:
062221 -
062222 -        Office of the Speaker
062223 -        H-232 The Capital
062224 -        Washington DC  20515
062225 -
062226 -        Attention:  Ann Mercorella
062227 -
062228 -
062229 - Submitted ref DIT 1 line 30 per Ann's request, with the agenda and
062230 - the NWO paper.
062231 -
062232 -    [See initial follow up at ref SDS 3 line 35.]
062233 -
062234 -
062235 -
0623 -