Welch Company
San Francisco, CA


DIARY: July 21, 2009 02:00 PM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Visit Morris configure c16 run Java and Netbeans for SDS development.

2...Configure C16 for SDS Development 64-bit Program Using Java
3...Ekiga Configure for No Cost Telephone Collaboration on SDS Development
4...Netbeans Configured to Collaborate SDS 64-bit Development
5...LuconP Font from C15 Installed C16 SDS Java Development Project
6...Debug Refinements Enable Continual Processing

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Ekiga Computer Software Free Long Distance Telephone Calls Collabora

1103 -
1103 -    ..
1104 - Summary/Objective
1105 -
110501 - Follow up ref SDS 32 0000. ref SDS 31 0000.
110502 -
110503 -
110504 -
110505 -
110506 -
110508 -  ..
1106 -
1107 -
1108 - Progress
1109 -
110901 - Did not have problems using Ekiga and Realtec for telephone support
110902 - this evening; did not not need to configure Netgear with instructions
110903 - in the record on 090131. ref SDS 11 6Y4L
110904 -
110906 -  ..
110907 - On 090318 planned to build an ascii file that lists commands for the
110908 - new editor. ref SDS 14 JY33
110909 -
110910 -    1.  compiler.............................. 090715, ref SDS 32 YY6N
110911 -    2.  ioff.................................. 090715, ref SDS 32 0I5J
110912 -    3.  debug nnn............................. 090530, ref SDS 29 OY3H
110913 -    4.  -gosubup.............................. 090529, ref SDS 28 OY3H
110914 -    5.  -gosubdn.............................. 090529, ref SDS 28 OY3H
110915 -    6.  -label................................ 090528, ref SDS 27 OY3H
110916 -    7.  -goto................................. 090528, ref SDS 27 OY3H
110917 -    8.  -gg................................... 090528, ref SDS 27 OY3H
110918 -    9.  -gosub................................ 090528, ref SDS 27 OY3H
110919 -   10.  -return............................... 090528, ref SDS 27 OY3H
110920 -   11.  -exit................................. 090528, ref SDS 27 OY3H
110921 -   12.  -d.................................... 090528, ref SDS 27 OY3H
110922 -   13.  -u.................................... 090528, ref SDS 27 OY3H
110923 -   14.  -if @................................. 090528, ref SDS 27 OY3H
110924 -   15.  join.................................. 090528, ref SDS 27 OY3H
110925 -   16.  split................................. 090528, ref SDS 27 OY3H
110926 -   17.  n<<................................... 090528, ref SDS 27 OY3H
110927 -   18.  n>>................................... 090528, ref SDS 27 OY3H
110928 -   19.  file.................................. 090511, ref SDS 26 HA3L
110929 -   20.  purge................................. 090511, ref SDS 26 HA3L
110930 -   21.  load.................................. 090511, ref SDS 26 HA3L
110931 -   22.  pcmd2................................. 090511, ref SDS 26 HA3L
110932 -   23.  datecnt n 0........................... 090511, ref SDS 26 QX4O
110933 -   24.  rs.................................... 090511  ref SDS 26 HA3L
110934 -   25.  ins_text.............................. 090511, ref SDS 26 HA3L
110935 -   26.  markcur nn............................ 090504, ref SDS 25 HA3L
110936 -   27.  ecur nn............................... 090504, ref SDS 25 HA3L
110937 -   28.  errorcnt 0 0.......................... 090504, ref SDS 25 HA3L
110938 -   29.  aw.................................... 090504, ref SDS 25 HA3L
110939 -   30.  eol................................... 090504, ref SDS 25 HA3L
110940 -   31.  of.................................... 090504, ref SDS 25 HA3L
110941 -   32.  quit.................................. 090504, ref SDS 25 HA3L
110942 -   33.  setgbl................................ 090504, ref SDS 25 HA3L
110943 -   34.  getgbl................................ 090504, ref SDS 25 HA3L
110944 -   35.  gfname................................ 090504, ref SDS 25 HA3L
110945 -   36.  pushc popc............................ 090504, ref SDS 25 HA3L
110946 -   37.  savescr n............................. 090504, ref SDS 25 HA3L
110947 -   38.  linecnt............................... 090430, ref SDS 24 KF9G
110948 -   39.  margin................................ 090430, ref SDS 24 KF9G
110949 -   40.  dos /c................................ 090430, ref SDS 24 XT4F
110950 -   41.  dosepath.............................. 090430, ref SDS 24 ET3M
110951 -   42.  fr.................................... 090420, ref SDS 22 HD5J
110952 -   43.  fl.................................... 090420, ref SDS 22 HD5J
110953 -   44.  nb.................................... 090420, ref SDS 22 WE62
110954 -   45.  pfe................................... 090420, ref SDS 22 WE5N
110955 -   46.  l-/    /.............................. 090417, ref SDS 21 H95M
110956 -   47.  zonereps.............................. 090413, ref SDS 19 C946
110957 -   48.  repscnt............................... 090413, ref SDS 19 C946
110958 -   49.  c /xyz/zzz/* *........................ 090408, ref SDS 18 DO45
110959 -   50.  zone.................................. 090331, ref SDS 16 PA54
110960 -   51.  l /     /............................. 090331, ref SDS 16 PA54
110961 -   52.  s /     /............................. 090331, ref SDS 16 PA54
110962 -   53.  pf10.................................. 090331, ref SDS 16 KM9G
110963 -   54.  pa7................................... 090331, ref SDS 16 KM9G
110964 -   55.  immed commands........................ 090320, ref SDS 15 KM9G
110965 -   56.  annotate.............................. 090119, ref SDS 8 UI4M
110966 -   57.  color................................. 090119, ref SDS 8 IS6K
110967 -   58.  setcolor.............................. 090119, ref SDS 8 IS6K
110968 -   59.  @filename............................. 090119, ref SDS 8 CB8N
110969 -   60.  setcur 0 0............................ 090119, ref SDS 8 CB8N
110970 -   61.  setcura n 0........................... 090119, ref SDS 8 CB8N
110971 -   62.  inscnt 0 0............................ 090119, ref SDS 8 CB8N
110972 -   63.  medit................................. 090119, ref SDS 8 CB8N
110973 -   64.  e..................................... 090119, ref SDS 8 CB8N
110974 -
110976 -  ..
110977 - Planning to work on....
110978 -
110979 -    1.  compiler........................ ref OF 2 VR5L
110980 -    2.  er ..............(not needed)... ref OF 2 QWTZ
110981 -    3.  repeat n ........(not needed)... ref OF 2 2RSR
110982 -    4.  oo ..............(not needed)... ref OF 2 2RQQ
110983 -    5.  ins_down ........(not needed)... ref OF 2 2RVY
110984 -    6.  recl n...........(not needed)... ref OF 2 2TVS
110985 -    7.  rep_down.........(not needed)... ref OF 2 2XXT
110986 -    8.  ESC <>..........(not needed)... ref OF 2 2TSU
110987 -    9.  attr........(peculiar to DOS)... ref OF 2 QW6J
110988 -   10.  savc.............(not needed)... ref OF 2 R47G
110989 -   11.  wsplit <num>.................... ref OF 2 RQSU
110990 -   12.  addtabs......................... ref OF 2 2UPW
110991 -   13.  wrapon wrapoff.................. ref OF 2 2YUT
110992 -   14.  wrapflag 1 or 0................. ref OF 2 QUYT
110993 -   15.  space 1......................... ref OF 2 QVQS
110994 -   16.  ragon ragoff.................... ref OF 2 QPPP
110995 -   17.  pad1............................ ref OF 2 2SVT
110996 -   18.  nopad........................... ref OF 2 2SWQ
110997 -   19.  errormsg........................ ref OF 2 QVYQ
110998 -   20.  tl.............................. ref OF 2 TSTY
110999 -   21.  tm.............................. ref OF 2 RQPP
111000 -   22.  jj.............................. ref OF 2 2RXR
111001 -   23.  jc.............................. ref OF 2 2SPR
111002 -   24.  jl.............................. ref OF 2 2SPX
111003 -   25.  jr.............................. ref OF 2 2SQX
111004 -   26.  ul.............................. ref OF 2 2WTS
111005 -   27.  lr.............................. ref OF 2 2WUS
111006 -   28.  cut............................. ref OF 2 2WVS
111007 -   29.  copy............................ ref OF 2 2XRR
111008 -   30.  clear........................... ref OF 2 2XSS
111009 -   31.  paste........................... ref OF 2 2XTU
111010 -   32.  insert.......................... ref OF 2 2XWP
111011 -   33.  ledger.......................... ref OF 2 QXPR
111012 -   34.  stats........................... ref OF 2 2SWX
111013 -   35.  nostats......................... ref OF 2 2SXX
111014 -   36.  tabs............................ ref OF 2 2SYT
111015 -   37.  tabsoff......................... ref OF 2 2TPQ
111016 -   38.  notabs.......................... ref OF 2 2TQV
111017 -   39.  ffile.COM (sf.com).............. ref OF 2 QVSP
111018 -
111020 -  ..
111021 - Configure C16 for SDS Development 64-bit Program Using Java
111022 -
111023 - Morris worked on configuring c16 to solve device driver problems
111024 - reported on 090715. ref SDS 33 CH5H
111026 -  ..
111027 - Morris used the Device Manager to get a specification for the "Unknown
111028 - Device" and found on the Internet the unidentified driver is for
111029 - running the fingerprint reader that is an alternate system log on
111030 - identifier feature to entering a password.
111032 -  ..
111033 - He found many other people are looking for these drivers.  Morris
111034 - downloaded several drivers from the Internet.  None would would
111035 - install on c16.  So the problem on 090715 still exists.  Maybe Ryan
111036 - will have a solution today.
111037 -
111038 -        [On 090729 1700 Ryan found and installed "unidentified" device
111039 -        driver which he said is for a motherboard cooling fan; this
111040 -        eliminated hardware error on system launch. ref SDS 34 W29I
111041 -
111043 -  ..
111044 - Ekiga Configure for No Cost Telephone Collaboration on SDS Development
111045 -
111046 - Morris downloaded another version of Ekiga from the Internet, rather
111047 - than use the copy installed on c15 during the meeting on 090131.
111048 - ref SDS 11 RT8M   Installed Ekiga to...
111049 -
111050 -        c: sd 60
111052 -  ..
111053 - Could not get a successful run for echo test.  Tried running Ekiga on
111054 - c15, and this worked correctly.  We have a mystery.
111056 -  ..
111057 - After returning home, noticed the new Ekiga code Morris downloaded
111058 - today is less than 50% of the code used successfully on 090131.
111060 -  ..
111061 - Will try removing Ekiga and installing the prior code that ran
111062 - successfully.
111063 -
111064 -
1111 -

Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

1203 -
120401 -  ..
120402 - Netbeans Configured to Collaborate SDS 64-bit Development
120403 -
120404 - Morris installed Netbeans and set up the SDS development project,
120405 - including Antlr code.
120407 -  ..
120408 - Java development program files are in...
120409 -
120410 -        h: 00 65................................ Java
120411 -        h: 00 66................................ Netbeans
120412 -        h: 00 67................................ Sun AppServer
120413 -        h: 00 68................................ Antlr
120415 -  ..
120416 - Morris ran the Medit development process to test Java, Netbeans, and
120417 - Antlr setup on c16.  Everything worked correctly, except the luconP
120418 - font is not displaying for some reason.
120419 -
120420 -
120421 -
1205 -

Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

1303 -
130401 -  ..
130402 - LuconP Font from C15 Installed C16 SDS Java Development Project
130403 -
130404 - Follow up ref SDS 11 4N5K, ref SDS 10 425H.
130405 -
130406 - Investigation showed this was not copied from c15 to configure c16 on
130407 - 090715.  Today, copied the font to c16...
130408 -
130409 -             i: windows fonts luconp.ttf
130411 -  ..
130412 - This font is described as...
130413 -
130414 -             i: windows fonts Lucida ConsoleP (True Type)
130416 -  ..
130417 - Since the font was not in the Windows font directory on c16, Morris'
130418 - code for Medit did not display the luconp.ttf
130420 -  ..
130421 - After copying the luconp.ttf file from...
130422 -
130423 -             c15 i: windows fonts luconp.ttf
130424 -
130425 - ...to...
130426 -
130427 -             c16 i: windows fonts luconp.ttf
130429 -  ..
130430 - The wrong font still displayed in the Java Medit editor.
130432 -  ..
130433 - Morris investigated and discovered he has configured the Java Medit
130434 - development code to use a different font, a courier specification of
130435 - some kind.   This conflicts with the record on 090131 when Morris
130436 - received the luconp.ttf file attached to a letter from Gary Johnson.
130437 - ref SDS 11 4N5K
130439 -  ..
130440 - Morris then recalled changing procedures.  The file from Gary was a
130441 - version of luconp.ttf font file that works for Microsoft Windows XP
130442 - operating system.  After getting the font file on 090131, Morris
130443 - sometime later switched to working almost exclusively with Linux.  He
130444 - therefore changed the font specification to a font available in Linix.
130446 -  ..
130447 - Since we are developing initially for Windows, today Morris switched
130448 - the font assignment back to luconP.ttf.
130450 -  ..
130451 - Additionally, on 090131, Morris developed a font command that can be
130452 - used in macro 150 to set font command to luconP.ttf, however the
130453 - specification is odd in calling a font name, rather than the command
130454 - file, reported on 090131 1300. ref SDS 11 D45G
130455 -
130456 -            [On 100731 0931 Morris assigned default font again to
130457 -            internal Java Medit code, after using somthing else for a
130458 -            month, because losing the assignment when he changed the
130459 -            operating system on his home computers, and using computers
130460 -            at San Jose State. ref SDS 35 IL4J
130461 -
130462 -
130463 -
130464 -
130465 -
130466 -
1305 -

Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

1403 -
140401 -  ..
140402 - Debug Refinements Enable Continual Processing
140403 -
140404 - Debug was reviewed.  Morris saw the problem of the screen jumping
140405 - constantly.
140407 -  ..
140408 - He will research to find a solution.
140410 -  ..
140411 - He will further investigate making keyboard work to run debug as with
140412 - the current program.
140414 -  ..
140415 - Morris feels this might work better as a stand-alone program.
140416 -
140417 -
140418 -
140419 -
140420 -
140421 -
140422 -
140423 -
140424 -
140425 -
1405 -