440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: December 7, 1994 08:01 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Submitted comments on SMUD contract re Gold Hill to Pam.

2...Intent of the Parties Needs to be Identified
3...Drawing Revisions

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0201 - PG&E Transm Contracts              415 973 3872 fax 972 0871
020101 - Ms. Pam Taheri,
020102 - Contract Manager, Rm 2334 Mail Code B23A =415 973 1660
020103 - Transmission Contracts =415 972 0871 (fax)

Gold Hill Horseshoe Upgrade
Project Manager, Bill DeHart, Tom Marki
Final Contract

0807 -    ..
0808 - Summary/Objective
0809 -
080901 - Followed up ref SDS 5 0000.
080902 -
080903 - Submitted comments and reviewed with Pam.  She will submit a copy of
080904 - the revised proposed contract to me this afternoon via EM.  A copy
080905 - will be sent to SMUD so they can prepare for the meeting on Friday.
080906 -
080907 -
080908 -
0810 -
0811 -
0812 - 0931 discussion
0813 -
081301 -  ..
081302 - Intent of the Parties Needs to be Identified
081303 -
081304 - We considered the advantage of explaining the "intent" of the
081305 - contract. This could be done in defining "Arrangement" which was
081306 - recommended by Bill and Tom in para 3 at 7:24, per ref SDS 5 9163.
081307 -
081308 -    Pam concurs.  She thinks we should include a flow chart as an
081309 -    appendix to further clarify what is intended.
081310 -
081311 -
081312 -  ..
081313 - Drawing Revisions
081314 -
081315 - Pam thinks it would be helpful to revise the Relocation Plan drawing
081316 - in addition to Bill's recommendation on 941206 to identify the portion
081317 - of the line that is active, ref SDS 5 0887.
081318 -
081319 - She pointed out language that referred to prior contract arrangements
081320 - that have since been abandoned.  At one time the parties had contem-
081321 - plated that PG&E would use an existing SMUD line to install a new
081322 - circuit.  This led to the terms "First Replacement Circuit" and
081323 - "Second Replacement Circuit."  Similarly there are a lot of dimen-
081324 - sions on the drawings that are not defined and may no longer be
081325 - applicable.  Pam feels that all references should be removed, so that
081326 - only references to the work to be performed under the contract, are
081327 - shown on the drawings, execpt where other facilities are needed for
081328 - reference and or context.  There also needs to be difinitions for the
081329 - dimensions, as related to contract requirements and objectives.
081330 - ..
081331 - Pam called Buck and left a message asking him to have the
081332 - drawing revised to apply these standards.
081333 -
081334 - She feels as well, that the portion of the line that is thought to be
081335 - energized, should not be specifically shown on the drawing.  She
081336 - concurred that the description in the contract in para 1.17 p 6:22
081337 - can be changed to remove the word "idle" and perhaps 115 kV.  Pam
081338 - feels this is satisfactory.  It is not necessary to say some of the
081339 - line is energized, and it is strategically awkward, since evidently
081340 - Bill Renard wants to approach this matter in his own way, per dis-
081341 - cussion in Sacramento on 941110 on Conceptual Framework, where Buck
081342 - explained the line may be energized, ref SDS 1 8588.
081343 -
081344 -
081345 -
0814 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"