440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 15, 2006 10:37 AM Sunday;
Rod Welch
Ross moving the chains football, life, Hutch future medical career.
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Moving the Chains Philosophy Ancient Greece Far East Confucius Advan
0403 -
0403 - ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 10 0000. ref SDS 9 0000.
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040509 - ..
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0408 - Progress
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040901 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 to Ross and responding to his letter,
040902 - ref DRP 1 0001 received on 060908, ref SDS 10 JQ7K, and answering the
040903 - letter submitted on 060823, ref DIP 3 0001, as shown in the record on
040904 - that date. ref SDS 9 JG6I
040906 - ..
040907 - Letter to Ross says...
040908 -
040909 - 1. Glad to hear someone is "moving the chains," cited in your
040910 - letter on September 8th. ref SDS 10 GQ6Q
040912 - ..
040913 - 2. Many feel the foundations of modern life emerged from the
040914 - cradle of civilization. Ancient Greece of Socrates, Plato, and
040915 - Aristotle waxed eloquent with epic literary lore. Homer,
040916 - Pandora's Box, Prometheus come to mind, along with Thucydides
040917 - credited for advancing the practice of literacy, reported on
040918 - 991108, ref SDS 1 7048, and developed from research on Hutch's
040919 - paper. ref SDS 1 4355 Other's embrace Far East culture for the
040920 - wisdom of Confucius. Today, however, people are experiencing
040921 - an epiphany through powerful theories formalized in the West
040922 - Coast Offense. Naturally, I was pleased to hear of your part
040923 - in advancing the engine of the Walsh philosophy to "move the
040924 - chains."
040926 - ..
040927 - 3. Doubtless, George Bush would love to "move the chains" in Iraq,
040928 - and now in North Korea, and in the upcoming elections. So,
040929 - too, IBM, Microsoft, Proctor & Gamble, the Yankees (what a
040930 - bust), Enron, Time-Warner, Disney, and so on, yearn for the
040931 - secret of "moving the chains."
040932 -
040933 - [On 080712 financial meldown accelerates with economy
040934 - sinking from bad management. ref SDS 11 A55P
040936 - ..
040937 - [On 080919 follow up letter asks about weathering the storm
040938 - on Wall Street. ref SDS 12 IL5H
040940 - ..
040941 - [On 080923 Ross submits report that Stu, now a senior,
040942 - rushed for 293 yards in a winning effort for the high
040943 - school football team. ref SDS 13 PF6I
040945 - ..
040946 - 4. Keeping with a football metaphor, Mil was thrown for a big loss
040947 - recently. The doctor took her off of treatment for pulmonary
040948 - emboli on 051121, on the grounds that her diagnosis on 041104
040949 - was attributed to the Avastin drug trial (I know this is a
040950 - little detailed, but its kind of funny). He reasoned that
040951 - Kaiser's policy to treat cancer patients for life should be
040952 - ignored, despite family history of related issues, despite
040953 - warning by the Coagulation Treatment Department, and despite a
040954 - 2nd opinion recommending hypercoagulable state work up (fancy
040955 - terminology for keeping Mil on treatment). So this past July,
040956 - Mil's oldest son, now about 52, was hospitalized with relapse
040957 - of pulmonary emboli, and his doctor did a test that identified
040958 - genetic disposition for this disorder. After ignoring a
040959 - mountain of evidence, Millie asked about getting a CT test to
040960 - check it out. Surprise, the doctor called and said how sorry
040961 - he was that test results show Millie has pulmonary emboli
040962 - again, too, and has to go back on treatment...
040963 -
040964 -
040966 - ..
040967 - 5. Research on PE shows that only 10% of people relapse, but 45%
040968 - of those who relapse die. Somehow that 45% number jumps out,
040969 - saying that Millie has dodged a very big bullet. More
040970 - recently, she "moved the chains" for another "set of downs" by
040971 - stabilizing her PE condition, and we think the cancer relapse
040972 - is showing some recovery.
040974 - ..
040975 - 6. If Hutch sticks with ambitions to become a doctor, maybe he can
040976 - "move the chains" in medical practice. Hopefully, Stu can
040977 - follow his dad's example and "move the chains" in engineering,
040978 - marketing, management, whatever. Of course, it is an uphill
040979 - battle, as you noted in a letter on 920402. The inertia of
040980 - culture makes "moving the chains" on the field of life even
040981 - more difficult than the combined defenses of the Pittsburgh
040982 - Steelers, the Baltimore Ravens, and the Denver Broncos, as
040983 - discussed in NWO...
040984 -
040985 -
040987 - ..
040988 - 7. Glad to hear in your recent letter that all is well.
040989 - Interesting that Nina's daughter is going to the military
040990 - academy. Assume Richard is okay.
040992 - ..
040993 - 8. Keep "moving the chains."
040995 - ..
040996 - 9. Our best to Claudia.
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