440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 16, 2008 12:38 PM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Ike called to confirm planning for CT test with Power Port tomorrow.
2...Kaiser Investigating Assignments for CT Test With Power Port on 080718
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Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
0403 -
0403 - ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
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040501 - Follow up ref SDS 31 0000. ref SDS 30 0000.
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0408 - Progress
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040901 - Kaiser Investigating Assignments for CT Test With Power Port on 080718
040902 -
040903 - Follow up ref SDS 31 RA9H, ref SDS 30 2P3N.
040904 -
040905 - Ike called per planning on 080711 that he would notify today Millie
040906 - about arrangements fo the CT test tomorrow. ref SDS 29 JR7Y
040908 - ..
040909 - Ike confirmed Arlette's message yesterday that the doctor solved the
040910 - problems so that Millie will get a CT test tomorrow using the Power
040911 - Port. ref SDS 31 RB6P
040913 - ..
040914 - Ike advised that the CT Department has cancelled Millie's meeting in
040915 - the Infusion Clinic for 080718 1030 to access the port for the test on
040916 - Friday at 1100. Meeting with the Infusion Clinic was scheduled weeks
040917 - ago on 080617 at the request of the CT Department. ref SDS 17 DF6Y At
040918 - that time Cal indicated patients schedule port access for CT tests,
040919 - because the CT Department was unable to coordinate with the Infusion
040920 - Clinic. Today, prior cross-departmental coordination seems to be
040921 - improved.
040922 -
040923 - [On 080718 Infusion Clinic meeting at 1030 was not cancelled.
040924 - ref SDS 33 2U4S
040926 - ..
040927 - Ike said Millie should come directly to the CT Department rather than
040928 - go to the Infusion Clinic. CT Department staff will access the port,
040929 - and after the test, the staff will remove the Huber needle according
040930 - to protocol, so that Millie need not return to the Infusion Clinic, as
040931 - originally instructed by the CT Department on 080617. ref SDS 17 DF6Y
040933 - ..
040934 - Ike indicated he had not received Millie's letter sent yesterday to
040935 - the medical team thanking him for timely action arranging the CT test
040936 - according to Kaiser's schedule on 080617, and meeting UCSF
040937 - requirements, ref SDS 31 AW9P, and further asking if UCSF should leave
040938 - the Huber needle in the port for chemotherapy treatment on Thursday,
040939 - ref SDS 31 AW9S, so that it can be used for the CT test the next day
040940 - at Kaiser on 080718.
040942 - ..
040943 - Ike initially noted that since the CT Department made extra effort to
040944 - arrange for Millie to get the CT test with Power Port according to
040945 - Kaiser's schedule presented a month ago on 080617, ref SDS 17 DF55,
040946 - that Millie should get the port accessed at Kaiser rather than Kaiser
040947 - use the access made by UCSF the day before. Asking the CT Department
040948 - to investigate further seemed like an annoying waste of time and
040949 - expense.
040951 - ..
040952 - We reviewed Kaiser cost containment objectives cited by Arlette in the
040953 - call yesterday on 080715, when the Oncology Infusion Clinic could not
040954 - spare the expense to send a nurse to the CT Test Department in order
040955 - to access Millie's Power Port, ref SDS 31 PQ6P, as suggested by Ike on
040956 - 080711. ref SDS 29 JQ98 Using port access at UCSF for a CT test the
040957 - next day presents an equal efficiency savings for Kaiser. Ike was not
040958 - aware that Kaiser had accessed Millie's port on 080708 in Walnut
040959 - Creek, ref SDS 26 BF4K, for use at UCSF in San Francisco 2 days later
040960 - on 080710. ref SDS 28 TZ6H
040962 - ..
040963 - Another factor is experience of the medical professional who will
040964 - access the port for the test on Friday. Millie has high confidence in
040965 - UCSF accessing the Power Port, because Catherine has been doing this
040966 - every week for Millie over the past 18 months. UCSF has been working
040967 - with Power Ports for over a year, reported on 080501. ref SDS 10 TQ6F
040968 - Ike indicated on 080711 that the CT Test Department is just starting
040969 - to contact the HR department to set up training for using Power Ports
040970 - to inject contrast medium on CT tests. This is a new protocol for the
040971 - CT Test Department at Kaiser in Walnut Creek. ref SDS 29 JQ55 One of
040972 - the more complex tasks in the protocol is accessing the port for
040973 - "power injection," as set out in the manufacturer's "Instructions for
040974 - Use," reviewed on 080708. ref SDS 26 JE7N
040975 -
040976 - [On 080717 Catherine had no trouble accessing the Power
040977 - Port for treatment at UCSF, took only about 1 minute,
040978 - relying on skills from years of experience. ref SDS 32
040979 - IL7F
040981 - ..
040982 - Port access skill improves with experience. Someone who does this
040983 - only occassionally can make mistakes. Millie's patient history on
040984 - 080409 shows salient example of concern for quality care accessing the
040985 - port with a Huber needle. At that time, Millie was treated in the
040986 - Emergency clinic. The nurse had some experience accessing ports, but
040987 - made a big mistake using a needle that was too small, which delayed
040988 - the work and caused pain and suffering to the patient. ref SDS 8 IG6S
040989 -
040990 - [On 080718 Power Port use failed at Kaiser for the CT
040991 - test due to port access issues; using the Huber needle
040992 - that accessed the Power Port for treatment at UCSF the
040993 - day before would have reduced risks of mistakes at
040994 - Kaiser for the CT test. ref SDS 33 FL79
040996 - ..
040997 - [On 080801 Bard asks about Huber needle used for the CT
040998 - test today - could be defective, ref SDS 34 OV5I; Kaiser
040999 - was trained a year earlier, but adopted policy not to
041000 - use Power Ports for CT tests, so nobody has experience,
041001 - ref SDS 34 OV9H, Julie offes to consult during Millie's
041002 - next CT test. ref SDS 34 OW41
041004 - ..
041005 - Earlier in the Emergency Department on 061027 a nurse who used Huber
041006 - needles infrequently, was training a new nurse and Millie was the
041007 - sample patient, a 2 minute job took 30 minutes due to a series of
041008 - complications that typically occur during training. ref SDS 6 ZP43
041010 - ..
041011 - Ike decided to investigate UCSF leaving the Huber needle in place
041012 - after accessing the Power Port for Millie's chemotherapy treatment
041013 - tomorrow, so that Kaiser can use the same access for the CT test on
041014 - Friday. He will call back.
041015 -
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041018 - ..
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0413 - 1315
0414 -
041401 - Ike called back, and said he was told by "the powers that be"
041402 - "absolutely not!"
041404 - ..
041405 - [On 080717 Catherine had no trouble accessing the Power
041406 - Port for treatment at UCSF, took only about 1 minute,
041407 - relying on skills from years of experience. ref SDS 32
041408 - IL7F
041410 - ..
041411 - Kaiser will not use a Huber needle from UCSF accessing the Power Port
041412 - on Thursday for Millie's treatment, for a power injection of contrast
041413 - medium required for Millie's CT test the next day on Friday. Ike said
041414 - he was told this conflicts with Kaiser's quality care standards for
041415 - safe, effective, and sterile Huber needle use.
041416 -
041417 - [On 080718 Power Port use failed at Kaiser for the CT
041418 - test due to port access issues, ref SDS 33 LK3R; using
041419 - the Huber needle that accessed the Power Port for
041420 - treatment at UCSF the day before would have reduced
041421 - risks of mistakes at Kaiser for the CT test, ref SDS 33
041422 - FL75; communication mixup caused extra cost, pain,
041423 - stress, and anxiety for the patient and staff.
041424 - ref SDS 33 FL83
041426 - ..
041427 - Since emotions from stress and anxiety at Kaiser have increased from
041428 - work the past week lining up a CT test using Millie's Power Port and
041429 - to meet the schedule Kaiser submitted on 080617, reported by Ike last
041430 - week on 080711, ref SDS 29 PP7O, there was no further inquiry on
041431 - issues raised by discussion today...
041432 -
041433 - 1. Kaiser proposed on 080606 to access the Power Port with a
041434 - Huber needle in the surgery department for use in the CT
041435 - Department at Kaiser within a few days, and for use at UCSF
041436 - for Millie's chemotherapy treatment.
041438 - ..
041439 - 2. Kaiser accessed Millie's Power Port with a Huber needle on
041440 - 080708 and did a blood draw for laboratory tests,
041441 - ref SDS 26 BF4K, and then bandaged the Huber needle for use
041442 - at UCSF 2 days later on 080710. UCSF used the Huber needle
041443 - accessing the Power Port on 080710 without incident.
041444 - ref SDS 28 TZ6H
041446 - ..
041447 - 3. Why does Kaiser quality care permit using a Huber needle
041448 - accessing a port at Kaiser in Walnut Creek for use at UCSF
041449 - in San Francisco 2 days later not permit accessing the port
041450 - at UCSF, where there is a lot of experience, for use at
041451 - Kaiser where there is no experience?
041453 - ..
041454 - Reducing the number of complex tasks people undertake
041455 - starting a new protocol reduces risks to the patient of
041456 - mistakes being the first patient for the protocol.
041457 -
041458 - [On 080718 Power Port use failed at Kaiser for the CT
041459 - test due to port access issues; using the Huber needle
041460 - that accessed the Power Port for treatment at UCSF the
041461 - day before would have reduced risks of mistakes at
041462 - Kaiser for the CT test. ref SDS 33 FL79
041464 - ..
041465 - Ike said he's looking forward to a good test using the Power Port for
041466 - Millie on Friday.
041467 -
041468 - [On 080718 Ike was not at work; Dennis was the CT
041469 - Technologist for Millie's test. ref SDS 33 02DF
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