440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: December 3, 2009 12:24 PM Thursday; Rod Welch

Millie notifies medical team Oxycodone (Percocet) effective for pain relief.


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Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

0403 -
0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
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040501 - Follow up ref SDS 7 0000. ref SDS 6 0000.
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0408 - Progress
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040901 - On 091202 Millie had the 3rd treatment in the 1st cycle of Navelbine.
040902 - ref SDS 6 625I
040904 -  ..
040905 - She is experiencing some possible recovery, but also evident worsening
040906 - of cancer due to lack of treatment targeted to her patient profile.
040908 -  ..
040909 - On 091203 1017 Millie submitted a letter notifying the medical team
040910 - about possible progression of disease, ref SDS 7 4P7G, and requesting
040911 - treatment targeted to her patient profile, ref SDS 7 A99R, following
040912 - up the letter on 091112, ref SDS 2 IL8L, and meeting with Doctor
040913 - Johnson at Kaiser later that day on 091112. ref SDS 3 UT7M  Millie's
040914 - letter earlier this morning, also, reported increased pain, and
040915 - requested prescription for stronger medication. ref SDS 7 A96Y  Doctor
040916 - Johnson prescribed oxychodone (percocet). ref SDS 7 A45P
040918 -  ..
040919 - On 091203 1224 Millie notified the medical team that Doctor Johnson's
040920 - prescription to take oxychodone (percocet) for pain relief was
040921 - effective. ref SDS 0 S69G
040923 -  ..
040924 - Millie's letter says...
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040926 -    1.  Subject: Pain Relief with Oxychodone Effective
040927 -        Date: Thu, 03 Dec 2009 12:31:31 -0800
040941 -         ..
040942 -    3.  I implemented your prescription to take oxychodone, left over
040943 -        from treating pain from falling on the stairs after starting
040944 -        Gemzar on 090728.  After an hour, there is relief, so thank
040945 -        goodness the immediate emergency seems resolved.
040947 -         ..
040948 -    4.  I forgot to mention in the earlier letter asking about draining
040949 -        this bulge, which seems very mushy, and so possibly conducive
040950 -        to a tap of some kind to prevent pain in the left arm, rather
040951 -        than mask systems with medication.  If this marked bulge on the
040952 -        upper left side of my chest is lymphedema, then it may have
040953 -        been driven by rising IBC at the end of treatment with Gemzar 3
040954 -        weeks ago. Therefore, if Navelbine is effective, it might
040955 -        reduce this new swelling in the chest, just as Gemzar reduced
040956 -        swelling in the left arm by initially reducing IBC, noted in
040957 -        your examination on 091021, as reported in my letter to the
040958 -        team on 091022.
040960 -         ..
040961 -    5.  Becky said in her call that you entered a supplemental
040962 -        prescription for Percocet, so I have to visit the hospital in
040963 -        Walnut Creek later today to get the medication.  Please let me
040964 -        know if you can see me for evaluation of this new problem,
040965 -        including elevated blood counts; otherwise, I look forward to
040966 -        our regularly scheduled meeting next week.
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