440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: November 6, 2008 10:45 AM Thursday; Rod Welch

Doctor Johnson asks if Millie gets echocardiogram instead of Muga test.


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Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record

0403 -
0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 12 0000, ref SDS 10 0000.
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0408 - Progress
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040901 - Millie received a telephone recorded message from UCSF saying she has
040902 - a meeting with a doctor at UCSF on Friday 081107 0900. ref SDS 9 UY5G
040903 - Later in the evening Millie received a second recorded message.  This
040904 - was from the Nuclear Medicine Department at Kaiser in Walnut Creek,
040905 - which said Millie has a meeting on 081106 1030. ref SDS 9 6H6F
040907 -  ..
040908 - Since Millie is out of town, sent a letter to Glenna with a copy to
040909 - the primary care physician at Kaiser asking for clarification of
040910 - Millie's medical schedule. ref SDS 9 AH6N
040912 -  ..
040913 - Glenna responded that UCSF has ordered no tests by Nuclear Medicine.
040914 - ref SDS 11 QS9Y  She confirmed in her letter on 081105 the tests UCSF
040915 - has ordered for Millie, ref SDS 11 QS4T, which aligns with her earlier
040916 - letter on 081031. ref SDS 7 SI6R
040918 -  ..
040919 - Called Kaiser Nuclear Medicine on 081105 and learned that on 081103
040920 - the primary care physician ordered a Muga test for Millie and
040921 - scheduled the work on 081106 1030. ref SDS 10 WO6O  Kaiser initially
040922 - changed this to 081111 1400 because Millie is out of town on 081106
040923 - (today). ref SDS 10 Q13N  Katie then called back and changed the time
040924 - for the test on 081111 from 1400 to 0930. ref SDS 10 N54H
040926 -  ..
040927 - Millie submitted a letter late yesterday afternoon on 081105 notifying
040928 - the medical team about these changes so that everybody is working from
040929 - the same schedule. ref SDS 12 LR9F
040931 -  ..
040932 - This morning Millie received a letter from the primary care physician
040933 - responding to Millie's letter on 081105 1807 and saying...
040934 -
040935 -    1.  Subject:  Muga Test Scheduled at Kaiser Nov 11th
040936 -        Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2008 09:59:36 -0800
040942 -         ..
040943 -        I thought you were going to have an Echo instead??
040945 -  ..
040946 - During a meeting at Kaiser on 081024 Millie reviewed the Consent
040947 - Document for the sunitinib clinical study with the primary care
040948 - physician.  At that time, the doctor highlighted in yellow screening
040949 - tests required for participation.
040950 -
040951 -            [ another record today on 081106 Millie responds to
040952 -            the medical team confirming that an echocardiogram is
040953 -            scheduled for 081110 0930, ref SDS 13 WH9N, and asks if
040954 -            this duplicates the Muga test, then can the Muga test be
040955 -            cancelled? ref SDS 13 T66S
040957 -             ..
040958 -            [ another record today on 081106 1521 primary care
040959 -            physician cancels Muga test scheduled on 081111 0930.
040960 -            ref SDS 14 2J9M
040962 -  ..
040963 - The doctor ordered these tests, including echocardiogram scheduled
040964 - for 081110 0930.
040966 -  ..
040967 - This is shown in the work plan on 081029, ref SDS 5 SE4N, which was
040968 - submitted to the medical team on 081031. ref SDS 6 UM8M
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