440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 27, 1993 04:00 PM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Meeting with Ralph at Performex.
2...Follow Up
3...SDS Demonstration
4...Talking & Listening is Easier than Analysis
5...Implementation of Executive Training
6...Performex Literature - Supports Reengineering
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0201 - Performex O-00000083 0102
020101 - Mr. Ralph Bettman
SDS Marketing, Sales, Demonstrations
Education, institutional courses
Reading and Writing, Not Enough Time
Executive Mind Set/Practice
Talking & Listening is Fast and Easy
Executive Training Firms
1208 -
1208 - ..
1209 - Summary/Objective
1210 -
121001 - Follow up
121002 -
121003 - x0001 Followed up telecon at ref SDS 9 line 040615 and earlier discussion at
121004 - ref SDS 2 line 042801.
121006 - ..
121007 - Follow Up
121008 -
121009 - Ralph will be out of town for much of August. He asked me to call
121010 - him in mid September.
121011 -
121012 - [See follow up at ref SDS 10 line 46.]
121014 - ..
1211 -
1212 -
1213 - SMP Demo
1214 - ..
121401 - I asked if they would like to sit in on the demonstration at SMP
121402 - tomorrow as a guest to evaluate SDS and the demonstration relative to
121403 - providing executive training, per ref SDS 5 line 040603. We can have
121404 - lunch afterward and discuss the prospects of them using it.
121406 - ..
121407 - This would indicate the level of acceptance and questions that arise
121408 - on SDS and POIMS technology.
121409 -
121410 - Ralph indicated he is unable to attend due to other business.
121411 -
121413 - ..
1215 -
1216 -
1217 - Discussion
1218 -
121901 - ..
121902 - SDS Demonstration
121903 -
121904 - Used poster to explain POIMS technology, supplemented by the record
121905 - for SMP demo per per ref SDS 7 line 040604 (included terminology).
121906 - Explained manual practices replaced and improved by SDS, per ref SDS 8
121907 - line 050604.
121908 -
121909 - SDS integrates time management and information management to
121910 - apply well recognized principals:
121911 -
121912 - Time is money
121913 - Knowledge is power
121914 - ..
121915 - Automated integration of these fundamentals greatly improves
121916 - personal effectiveness and organizational productivity.
121917 -
121919 - ..
121920 - Ralph asked how SDS is used to follow up on assignments.
121921 -
121922 - I showed how the record of an assignment is used to schedule a
121923 - follow up task that is linked back to the original task, emulating
121924 - and improving upon the mental faculty of remembering chronology.
121925 -
121926 - Also showed how an executive can examine the Schedule of a staff
121927 - member and the record of performance to see how they are doing,
121928 - whether they need help or might be available for additional
121929 - assignments, all without taking up the persons time. Ralph feels
121930 - executives would think it is better to just ask "what's going on."
121931 -
121933 - ..
121934 - Talking & Listening is Easier than Analysis
121935 -
121936 - Ralph feels presenting SDS to an executive should focus on a narrow
121937 - range of features rather than show it improves productivity through
121938 - better analysis. He said executives prefer working by conversation
121939 - because it seems faster and easier than the writing up the record.
121940 - Performex trains speaking and listening skills for the "understanding"
121941 - shown in its brochure, ref OF 1 line 41.
121942 -
121943 - [See meeting with Axiom on 950426, ref SDS 11 4392.]
121945 - ..
121946 - We considered how SDS empowers executives to take on more
121947 - responsibility as they grow in their career, since it has a lot of
121948 - features that can be learned over time.
121949 -
121951 - ..
121952 - Ralph asked about my background
121953 -
121954 - I explained my experience in the military, general contracting,
121955 - law, and construction management. SDS was developed over a 10
121956 - year period to implement well recognized management practice.
121957 -
121959 - ..
121960 - Implementation of Executive Training
121961 -
121962 - SDS can be marketed as a way to effectively implement the training
121963 - offered by Performex so new skills can be applied consistently.
121964 -
121965 - Ralph wants to consider SDS. He asked me to call him in mid-September
121966 - after he returns from vacation.
121967 -
121969 - ..
121970 - Performex Literature - Supports Reengineering
121971 -
121972 - Ralph submitted product information. It indicates they offer training
121973 - in the things SDS implements, ref OF 4 - 7, as shown in the segment
121974 - above. Their seminars and Datum Training Units could use the SDS data
121975 - base for examples to illustrate concepts, and set up scenarios.
121976 -
121977 - Performex business profile is at ref OF 1 line 10, showing they
121978 - have been in business since 1963.
121979 -
121980 -
121981 -
121982 -
1220 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"