440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: February 19, 1994 03:37 PM Saturday;
Rod Welch
Scanned article on role of "communications" in successful managment.
2...PM's Lack People Skills
3...The Human Side of Project Management
4...Developing Project Managers for the 1990s
5..."Communications" Critical Skill
6...Good Listening
.....Feedback Essential for Effective Communication
.....Listening Requires Feedback Metrics for Accurate Communication
7...Communication plays a primary role in management, ref OF 2 line 98,
.....Communication Skills
8...Feedback Critical Component of Listening
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Personnel Training, Management Skills
Communications & Communication Metrics
Talking & Listening is Fast and Easy
Leadership is Talking
Listening & Dialog Inadequate
Communication Main Factor Management Productivity Success 90% of Time
Feedback Essential for Effective Communication
The Human Side of Project Management Developing Project Managers for
Feedback People Get Mad When Morris Submits Records to Refresh Recol
2211 -
2211 - ..
2212 - Summary/Objective
2213 -
221301 - Follow up
221302 -
221303 - An article in the 1st Quarter PMJ offers procedures and ideas for
221304 - training project managers to work with people using teamwork and
221305 - leadership through "communications." ref OF 2 0001
221307 - ..
221308 - The introduction indicates quality employees are more difficult to
221309 - hire at this time, and so it is critical for managers to learn human
221310 - resource management techniques. ref OF 2 804N
221311 -
221313 - ..
221314 - PM's Lack People Skills
221315 - The Human Side of Project Management
221316 - Developing Project Managers for the 1990s
221317 -
221318 - Authors contend that Project Managers are well qualified in a
221319 - technical field, but are often the least trained in the organization
221320 - to deal with interpersonal, non-technical demands of their clients or
221321 - of their subordinates. ref OF 2 8P7S
221323 - ..
221324 - At least in construction, most top people come from the ranks of
221325 - project managers, and so have similar skills. It is difficult to
221326 - imagine that an accountant, auto mechanic or personnel manager
221327 - knows more about dealing with people in an executive capacity,
221328 - than a project manager whose whole life is dealing with people.
221329 -
221331 - ..
221332 - "Communications" Critical Skill
221333 - -------------------------------
221334 - The author maintain at ref OF 2 0856, that client's expect PM's to:
221335 -
221336 - Be aware of and responsive to their needs.
221337 -
221338 - Be good listeners and good communicators (both spoken and
221339 - written).
221341 - ..
221342 - Be skilled at resolving conflicts...
221344 - ..
221345 - Demonstrate leadership in pulling together and motivating diverse
221346 - groups.
221347 -
221349 - ..
221350 - Good Listening
221351 -
221352 - The concept of communications as being a "good listener" is applied in
221353 - the SDS & POIMS spec at ref OF 4 line 357, and was first addressed as
221354 - part of the POIMS concept at the Cal Tech PM seminar, ref SDS 1 line
221355 - 207, and is further considered in reviewing Stephen Covey's work at
221356 - ref SDS 2 line 413.
221358 - ..
221359 - This idea is further advanced by the authors at ref OF 2 line 71:
221360 -
221362 - ..
221363 - Feedback Essential for Effective Communication
221364 - Listening Requires Feedback Metrics for Accurate Communication
221365 -
221366 - Managers must provide feedback facilitate the participation of
221367 - workers, provide information to both management and employees as
221368 - well as the client, and make their own subordinates and team
221369 - members feel listened to and integrated into the team effort.
221370 - ref OF 1 7333
221372 - ..
221373 - Feedback for accurate communications aligns with the book on
221374 - Project Management received from the Cal Tech seminar, and
221375 - reviewed on 940111, ref SDS 5 4400, explaining that meaning
221376 - from communication in meetings, calls, and documents varies
221377 - widely, causing loss, conflicts, crisis, calamity without an
221378 - effective system of feedback. ref SDS 5 2074
221380 - ..
221381 - What is the line between concern for "feelings" of team
221382 - members, and the role of social worker and psychologist, rather
221383 - than the leader of competent professionals.
221385 - ..
221386 - See analysis of executive training by Dialogos at
221387 - ref SDS 12 5549
221389 - ..
221390 - [On 960226 executives avoid reading and writing, and like to get
221391 - information by conversation. ref SDS 11 2004]
221392 -
221394 - ..
221395 - Communication plays a primary role in management, ref OF 2 line 98,
221396 - aimed at gaining cooperation, ref OF 2 line 98
221397 -
221398 - [See HBR article at ref SDS 7 0034.]
221400 - ..
221401 - The author's research indicates the most salient link to overall job
221402 - satisfaction and low turnover is communication in the firm,
221403 - ref OF 2 line 119.
221404 -
221405 - [See "Communication Metrics" at ref SDS 8 7777.]
221406 -
221407 - [Communications 90% of management time, ref SDS 13 6677.]
221409 - ..
221410 - [Study of Risk Management shows "communication" is major source
221411 - of project success or failure on high risk work, ref SDS 10
221412 - 4433.]
221414 - ..
221415 - [Article on Project Office says communication most important
221416 - overall function, ref SDS 14 8888.]
221418 - ..
221419 - [Book says communication primary process of management and main
221420 - problem, ref SDS 15 6666.]
221421 -
221423 - ..
221424 - Communication Skills
221425 -
221426 - Interview and survey data reported at ref OF 2 line 122, indicate
221427 - following areas of communication skills necessary to successful
221428 - project management:
221429 -
221430 - (1) client contact (interpersonal communication, listening,
221431 - self-presentation);
221433 - ..
221434 - 2) presentation and public speaking;
221436 - ..
221437 - 3) conflict management;
221439 - ..
221440 - 4) negotiation; and
221442 - ..
221443 - 5) writing.
221444 -
221445 - [This was later supported by study on Risk Management, ref SDS
221446 - 10 line 114.]
221447 -
221449 - ..
221450 - Feedback Critical Component of Listening
221451 -
221452 - The author's contend at ref OF 2 line 135, project managers must be
221453 - able to deal with the interpersonal demands of client and firm
221454 - relationships in terms of effective listening, providing appropriate,
221455 - accurate and timely feedback and presenting themselves in a manner
221456 - which makes the client comfortable with the individual, the firm and
221457 - the job. In the 1990s, it will be increasingly critical, as jobs
221458 - become more and more competitive, that project managers present
221459 - themselves well to clients and coworkers. These skills, combined with
221460 - superior technical competence, will be the formula for successful
221461 - project management.
221463 - ..
221464 - The idea of effective listening being established by "accurate and
221465 - timely feedback...", supports the SDS concept of communication
221466 - metric, ref OF 4 line 357 which was added at ref SDS 6 line 75.
221468 - ..
221469 - Continual Learning is an aspect of this process, ref SDS 3 line
221470 - 155, from ISO 10006 review, ref SDS 9 line 497.
221472 - ..
221473 - The idea of project managers "presenting themselves well to
221474 - clients and co-workers" reflects the "leadership" skills defined
221475 - for "Communication Metrics" but seems to overlook "Understanding
221476 - and Follow Up" components developed later at ref SDS 8 line 114.
221477 -
221479 - ..
221480 - Project Manager as sales and marketing representative, is explained at
221481 - ref OF 2 line 145. The author's make excellent common sense points on
221482 - being sensitive to political realities; however, I have difficulty
221483 - believing there is anything new on this topic since the time of the
221484 - Pharohs. Dale Carnegie has said all of this before.
221485 -
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