440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: April 22, 1995 04:37 PM Saturday; Rod Welch

Received information on Lotus Notes implementation problems.

2...Lotus Notes App Abandoned

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Information Management (IT)
Disillusioned by Technology
Lotus Notes & IBM, 910625

0505 -    ..
0506 - Summary/Objective
0507 -
050701 - Follow up. ref SDS 2 0000.
050702 -
050703 - Bill explained difficulties using Lotus Notes.
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0509 -
0510 - Discussion
0511 -
051101 - I asked Bill how things are going at Polaroid, and his assignment to
051102 - develop a new product line in medical imaging.
051103 -
051104 - He said they are making headway creating and expanding this market,
051105 - with a few setbacks along the way.  Bill said communications within
051106 - the Polaroid can be difficult, as in other large organizations.  He
051107 - feels the new product has a bright future.
051108 -
051109 -
051110 -  ..
051111 - Lotus Notes App Abandoned
051112 -
051113 - Bill said Polaroid had to abandon a Lotus Notes application intended
051114 - to support marketing.  I was unaware Polaroid was trying Lotus Notes.
051115 -
051116 - He said marketing managers and sales reps need to know where
051117 - Polaroid's products are installed, who the contacts are, the scope of
051118 - the installation, performance history/maintenance, customer
051119 - satisfaction, and so on.  Polaroid's' automated services group tried
051120 - to develop a system using Lotus Notes to capture this information and
051121 - make it available to field marketing reps.  Bill said the system was
051122 - never able to meet expectations.  It was difficult to access the
051123 - system, and when they got on-line, information could not be extracted.
051124 -
051125 - This past week, Polaroid abandoned the effort.  They were never able
051126 - to get the system to support field data entry so information could be
051127 - shared.
051128 -
051129 -    Comment
051130 -
051131 -    This reflects IBM's experience last year in their San Francisco
051132 -    office where they tried to create a useful LN app, and then gave
051133 -    up, ref SDS 1 line 145.
051134 -
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