440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 29, 2010 00:24 AM Monday; Rod Welch

Notify family on burial services for Ed at National Cemetery in Dixon.


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Birthday 65th Congratulations Fond Memories Growing Up Cupertino Fam

0703 -
0703 -    ..
0704 - Summary/Objective
0705 -
070501 - Follow up ref SDS 42 0000. ref SDS 41 0000.
070502 -
070503 -
070504 -
070505 -
070507 -  ..
0706 -
0707 -
0708 - Background
0709 -
070901 - On 100211 0752 letter sending congratulations and wishing Rob Happy
070902 - Birthday on reaching 65. ref SDS 12 6I6I
070904 -  ..
070905 - On 100211 1438 received letter from Rob saying he has had a good life,
070906 - and has had minimal health problems, ref SDS 13 6I6I, and reporting he
070907 - got married last year. ref SDS 13 4P56
070909 -  ..
070910 - On 100217 1952 called Ed and Kathy, Ed has been sick since October.
070911 - Yesterday on 100217 Kathy took Ed to the Emergency Care Department at
070912 - the VA.  He was diagnosed with pneumonia. ref SDS 14 6I6I
070914 -  ..
070915 - On 100218 0009 letter to Ed and Kathy with background on working with
070916 - VA the past 5 years. ref SDS 15 6I6I
070918 -  ..
070919 - On 100218 1302 letter from Eddie presents plans to notify of progress
070920 - in his care at the VA in Sacramento. ref SDS 16 6I6I
070922 -  ..
070923 - On 100301 0253 received letter from Kathy dated 100228 reporting Ed
070924 - hospitalized at VA in Sacramento; required treatment in Emergency Care
070925 - Department to control pain. ref SDS 17 6I6I
070927 -  ..
070928 - On 100301 0313 letter thanks Kathy for update on Ed; sent copies to
070929 - family members.  Ask Kathy for phone number in hospital for Ed.
070930 - ref SDS 18 6I6I
070932 -  ..
070933 - On 100303 0101 received Rob's letter dated 100302, responding to the
070934 - letter on 100301 notifying the family about Ed being in the hospital,
070935 - ref SDS 18 6I6I   Rob called Ed at the hospital. ref SDS 20 6I6I.  Rob
070936 - plans a trip to Sacramento in 3 - 4 weeks, asks about driving together
070937 - to visit Ed. ref SDS 20 4Q39
070939 -  ..
070940 - On 100303 0233 letter responding to Rob's letter received on 100303
070941 - 0110, ref SDS 20 6I6I, copy to family provides update on Ed getting
070942 - cancer, and lists his new telephone number at the VA, ref SDS 21 6I6I;
070943 - and with copy to Kathy with understandings from telecon with Ed on
070944 - work plan for his recovery;
070946 -  ..
070947 - On 100303 0233 at 1914 called Ed at the hospital; treatment plan was
070948 - changed to eliminate stint procedure; severe pain from fluid
070949 - irritating main nerve will be resolved by recovery from penumonia.
070950 - ref SDS 21 OK8K  The doctor ordering dental work to prevent infection
070951 - from causing pneumonia. ref SDS 21 OK45
070953 -  ..
070954 - On 100303 0742 called Ed at the hospital.  He will ask the nurse about
070955 - albumin and pre-albumin on blood tests on admission to hospital for
070956 - evaluating nutrition, and consequent need for dental work prior to
070957 - starting chemotherapy which will then prevent dental work. ref SDS 22
070958 - 6I6I
070960 -  ..
070961 - On 100304 0742 called Ed seems in good spirits today, looking forward
070962 - to being released from the hospital or out-patient care of cancer.
070963 - ref SDS 22 6I6I
070965 -  ..
070966 - On 100304 0742 at 2121 called Kathy at home.  Results of brain MRI
070967 - scan today show that cancer has migrated to the brain; PET scan test
070968 - shows Ed has cancer in his back, and this is putting pressure on the
070969 - nerve causing him excruciating pain, and fluid from pneunomia.
070970 - ref SDS 22 8R6H
070972 -  ..
070973 - On 100305 0719 called Ed about visiting him and Kathy at home this
070974 - weekend, hopefully tomorrow; he expects to be discharged from the
070975 - hosptial today. ref SDS 23 6I6I
070977 -  ..
070978 - On 100305 2122 letter from Rob responds to the notice that Ed's cancer
070979 - is very serious.  He has to delay trip to Sacramento due to changes in
070980 - his business situation, and issues involving arranging for a place for
070981 - Jerry to live. ref SDS 24 6I6I
070983 -  ..
070984 - On 100308 1513 letter notifies Julee that her Uncle Ed was diagnosed
070985 - with lung cancer, and asking to notify her Dad, David, that his
070986 - brother has died. ref SDS 25 6I6I  Congratulate Julee on her marriage
070987 - last year to Cameron.
070989 -  ..
070990 - On 100309 1001 called Ed on schedule for treating cancer and
070991 - recovering from pneumonia. ref SDS 26 6I6I
070993 -  ..
070994 - On 100313 0823 Kathy called and said that Eddie died yesterday from
070995 - lung cancer. ref SDS 27 6I6I  Received a letter from Amy sent late
070996 - last night, and saying to call her mom right away. ref SDS 27 RB6N
070997 - Called family to let them know Eddie has passed. ref SDS 27 084A
070999 -  ..
071000 - On 100315 1304 letter to Amy submitting a "Requiem for Your Dad"
071001 - expressing condolence on the loss, and appreciation for Ed's life.
071002 - ref SDS 28 6I6I
071004 -  ..
071005 - On 100315 1527 letter from Julee on Eddie dying, ref SDS 29 6I6I,
071006 - responding to the telephone message on 100313 0823. ref SDS 27 ER3S,
071007 - and following up the letter to Julee on 100308 1513, advising that Ed
071008 - was diagnosed with lung cancer. ref SDS 25 6I6I  Julee reports that
071009 - she and Cameron are working on genology, and she requests background
071010 - on Welch family. ref SDS 29 4Y5P
071012 -  ..
071013 - On 100315 2327 letter from Robin with condolence on Ed passing away
071014 - due to lung cancer. ref SDS 30 6I6I
071016 -  ..
071017 - On 100316 1040 received letter from Kathy with plans for memoriam to
071018 - celebrate Ed's life. ref SDS 31 6I6I
071020 -  ..
071021 - On 100316 1622 letter from Amy, ref SDS 32 6I6I, responding to a
071022 - letter with condolence to Amy on the loss of her dad, reported on
071023 - 100315 1304. ref SDS 28 6I6I, and Amy relating that family memebers
071024 - might have been more proactive helping Ed get early medical attention,
071025 - but further and noting that people should take responsiblity for
071026 - themselves. 100316 1622, ref SDS 32 EM6Y
071028 -  ..
071029 - On 100317 1552 received letter from Amy advising that the obituary for
071030 - Ed appears in the Sacramento Bee for 100317, ref SDS 34 6I6I, and
071031 - responding to a letter to Amy on 100315 1304. ref SDS 28 RF9W
071033 -  ..
071034 - On 100318 1209 sent a memoriam to family and friends honoring Ed who
071035 - died from lung cancer on 100312. ref SDS 35 6I6I
071037 -  ..
071038 - On 100318 1336 received comments from Patty on the memoriam for Ed.
071039 - ref SDS 36 6I6I
071041 -  ..
071042 - On 100318 1513 received comments from Rob on the memoriam for Ed.
071043 - ref SDS 37 6I6I; Robby adds important perspective on Ed's life and
071044 - strong character. ref SDS 37 HW82
071046 -  ..
071047 - On 100318 2015 letter from Amy asks to use memoriam for Ed in the
071048 - Church Service this Saturday. ref SDS 38 6I6I
071050 -  ..
071051 - On 100318 2039 notified Amy she use memoriam as she feels appropriate,
071052 - and related discussion with her mom this evening. ref SDS 39 6I6I
071054 -  ..
071055 - On 100320 1220 drove to Methodest Church on H street in Sacramento;
071056 - arrived half hour early and had time to visit with relatives; service
071057 - was conducted by a young woman minister; she did a terrific jog.
071058 - ref SDS 40 6I6I
071060 -  ..
071061 - On 100327 0815 received letter from Candi, sent yesterday, saying that
071062 - she and Larry went to Karen's for Peggy's 90th birthday on the day of
071063 - Ed's memorial. ref SDS 41 6I6I
071065 -  ..
071066 - On 100327 1933 called Kathy and just talked about how she is doing,
071067 - and pleased that Amy and Michael have kept Kathy busy with family
071068 - activities. ref SDS 42 6I6I
071070 -  ..
071071 - On 100329 0024 letter responded to Candi, and notified family of
071072 - burial services for Ed on 100405 1300. ref SDS 0 6I6I
071073 -
071074 -
071075 -
071077 -  ..
0711 -
0712 -
0713 - Progress
0714 -
071401 - Letter to Candi says...
071402 -
071403 -    1.  Subject: Burial Services Ed Apr 5th Veterans Cemetery Dixon
071404 -        Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 00:05:48 -0700
071424 -         ..
071425 -    3.  Thanks for your letter on March 26th, and received yesterday,
071426 -        explaining you and Larry visited Karen and your mom for Peg's
071427 -        90th birthday [reported on 100327 0815. ref SDS 41 3Q7M], same
071428 -        day as services for Eddie, on 100320.
071430 -         ..
071431 -    4.  Memorial services for Ed were a wonderful experience
071432 -        transitioning the family to a new beginning. ref SDS 40 6I6I
071433 -
071434 -            [On 100329 1512 letter from Kathy appreciates Candi's
071435 -            thoughts on Ed's passing. ref SDS 43 PH4J
071436 -
071437 -            [On 100405 2302 letter from Candi reporting she reviewed
071438 -            the record on Eddie's memorial services, and called her
071439 -            mom, Aunt Peggy, to let her know how things went,
071440 -            ref SDS 44 295S; Candi seems to have followed several links
071441 -            to discover heart surgery. ref SDS 44 4R6N
071443 -         ..
071444 -    5.  Turns out that Kathy knew about Peg's 90th birthday from a call
071445 -        with Judy, who indicated that she and Norman were driving to
071446 -        Karen's place in La Jolla for the birthday event [reported on
071447 -        100327 1933, ref SDS 42 MU9O].  Assume that Mike and Janet came
071448 -        down, so the whole "gang" was there.  Reminiscing noted in your
071449 -        letter is fun and cathartic [reported on 100327 0815.
071450 -        ref SDS 41 8Q4V].
071452 -         ..
071453 -    6.  Just confirming with Kathy that on April 5th at 1pm burial
071454 -        services for Ed will be held at the Veterans Cemetery in Dixon,
071455 -        the same location for Uncle Jim's funeral last year [reported
071456 -        on 100327 1933. ref SDS 42 IL5H
071457 -
071458 -            [On 100329 1512 Kathy's letter clarifies time to attend
071459 -            burial services for Ed will be at 1230, not 1300.
071460 -            ref SDS 43 4R4X
071462 -         ..
071463 -    7.  Your mom certainly gives us hope for longevity, at least for
071464 -        you and Karen, and your children.  I owe your mom a call, and
071465 -        look forward to talking with Karen.
071467 -         ..
071468 -    8.  Millie is doing well working her way through the 9th relapse of
071469 -        cancer, and pioneering new ground, e.g., her letter on 090630.
071470 -        ref SDS 10 IY6M
071471 -
071472 -            [On 100405 2302 letter from Candi wishes Millie well for
071473 -            the trip to Europe planned for May. ref SDS 44 295S
071475 -         ..
071476 -    9.  Hoping new treatment enables a trip to Europe in May.
071477 -
071484 -
071485 -
071486 -
071487 -
071488 -
071489 -
071490 -
071491 -
071492 -
071493 -
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0715 -